
What is the difference between a diesel engine and a gasoline engine

Differences between gasoline and diesel engines

Experts have different opinions, so the motorist must determine for himself which fuel is preferable for him. If you pay attention to prices at gas stations, you will notice that diesel fuel is cheaper.

But what about the stories about the impossibility of traveling in severe frosts? We often hear that one refueling with low-quality fuel will lead to failure. The engine will have to be repaired, and the owner will spend a significant amount.

Note that if you are an experienced motorist, you are not afraid of these frightening problems. Understand the operation of the motor and choose the most preferable option for yourself.

Video about which engine is preferable for a passenger car:

The principle of operation of a diesel engine is that the internal combustion engine works like a piston, and when it is compressed, the fuel liquid ignites. The fuel enters the cylinder separately from the air.

The principle of operation of a gasoline engine : a mixture of gasoline and air is supplied to the spark plugs and, with their help, is ignited.

When the diesel engine is running, a strong roar is heard, and black exhaust with a very unpleasant odor is emitted.
Today, with the help of technological progress, these problems have become solvable. Diesel cars are produced, which in terms of environmental characteristics are much better than gasoline ones. A drawback in the operation of a diesel engine is that diesel fuel collapses at temperatures below? 20 ° C. Therefore, for the winter you need to stock up on special fuel or add an additive - antigel. At the same time, it should be noted that DT is a cheaper option. Diesel engines also have a very high efficiency rate - about 50%, which indicates significant fuel savings and low emissions of harmful substances. All this can also be attributed to the advantages of a diesel engine over a gasoline engine. A gasoline engine, especially in new cars, runs quietly. The environmental pollution from the operation of such a unit is much less than from older diesel vehicles. It should also be noted that gasoline is resistant to strong temperature drops. A diesel engine can use a two- or four-stroke cycle. In the first stage, the piston moves downward and draws air through the open intake valve. On the second, this part moves upward, and the air in the cylinder is compressed. The compression ratio ranges from 14:1–24:1, the air is heated to a temperature of 800 °C. At the end of this stroke, the nozzle sprays fuel into hot air under a pressure of 1500 kgf/cm². At the third stage, the atomized fuel liquid itself ignites and burns almost completely in the cylinder. The force generated by this process drives the piston. It begins to move down, converting chemical energy into mechanical energy. In the fourth stage, exhaust gases are released through an open valve as the piston moves upward. Then the motor again begins to suck in air for a new working cycle. Diesel engines use systems with a pre-chamber or direct injection chamber. Injection engines are more efficient and economical. They are used for cargo and utility vehicles. Most often, a system with a pre-chamber is installed on passenger cars. Its operation is more silent, and the amount of emissions into the atmosphere is much less. When compared with a gasoline engine, it can be noted that diesel is a more economical option, especially at partial loads. To reduce harmful emissions in a diesel car, you can use a turbocharger with a drive. With the help of this device, the power output and efficiency of the motor are further increased.

Types of combustion chambers in diesel engines:

  • systems with a prechamber - used in passenger cars, additional ignition occurs in the prechamber to obtain a high-quality mixture;
  • systems with a vortex pre-chamber - the combustion process occurs in an additional vortex chamber, made in the form of a disk with a neck.

Due to the robust design of the cylinder block, diesel is considered more durable.
In our country, most often problems with such an engine arise as a result of the use of low-quality fuel. You have to change the oil and filter frequently. Troubles may also arise during repairs, since the diesel engine has a very complex design, and spare parts for it are expensive. A gasoline vehicle is less responsive to the quality of the fuel. The engine speed and power are very high. Spare parts for repairs are more accessible. Difference between diesel and gasoline engine:

  1. In a diesel engine, fuel is supplied to the cylinder separately from the air, while in a gasoline engine it is supplied together.
  2. Diesel has a longer service life.
  3. A gasoline car runs silently.
  4. When using a diesel engine, you have to change the oil and filter frequently.
  5. A diesel engine has a much higher efficiency rate.
  6. A gasoline engine does not pollute the environment as much.
  7. Gasoline is more resistant to temperature drops.

In order to make a choice, it is necessary to conduct a comparative description of the fundamental differences according to certain criteria, namely:

  1. Cost-effective and efficient. When a gasoline engine is running, the fluid ignites forcibly from a spark, while in a diesel engine it ignites spontaneously, with compression up to 1:25. For a gasoline engine this figure is 1:12. Thus, diesel is more efficient in fuel combustion.
  2. Vibration and noise. Diesel has higher noise characteristics due to the operation of powerful parts. Nowadays, specialists are introducing new technologies, thereby trying to achieve silent operation of the motor. In this they have achieved some success, and now they are producing passenger cars with an improved diesel engine.
  3. Ecology. Since a diesel engine has higher efficiency and fuel combustion, it produces less harmful emissions than a gasoline engine.
  4. Power characteristics. A gasoline engine develops higher power, while a diesel engine has more torque, and it develops at low speeds.
  5. Reliability. Diesel engine parts are made of stronger material, as it must withstand enormous power loads. However, if low-quality fuel is used, such an engine will fail ahead of schedule.
  6. Vehicle price. A diesel car always costs more than a gasoline car, because fuel prices differ greatly. At the same time, every driver, when purchasing a car, must remember our harsh winters and the quality of diesel fuel sold at gas stations.

To understand why a diesel engine is better than a gasoline engine and whether this is really the case, it is necessary to summarize all the above information and note the disadvantages and advantages of both types of engines.

The advantages of diesel include:

  • very good traction at low speeds;
  • work without spark plugs and distributor;
  • low fuel consumption.

The disadvantages of diesel include:

  • the need for more frequent oil and filter changes;
  • high noise and vibration characteristics;
  • fuel system sensitivity.

The advantages of a gasoline engine include:

  • higher liter capacity;
  • work at high speeds without any problems;
  • low noise and vibration characteristics.

The disadvantages of a gasoline engine include:

  • necessity for spark plugs to work;
  • very high fuel consumption;
  • power value, which is at rpm 3500–4000.

It is impossible to clearly give preference to a gasoline or diesel engine. Each of them has both advantages and disadvantages. Having carried out a comparative analysis, it can be noted that diesel wins according to the following criteria: environmental friendliness, reliability, economy and efficiency. At the same time, the gasoline engine is not inferior in such indicators as power, vibration and noise. And the cost of the car itself is much lower.

In the video, which is better, a gasoline or diesel engine:

A diesel engine is best used for intensive work. It is possible to effectively carry out commercial activities using such a vehicle. In Western European countries, preference is given to diesel.

However, we should not rely on them, because Western fuel is much higher quality and specialists are more competent in engine repair issues.

When choosing an engine, every car enthusiast must rely on his own opinion, because only he himself knows for what purpose he is purchasing the car.


Difference between gasoline and diesel engines

Diesel or gasoline? – a question that has arisen among motorists for many years. Despite disputes and discussions, identifying positive or negative aspects, gasoline still predominates on Russian roads. The same cannot be said about Europe. In recent years, the popularity of diesel engines in European countries has increased significantly. And there is a reason for this.

Of course, both options are not without their advantages and disadvantages. But it’s difficult to say for sure which “engine” is better. But let's take things in order.

Which engine is more efficient?

Anyone interested may notice that the most powerful cars, racing supercars, run on a gasoline engine. While heavy-duty SUVs and crossovers are increasingly being designed for diesel.

Gasoline engines, with the same displacement, outperform diesel engines in terms of the number of horses under the hood. Speed, acceleration, dynamics are the prerogative of gasoline engines. But in off-road situations, diesel vehicles have an advantage due to their greater traction.

Gasoline engine model

The main difference in the performance of “multi-fuel” units is that gasoline units achieve maximum torque at high speeds. Diesel engines have higher torque at lower speeds.

Which one is more economical?

The vast majority of diesel cars consume less fuel in city, highway and combined driving than their gasoline counterparts. This difference lies in the combustion system in the air-fuel mixture cylinders:

  • There is less pressure on the mixture of gasoline engines, due to which its combustion temperature is lower - about 500C0;
  • The high compression ratio in the cylinders of a diesel engine brings the mixture to 900C0.

It follows that units operating on diesel fuel have a high percentage of combustion and the rate of formation of the air-fuel mixture. Thus, if the engine spends less fuel to obtain the energy needed to create the required torque, its efficiency is higher.

A modern diesel passenger car travels 30% more than its gasoline counterpart. In addition, the cost of gasoline at gas stations exceeds the cost of diesel, which also reduces costs.

Filling the car with fuel

Which option is more reliable?

Many manufacturers claim that their diesel engines are more reliable than their gasoline counterparts. And in practice this is confirmed. According to statistics, the service life of engines running on “heavy fuel” often prevails over gasoline engines. Sometimes diesel engines reach the millionth mileage mark. Before they go for major repairs. And gasoline engines can boast of this much less often.

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But in terms of operation and maintenance, the more “nimble” comrade is doing more optimistically. Gasoline cars are less picky about the quality of fuel than its diesel counterpart: using gasoline of dubious quality, the car can be capricious and the dynamics deteriorate, but the car will drive. In extreme cases, everything can be done by cleaning the injectors and fuel system.

Checking cars at a service station

The fuel system of diesel engines is cleaner. Therefore, getting low-quality fuel into the tank is fraught with damage to the entire fuel system. If the fuel pump fails, the vehicle may not be able to move.

But there is a positive point: the problem can be avoided by using highly purified filters. Along with this, use special consumables. And most importantly, when making any repairs to the fuel system, it is necessary to completely flush it and change the filter. However, all this is also true for gasoline engines.

Engine noise

Regarding noise: modern diesel engines have grown significantly in this regard. If earlier engines using “heavy fuel” were stereotyped as “noisy”, now things are much better.

When measuring the internal noise of “mixed-fuel” vehicles during acceleration, at a constant speed and when the ventilation system was operating, the following indicators were identified in accordance with GOST:

  • the sound level of gasoline engines varied from 59 to 74 dB, depending on the position of the sound level meter;
  • The sound level of diesel engines varied from 61 to 71 dB, depending on the position of the sound level meter.

External noise emitted by a vehicle according to UNECE regulations No. 51:

  • for the first option from 73 to 74 dB;
  • for the second option 70 dB.

Heavy fuel engine model

Behavior in cold weather

Are “solar engines” difficult to start in cold weather? – the issue is not currently relevant and was resolved by equipping cars with a heated filter, which made it possible to avoid fuel solidification.

In practice, two cars of different engine types were tested in frosty weather. At a temperature of -25C0, both types coped with the task without any problems. The mark of -30 C0 allowed the gasoline engine to start only after several attempts, and -33C0 did not allow this to be done at all. A car powered by “heavy fuel” refused to work at a temperature of -36 C0.

In terms of the speed of heating the interior, the diesel engine still loses.

Based on what was described above, it is difficult to give preference to one type of power plant. Which option you should choose depends on personal conditions and preferences.

Video “Gasoline or diesel engine?”

Watch this video and learn more about these engines.


What is the difference between a diesel engine and a gasoline engine, what is the difference, which is better | Stirling engines

The mechanism of operation of a diesel engine is as follows: a gasoline engine works like a piston and, when compressed, the fuel ignites. Fuel is supplied to the cylinder separately from air.

The mechanism of operation of an internal combustion engine is as follows: with the help of spark plugs, the supplied air-gasoline mixture is ignited at a certain moment, driving the engine.

Engine operation properties

During operation, the diesel engine produces a loud sound that repels many car enthusiasts. But at the moment, most diesel cars are equipped in such a way that the sound is virtually inaudible. The second disgusting moment is the exhausts of the corresponding black color and a nasty aroma.

  Today, this problem is being successfully resolved by modern automakers. According to many professionals, modern diesel engines have become more environmentally friendly than gasoline engines. Well, the “old guys” continue to spoil the environmental picture as before.

Another point that needs to be paid attention to is the reluctance of a diesel engine to operate at temperatures below 20 degrees. That’s why many people stock up on winter fuel or add an antigel additive that prevents the fuel from coagulating.

But despite all the shortcomings, diesel fuel is a more economical option than gasoline, because the efficiency level can reach 50%, in other words, there is a significant saving in fuel.

Gasoline engines, especially in modern cars, operate silently, allowing the owner and passengers to enjoy the road.

  In addition, until recently, gasoline, although not a friend of the environment, brought fewer problems than a diesel engine.

Although the smell and emissions are present, they are to a lesser extent than in old diesel cars. In addition, it is resistant to low temperatures.

Service and repair of diesel and gasoline engines

The diesel engine is more durable and the cylinder block design is stronger. But the problem lies in its capriciousness in terms of fuel. Often, Russian diesel can significantly spoil the operation of the engine.

Specifically, because of problems with high-quality fuel in a diesel car, it is often necessary to change oils and filters.

There can also be snags in repairs, because the construction of a diesel engine is somewhat more difficult than that of a gasoline engine.

A gasoline car is the least picky about the quality of gasoline. Spare parts for repairing an internal combustion engine are more accessible, and the engine itself has higher power and speed. determined that the difference between a diesel and an internal combustion engine is as follows:

  1. In a diesel engine, fuel is supplied to the cylinder separately from the air, in a gasoline engine - together.
  2. A diesel engine is more durable than a gasoline engine.
  3. A diesel engine has a higher level of efficiency.
  4. Older generation diesel engines operate with appropriate noise and vibration, while gasoline engines are virtually silent.
  5. Diesel engines require frequent oil and filter changes, unlike gasoline engines.
  6. The internal combustion engine is more environmentally friendly.
  7. A diesel engine is not resistant to temperature drops, unlike a gasoline engine.

Which is better: a diesel engine or a gasoline engine? Let's discuss in the comments!


What is the difference between a diesel engine and a gasoline engine?

Each of us strives to save money, therefore, one of the criteria for choosing personal transport, which, as we know, has long ceased to be a luxury, is its engine.

Thousands of people every day face the important dilemma of which engine to choose: petrol or diesel.

Those who were lucky enough to try both will confidently say that there is a significant difference in both the care and operation of the engine, which we have to consider.

Operating principle of diesel and gasoline engines

The principle of operation of a diesel engine is as follows: the internal combustion engine works like a piston and when compressed, the fuel ignites. Fuel is supplied to the cylinder separately from air.

The principle of operation of a gasoline engine is as follows: with the help of spark plugs, the supplied air-gasoline mixture ignites at a certain moment, driving the engine.

Engine performance characteristics

During operation, the diesel engine makes a loud sound, which repels many car owners. But today, most diesel cars are equipped in such a way that the sound is practically inaudible. The second unpleasant moment is the exhaust that has a characteristic black color and an unpleasant odor.

  Today, this problem is being successfully solved by modern automakers. According to many experts, modern diesel engines have become more environmentally friendly than gasoline engines. Well, the “old guys” still continue to spoil the environmental picture.

Another point that you need to pay attention to is the reluctance of the diesel engine to operate at temperatures below 20 degrees. Therefore, many people stock up on winter fuel, or add an antigel additive that prevents the fuel from curdling.

But despite all the shortcomings, diesel fuel is a more budget-friendly option than gasoline, since the efficiency level can reach 50%, that is, significant fuel savings occur.

Gasoline engines, especially in modern cars, operate silently, allowing the owner and passengers to enjoy the road.

  In addition, until recently, gasoline, although not a friend to the environment, caused less trouble than a diesel engine.

Although the smell and emissions are present, they are to a lesser extent than in old diesel cars. In addition, it is resistant to temperature drops.

Maintenance and repair of diesel and gasoline engines

The diesel engine is more durable and the cylinder block design is more durable. But the problem is its capriciousness in terms of fuel. Often, Russian diesel can significantly damage engine performance.

It is precisely because of problems with high-quality fuel in a diesel car that oils and filters often have to be replaced. There can also be snags in repairs, since the design of a diesel engine is somewhat more complicated than a gasoline engine.

A gasoline car is less picky about the quality of gasoline. Spare parts for repairing a gasoline engine are more accessible, and the engine itself has higher power and speed. determined that the difference between diesel and gasoline engines is as follows:

  1. In a diesel engine, fuel is supplied to the cylinder separately from the air; in a gasoline engine, it is supplied together.
  2. A diesel engine is more durable than a gasoline engine.
  3. A diesel engine has a higher level of efficiency.

  4. Old generation diesel engines operate with characteristic noise and vibration, while gasoline engines are almost silent.
  5. Diesel engines require frequent oil and filter changes, unlike gasoline engines.
  6. The gasoline engine is more environmentally friendly.

  7. A diesel engine is not resistant to temperature drops, unlike a gasoline engine.

Engine Sadko GE-390 petrol (13 hp)


What is the difference between a diesel engine and a gasoline engine?

What is the difference between a diesel engine and a gasoline engine?

Many car lovers are faced with the eternal question: which engine to choose - gasoline or diesel? This is a rhetorical question, since both have their advantages and disadvantages. Let's look at, “and break down,” what is the difference between a gasoline internal combustion engine and a diesel one, as well as the main “pros” and “cons” of both types of units.

Both engines under consideration are internal combustion engines (ICE). That is, the consumed fuel burns inside the engine, and the internal combustion engine converts the heat of combustion of the fuel into mechanical energy. Cars, scooters, motorcycles, tractors and other vehicles are powered by internal combustion engines. The first internal combustion engine was invented by the French mechanic Etienne Lenoir in 1860.

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The main differences between the two internal combustion engines are:

The first obvious difference is that each of the two internal combustion engines under consideration runs on different oil derivatives: a gasoline engine runs on gasoline, and a diesel engine runs on diesel (diesel fuel, diesel fuel, etc.);

At the heart of a gasoline engine is a spark plug, which ignites the supplied fuel and powers it. In the cylinder of a diesel internal combustion engine, the piston creates high pressure on the air. As a result of compression, the air reaches a temperature of about 900 C. At the same time, diesel is sprayed into the combustion chamber. As a result, the resulting mixture ignites and the engine starts;

The efficiency of a diesel engine is higher than that of a gasoline engine;

In terms of dimensions, a diesel engine is significantly larger than a gasoline engine.

Gasoline engine: advantages and disadvantages

The main advantages of a gasoline engine are ease of manufacture, reasonable price, almost silent operation, quick repair of parts and long service life. Also, an undeniable “plus” of a gasoline engine is the rapid heating of the car interior in winter (since the unit itself heats up quickly).

One of the main disadvantages of a gasoline engine is its rather high explosion hazard. In the event of an emergency, the risk of fire is high. Also, a gasoline engine consumes a lot of fuel; you will have to refuel regularly. From the technical characteristics: to prevent the engine from wearing out, it will have to be lubricated frequently.

Diesel engine: advantages and disadvantages

A diesel engine consumes significantly less fuel than a gasoline unit. Obviously, you will spend less money on fueling your car. Another advantage of the diesel engine is high power even at low speeds, hence fast acceleration. From a safety point of view, a diesel engine is more preferable.

The disadvantages of a diesel engine include: the high cost of the device itself, noise during operation and prolonged warming up of the car in winter.

  1. Both types of modern engines are good in their own way;
  2. Despite the fact that many automatic systems for heating the car interior have now been invented, in winter a diesel car heats up much more slowly than a gasoline car;
  3. Purchasing a diesel car means saving on fuel in its purest form;
  4. Try to approach the choice of your future car from the point of view of rational thinking. Europeans are increasingly choosing diesel cars due to their relatively warm winters;
  5. You should choose a car based on the “type of engine” parameter based on what weaknesses of a particular engine are critical for you.

Many car lovers are faced with the eternal question: which engine to choose - gasoline or diesel? Let's look at the difference between a gasoline internal combustion engine and a diesel one, as well as the main pros and cons of both types of units.

Practical motorists are accustomed to the need to ensure complete safety while driving. Previously, it was necessary to install additional headlights for this purpose, since it is precisely due to lack of lighting that car accidents often occur. True, today this problem can be solved in a different way.

The fact is that manufacturers have proposed using gas-discharge lamps that have unique luminosity indicators; the brightness is increased almost 3 times. Inert gases are used inside such lamps, mainly xenon (hence the name xenon).

Xenon immediately found application, but a little later bi-xenon entered the market, which has several distinctive features.

The history of the Russian automobile industry has had noble times.
There was a time when buyers gave their preference to their own SUVs. There were also those who argued that AvtoVAZ creates budget copies of foreign cars. In 1998, experimental small-scale Niva SUVs began to be built on the basis of the VAZ 2123. Unfortunately for car enthusiasts, AvtoVAZ did not have the money for serial production.

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In today's environment, a car is as essential a personal device as a telephone, computer or camera. However, when choosing a new iron horse, many car enthusiasts are confused by the terminology and technical features of the offered models. For example, what is the difference between a “robot” and an “automatic machine”?

Reliable cars have always been in consumer demand. On Russian roads, an increasing number of motorists prefer crossovers, SUVs and SUVs. These types of vehicles are similar to each other and confusion of concepts occurs quite often. Let's find out what the difference is between a crossover and an SUV.

Every car owner is familiar with antifreeze. These fluids cool the engine, protecting it from critical overheating, and vice versa, protecting it from freezing in frosty weather. On sale you can find formulations with different additives that differ in color. Let's try to figure out what the difference is between antifreezes.

The service life of a car engine directly depends on the quality of the consumables used and the operating characteristics. The condition of the mechanism is affected by the purity of gasoline, the quality of additives, antifreeze, etc.

An important role is played by the choice of engine oil. It must not only fully perform its functions, but also be of high quality.

Unfortunately, there are counterfeit samples of automobile fluids on sale, so it is important to know how to distinguish counterfeit motor oil from the original.


Differences between a diesel engine and a gasoline engine

Almost all future car owners who are preparing to acquire a brand new “iron horse” cannot decide on the type of engine. So which engine should you choose, petrol or diesel? We will try to find out what are the main differences between a diesel engine and a gasoline engine.

What is the difference between a gasoline engine and a diesel engine?

Well, firstly, diesel engines are more economical, because the compression ratio in a diesel engine is about 2022, but in a gasoline engine it is 910. Accordingly, the efficiency coefficient is higher in a diesel engine.

In addition, diesel power units have better and more efficient adjustment of the ignition mixture.

In simple terms, this means that no matter what the crankshaft speed, the same volume of air will be supplied to the cylinders - the amount of fuel used will be much less.

Even at the highest speed of a diesel engine, it will consume one and a half times less fuel than its gasoline counterpart with the same displacement. This means that regardless of the load on your engine, the engine will consume a minimum of fuel. These are the first main differences between a diesel engine and a gasoline engine, we will continue further.

When operating a car, the power rating and the amount of fuel used mainly depends on the resistance of the air cleaner, because the resistance greatly affects the flow of air to the combustion chamber (this also applies to turbocharged engines).

It is worth noting that the parameters of the fuel supply system are higher in diesel units than in gasoline units. During operation, do not forget to very strictly monitor how well the fuel and air are cleaned, eliminate the possibility of engine overheating, because the “lifetime” of the piston group and injector is sharply reduced.

Comparing gasoline and diesel engines, we can say for sure that diesel engines are more durable. This can be explained by the more rigid and much stronger design of the crankshaft, cylinder block or cylinder head. When you use diesel fuel as a fuel, it is also a lubricant, unlike gasoline.

Now let's talk about some of the disadvantages of a diesel engine. Firstly, with a larger mass, increased engine noise, diesel is not as powerful as its gasoline competitor, starting the engine in winter is more difficult, especially in older models.

During operation, in some engines the tightness of the injector needle is broken. Very often, pump parts wear out.

Another argument is that due to severe wear of the pistons, the crankcase pressure often does not reach the required value in order to ignite the fuel.

Yes, there are indeed devices on the market that help improve engine starting in winter, these also include heat exchange devices. In winter, these devices are inserted into the starting manifold. With all this, we absolutely do not lose the power of the power unit and do not increase fuel consumption when we change something in the cylinder-piston group or in the fuel equipment.

Very often, and mostly, diesel engines are repaired when engine oil consumption increases sharply. This can be seen by the smoke from the exhaust pipe - it turns blue. Know that this is burning oil, more than necessary!

Advantages and disadvantages of a gasoline engine

Now we should write about the advantages and, of course, disadvantages of the gasoline engine. First, a gasoline engine has more power than a diesel engine and has less noise and vibration.

However, at low and medium power, the compression ratio gives a correspondingly low combustion efficiency, which in turn leads to rapid fuel consumption. This is a minus. The efficiency of gasoline engines is about 20% less than that of diesel engines.

And this is at rated power, then this gap increases to 40%.

Well, in the final we will give some statistics. In Germany, 14% of absolutely all cars run on diesel, in France - every third car, in Austria every second, that is, diesel engines rightfully deserve their popularity.

Video: Choosing engine type: gasoline or diesel

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What is the difference between a diesel engine and a gasoline engine?

The engine can safely be called the heart of any car. No engine - no car. It represents the main source of energy for the car, thanks to which movement is possible. The energy itself is transferred to the wheels through the transmission.

There are three types of engines:

  • ICE.
  • Electric motor.
  • Hybrid engine.

ICEs allow you to convert energy from various substances into mechanical work. The main energy sources are gasoline, diesel and gas.

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Electric motors use electricity that comes from batteries or fuel cells.

The hybrid engine includes an internal combustion engine and an electric motor. The power supply in such an engine can be carried out in series or in parallel.

Gasoline internal combustion engines

One type of internal combustion engines is gasoline. Their cylinders contain a pre-compressed mixture of fuel and air, which is subsequently ignited by a spark from electricity.

The power in such engines can be changed by regulating the air flow, which is helped by the throttle valve.

The most popular engines in cars are four-stroke engines.

Their work cycle is divided into four stages: intake, compression, combustion and expansion, exhaust.

A two-stroke engine has only two stages: compression and expansion. Instead of intake and exhaust, the cylinder is purged here.

Despite their small size and simplicity, two-stroke engines are seriously inferior to four-stroke engines on several points:

  • Wear resistance.
  • Economical.
  • Environmentally friendly.
  • Reduced noise emission.

Also, gasoline engines are usually divided into carburetor and injection .

In the first case, the preparation of the fuel mixture takes place in a special device (carburetor), where the fuel is mixed with air and the finished mixture is obtained.

In the second case, the fuel is transferred into the air stream using injectors through which the fuel passes under pressure using an electronic system.

Injection engines have increased environmental friendliness, thanks to which the engines have gained particular popularity and have become very in demand.

Some gasoline engine systems are identical for all types:

  • Cooling system.
  • Lubrication system.
  • Engine starting system.
  • Gas release system.

Diesel internal combustion engines

Engines of this type have increased efficiency, which is why they are often used in trucks. Almost every major passenger car manufacturer has several models that have a diesel engine.

European countries have begun a gradual transition to diesel fuel, which is why the production of cars with this engine is constantly increasing.

A diesel engine works as follows: fuel enters the combustion chamber, where it mixes with air and ignites.

There are two types of combustion chamber: divided and undivided.

The compression ratio in such engines is much higher than in gasoline engines. Because of this, it is necessary to use stronger parts.


Both types of engines have the same design, with the exception of more reinforced parts in the diesel internal combustion engine.


  1. Principle of operation. Both engines have different operating principles. A mixture is formed in the intake manifold of a gasoline engine and sent to the combustion chamber. At the end, this mixture disperses evenly throughout the cylinder and is compressed, causing the mixture to heat up and ignite with a spark.

    The mixture of heat and air is formed in a diesel engine much faster than in a gasoline engine. The cylinder is filled with air and heated to almost a thousand degrees, and fuel passes into the chamber. The overall mixture ignites quickly.

  2. Power. Gasoline engines have much more power than diesel engines.

    In the same car model, the difference in power between diesel and petrol versions is almost 100%.

  3. Economical . Fuel consumption on diesel engines is approximately 20–30% lower. This allows you to save a lot of money. In addition, the cost of diesel fuel is slightly cheaper than gasoline.
  4. Environmental friendliness.

    Diesel engines produce much less air pollutants. Because of this, cars with such engines have become very popular in the USA and Europe.

  5. Frost resistance. Gasoline engines are not susceptible to problems with Russian cold winters. While diesel fuel turns into a gel already at -20 degrees.

    Owners of cars with a diesel engine are forced to refuel the car with a special winter diesel, which increases the fuel freezing threshold.

  6. Noise. Diesel engines produce noticeably more noise than gasoline engines. For many, this becomes a decisive factor when choosing an engine.

    However, modern high-priced cars are equipped with good sound insulation, which keeps engine noise to a minimum.

  7. Wear resistance. Diesel engines have increased wear resistance, however, this largely depends on the quality of the fuel itself, the low quality of which sometimes causes serious malfunctions.

  8. Repair . Carrying out repair work on a diesel engine is not a cheap pleasure. This is due to the complexity of the engine design and expensive spare parts. With gasoline, everything is noticeably simpler and cheaper.


The choice of engine is determined by the driver's preferences. In many ways they are different, but thanks to this, everyone has the opportunity to choose. For some, efficiency is more important, and for others, power is more important. Both engines are ways to bring driving pleasure. The main thing is to choose the one most suitable for your driving style.


Which is better, a gasoline or diesel engine? Difference and comparison. Difference between engines

About 10 years ago, diesel engines weren't as good as they are now. They were noisy, had a lot of vibration, had stinky exhaust fumes, and were more expensive than gasoline engines.

Diesels are much better today, but are they better than their petrol counterparts? To answer this question, you must know the positive and negative qualities of each engine.

Let's look at the important criteria to consider before making your final decision.


Typically, gasoline engines have more horsepower, while diesel engines have more torque. If you care about acceleration but not about payload, then you need a gasoline engine.

By design, gasoline engines are faster and capable of reaching higher RPM peaks than diesel engines. This allows them to achieve more horsepower and accelerate to 100 km/h much faster.

However, if you care about towing weight and brute pulling power, then the diesel is for you. Torque, a benefit of diesel, is ideal for towing heavy loads on steep slopes.

Due to the relatively high compression ratio required to ignite diesel fuel (17:1 for diesel compared to 9:1 for gasoline), a diesel delivers all its power and torque at low revs.

Winner: Draw

Fuel economy

Diesel fuel has a higher energy density than gasoline. One liter of diesel fuel contains about 36,750 BTUs of energy, while a liter of gasoline has only 31,250 BTUs.

This means more gasoline is required for equal power output, making diesel engines more efficient per liter of fuel burned.

In addition, diesel engines have more efficient direct fuel injection (fuel is injected directly into the cylinder) compared to gasoline engines, where gasoline is mixed with air in the intake manifold, and diesel systems have low losses of unburned fuel.

Winner: Diesel


Due to the high compression ratio and high pressure in diesel engines, they must be made to withstand extreme situations. The following are strengthened: the block and cylinder heads, connecting rods, pistons, crankshaft and valves, this significantly increases the cost. Another disadvantage of a diesel engine, due to the heavier components, is that it weighs more than comparable gasoline engine models.

Winner: Gasoline

Noise and vibration

Despite huge improvements in engine noise isolation in the last 10 years, diesels are still louder than their petrol counterparts. However, the latest diesel engines have come very close to gasoline engines in terms of noise and vibration levels.

At idle, the rumble and shaking of a diesel engine are clearly noticeable, but with gasoline engines it is sometimes difficult to tell whether it is working or not. At low speed (acceleration), diesel still produces more noise.

But once you reach normal speed, the difference is practically unnoticeable.

Winner: Gasoline

Cold weather

Anyone who has tried to start a diesel engine on a cold winter morning knows who the winner is in this category. Diesels do not have spark plugs like gasoline engines.

The fuel ignites spontaneously as soon as it is injected into the cylinder, which is already under pressure. When it's cold (below 30), the air isn't hot enough to ignite diesel fuel.

To counter this, modern diesel engines use technology that senses the temperature in the cylinders and injects fuel at the end of the engine's rotation.

By introducing fuel when the piston is near the top, the cylinder is under more pressure and the air inside is hotter, which helps combustion. As an added measure, most modern diesels are equipped with a heating element that is designed to keep the engine block warm.

Winner: Gasoline

Exhaust smell

Despite oil companies' efforts to produce low-sulfur diesel fuel, burned diesel fuel still smells much worse than burned gasoline. This causes diesel to lag behind gasoline in areas such as nitrogen oxide (NOx) and particulate emissions.

Winner: Gasoline

Short term service

Regular diesel maintenance is more expensive due to the larger volume of oil in the engine, so fuel filters and gaskets must be changed more often. Modern gasoline engines have an even greater advantage: extended service intervals for spark plugs, engine oil and antifreeze.

Winner: Gasoline

Long-term maintenance and durability

The downside to the initial cost of a diesel engine is its high durability. An ordinary gasoline engine normally only lasts about 200,000 km before it needs a cap. repair. Diesel lasts more than three times longer before major overhaul.

Winner: Diesel

Fuel cost

Because diesel fuel is easier to produce, the process from crude oil to the final product takes less time than gasoline, so diesel is generally cheaper than gasoline.

Winner: Diesel


Once you know the difference between diesel and gasoline engines, you can make a choice. The choice between petrol and diesel comes down to what you'll do with the car and where you live.

If you want quick and quiet acceleration, rarely carry heavy loads, and don't plan to use the car for more than 200,000 km, you may want to consider a gas engine. They drive smoothly, fuel is easier to find and are easier to start in cold weather.

However, if you often transport cargo, want to save on fuel, and use the car for a long time without caps. repair, diesel for you.


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