
Length of the longest car in the world

We've seen the biggest ones, and now we've seen the longest ones. — DRIVE2

And so, friends, from the school course, we know that in Australia there are few traditional railways: the maintenance of the railway infrastructure costs a pretty penny due to high tariffs.

And although in recent years Australia has seen an increase in the number of freight transportation by rail, road transport is still in greater demand here.

This means that they are the instigators of road trains several hundred meters away.

And so, in the right corner is the longest Mmmmmmmmak TITAN!

To date, the longest road train in the world was created in Queensland, Australia in 2006. The Mack Titan truck pulled 112 trailers with a total weight of 1,300 tons, its length was 1,474.3 meters.

It took about 6 hours to prepare the train for the trip. It goes without saying that there was no question of any long trip for such a long road train; it was a kind of performance.

Truck driver John Atkinson drove only 140 metres.
In the left corner, Kenward!

Kenworth C501T driven by Stephen Matthews. This vehicle was prepared in 2000 in the city of Calgourie (Western Australia), the road train consisted of 79 trailers with a total weight of 1072 tons. Its length was 1018 meters. The driver drove more than 8 kilometers. More than 5 thousand spectators came to watch the event.

And bringing up the rear is Kenworth again!

Kenworth K100G. The composition was assembled in 1999 in the city of Merridin (Western Australia). The tractor, driven by Greg Marley, transported 45 trailers with a total length of 610 meters at a speed of 12 km/h for 8 kilometers. Cool, right? In Soviet times, we called drivers who pulled trailers “alimony workers.” One salary was not enough for alimony - trailer. And, of course, you can’t miss the longest passenger car. Who are the authors?

- Guess it twice.

It’s easy to guess that this car travels across the US. This is a specially designed limousine, which is listed in the Guinness Book of Records and is officially the longest passenger car in the world. This project was created a long time ago to serve celebrations in the state of California.

The length of this monster is 30.5 meters, which even exceeds the size of modern trucks. There are 24 wheels installed on 12 axles, one axle has twin wheels for greater traction. But the most interesting moments are hidden inside this incredibly long car:

the car seats 50 passengers and can move at the speed of a regular limousine; for agility, the control is connected to the front and rear axles (the rear wheels turn in the opposite direction); there is even a swimming pool inside the limousine for the comfort of passengers; when turning sharply, the car folds in half, like a long trolleybus.

The world's longest limousine has become the star of several Hollywood films and constantly takes part in various exhibitions. The American creation has not yet been surpassed by any automobile manufacturer in the world.

By the way, the limousine has a rear cabin for the driver for reversing. Otherwise, you would have to stop by often for body repairs. Gute faren!



The longest car in the world


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The longest cars in the world: information about the brand, length in meters and photos

It is human nature to be surprised! Admiration, amazement, delight - this is not a complete list of joyful experiences when encountering unusual phenomena, objects, and architectural landmarks.

Conventional production cars also have analogues that can capture our imagination. Unusual design, tiny or huge dimensions, high speed or huge engine power.

Moreover, to admire these outlandish cars, you don’t need to travel thousands of kilometers to exhibitions, car shows, and presentations. The longest cars in the world are presented in our selection.

Top 5 longest cars in the world (with photos)

Who among us has not dreamed of driving a car that would attract the attention of pedestrians and other drivers with its unusual appearance. Of course, there is no harm in dreaming! But such “monsters” among ordinary cars are exclusive, expensive, and unique.

This fully applies to very long cars. They cannot be seen on city streets; there is no place for them in regular parking lots.

Those long limousines that we see in wedding processions are simply “dwarfs” in comparison with the examples included in the TOP 5.

Wheeled train LeTourneau TC-497 (USA) for the military

Back in the 50s, Americans, frightened by the growing power of the USSR, thought about creating a land train that could replace the destroyed railway tracks.

And such an order from the Pentagon was fulfilled by the American concern LeTourneau. A giant road train was designed and built that could carry up to 400 tons of payload.

Its length was 173 meters (a record that has not been broken to this day), the height of the cabin was 9 meters.

The TS-497 road train without cargo is ready to begin testing in harsh desert conditions

The giant's design was a system consisting of links and four power plants that generate electricity. Each of the 54 wheels was driven by a built-in electric motor. Each link is a trailer, of which there could be 8–12 pieces in the road train. Some were made into living quarters to accommodate a crew of 6 people.

The TS-497 road train was so controllable that it could move along winding roads

Surprisingly, the controllability of this “centipede” was such that it could move like a snake. American designers managed to solve the main problem of maneuverability using electronics. And this was at the very beginning of the 60s of the 20th century, when only a narrow circle of specialists knew about electronic devices.

Commands were sent from a special remote control to the receivers of each link in such a way that all trailers repeated the exact maneuver of the power tractor. Eyewitnesses note that the giant “centipede” rode as if on rails, because its wheels went one on one and left a mark like that of a two-wheeled cart.

Moreover, this trend continued during turns.

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Only the power tractor from the longest truck in the world has survived to this day. The rest was cut into scrap metal as unnecessary

The prototype was ready in 1962 and tested for several years in difficult desert conditions at the Yuma test site.

During testing, the road train reached a top speed of 35 km/h and traveled 600 kilometers without refueling. It did not reach serial production and this gigantic truck remained in a single copy.

The reason is trivial: the military chose to transport cargo on transport helicopters, which do not need roads.

Longest truck for civilian use

In most developed countries, to preserve road surfaces, restrictions are imposed on the carrying capacity and length of road trains. The longest trains are allowed in China, Australia and Canada.

The Celestial Empire has built not only the longest wall in the world, but also the longest operating truck. This is not a road train. This giant long-bed tractor was designed and manufactured in the Jiangsu province of China. The car monster is 73 meters long.

According to information, the maximum load weighing up to 2.5 thousand tons rides on 88 wheels.

A selection of photos clearly demonstrates the capabilities of a giant truck for transporting various cargoes

The giant long-vehicle transports spans for bridges, distillation columns, and other large structures made of reinforced concrete and steel. It is also used for transporting minerals mined in open pits. The gigantic truck requires straight sections of roads with very smooth turns. Therefore, they were produced strictly for a specific order.

Super limousine of the Midnight Rider brand from the Guinness Book of Records

This unusual, extravagant car is a symbiosis of the comfort of a limousine and the power of a truck. Assembled by the hands of Michael Mochado with the participation of his wife Pamela, it is a unique example of the combination of an inquisitive mind and the “golden” hands of a master.

The married couple came up with the layout and design of the colorful car. Combining the appearance of a Texas truck with the comfort of a late 19th century Pullman presidential carriage, these are the two main components of this heavyweight's design.

The super limousine, which was named Midnight Rider, broke all previous records for cars in this class. It is the tallest, one of the longest, heaviest and most expensive limousines on Earth. Judge for yourself: weight - 25 tons, length - 21 meters, height - 4 meters, width - 2.5 meters.

The tractor and platform rest on 22 wheels, which are equipped with independent brakes. All electrical equipment is powered by two powerful generators.

The owners estimate the cost of Midnight Rider at $2.5 million. It is unlike any other car in the world. The exterior is black stainless steel, welded with durable seams using space technology. Inside there is glass, polished wood, genuine leather.

The luxurious salon has an area of ​​140 m2 and has 3 rooms that can comfortably accommodate 40 guests. Powerful 1800-watt acoustics, a bar with alcoholic drinks and snacks, and a spacious bath will not let them get bored. The bartender and hostess are ready to fulfill any whim for the clients' money. What is the cost of one hour of rental? It is $1000.

Two drivers and a service engineer can take guests along an agreed route at any time of the day or night.

Exterior and interior trim: photo selection

Midnight Rider follows the route Guests enthusiastically discuss the details of the upcoming feast The fun is in full swing The Midnight Rider limousine is ready to take its guests at any time of the day The luxurious interior of the Midnight Rider salon awaits its guests

Video about him

American Dream - the longest limousine in the world

Americans want to be leaders in all aspects of life. Striving for fame, they love to surprise other countries with their technological capabilities, conquer with unusual designs, and demonstrate the achievements of engineers in various fields of science and technology. Cars are proof of this.

To participate in filming, the longest American Dream limousine was assembled in a single copy. This happened back in the 80s of the last century. The author of the idea was a car wizard - customizer Jay Orberg.

Until now, this super-long limousine has not given its Guinness World Record of 30.48 meters (exactly 100 feet) to anyone.

A helicopter lands on the American Dream site

Looking at the photo, it’s hard to believe that this is a real limousine, capable of moving at decent speed. To do this, it has 26 wheels, two cabins (front and rear) and a coupling device in the middle of the structure.

The American Dream consists of two parts connected by a hinge. This is done to allow for smooth turning, and for ease of transportation of the two parts of the limousine to filming locations on a cargo trailer. Both salons do not communicate with each other.

In the back there is a platform on which a helicopter can land.

The decoration of one of the American Dream salons is amazing

One of them has a compact swimming pool, a Jacuzzi and a water bed, as well as seating areas: sofas, a built-in bar with alcoholic beverages.

The American Dream limousine has two rows of chairs for passengers to sit in.

In the other salon there are two rows of seats. The limousine can accommodate 50 people at the same time.

This limousine can be seen in different variations in American films: “Back to the Future”, “Starsky and Hutch”, “The Pink Panther Car” and others.

American Dream is currently being restored in a Los Angeles museum. Collectors estimate its value at $4 million.

Video: World's Longest Car The Limousine

NTS Big Blue Limousine from Las Vegas

Rounding out the top five longest cars is NTS Big Blue, made in Las Vegas. The company that ordered its production spent half a million dollars on this purpose. Its length is 13 meters. Its cabin can comfortably accommodate 45 passengers.

In this limousine, young people have fun at the disco and drive around Vegas at night

The main purpose of this limousine is to hold night discos for young people.

Light music, a smoke generator, a stripper pole, a bar with alcoholic drinks and gourmet snacks - all this contributes to the noisy fun in a nightclub on wheels.

NTS Big Blue is street legal, so you can combine the disco with a trip to the coolest spots in and around Las Vegas.

Video: NTS Limo Big Blue Remixed Las Vegas

The longest passenger cars do not differ in everyday practicality, but they reflect the status, taste and position of the owner in society. Long haulage trains play a huge role in the transport of goods in Australia.

An underdeveloped territory, in the central part of which there are practically no railways, needs long and heavy road trains that can transport large quantities of cargo. Almost every year there are competitions for the longest road train.

On the last of them, the length of the train consisting of a tractor and 104 trailers was 1474.3 meters. According to the terms of the competition, this loaded road train traveled 8 kilometers.


The longest car in the world. Its dimensions and length. – Website for Know-It-Alls and Why-Cheeks

Automobile records have always been a subject of particular interest not only for professional motorists, but also for people completely far from automotive technology.

Unusual cars, which are characterized by the word “most”, can surprise, amaze the imagination and be an incentive to create new, even more amazing designs.

Do you know, for example, how many wheels the longest limousine in the world has? What does the longest truck look like? Let's explore this together.

The longest military truck in the world

The reason for the creation of the longest truck in the world was the Cold War between the USA and the USSR.

In the 1950s, after it became known that the Soviet Union had its own nuclear bomb, the Americans decided that in the event of war, their railways could be cut by several nuclear strikes, leaving the country defenseless against an invasion by Russian troops.

In order to have a backup option for transporting heavy military equipment in this case, the giant LeTourneau TC-497 road train was created. Its length could reach 197 meters, and its height exceeded 9 meters.

The road train consisted of a powerful tractor with four gas turbine engines with a total power of over 5,000 horsepower, and 12 platform units for various purposes for transporting military equipment, fuel, etc. The design consisted of 56 wheels, each approximately the size of a Volkswagen Beetle.

In autonomous mode, the road train could travel a distance of up to 600 kilometers, not only on the highway, but also off-road - sandy terrain, rough terrain, snow, etc., at a speed of up to 35 kilometers per hour.

The longest civilian truck

The honor of building the longest truck for civil cargo transportation belongs to a Chinese company from Jiangsu province. Her brainchild was a 73-meter-long automobile monster equipped with 88 wheels.

It is used for transporting the heaviest loads - bridge spans, elements of building structures, etc., as well as for transporting minerals extracted from the quarry.

Its carrying capacity is 2.5 thousand tons, and its engine is the most powerful in the world.

The first place in terms of length among passenger cars is expectedly taken by a limousine, created in the United States of America.

The American love of big, long cars is known all over the world, and the limousine, built in California by Jay Orberg, meets all the requirements for such technology. It is 30.49 meters long and can comfortably accommodate up to 50 people inside.

This is a real mansion on 26 wheels, driven by two powerful Chrysler engines. The monstrously long salon contains:

— ten comfortable beds with water mattresses;

— two solariums – horizontal and vertical;

— a swimming pool located at the back of the limousine and equipped with a small diving board;

— modern heated Jacuzzi and multi-colored lighting;

— a helipad for landing small helicopters.

Despite its awkward length, the limousine moves through the streets with virtually no problems. When turning is necessary, it can “break” in half to fit within the road radius. Of course, only drivers who have completed a special training course can operate this miracle of technology.

The longest limousine in the world has repeatedly participated in filming. But mainly it is used to participate in various celebrations and wedding processions. Anyone can rent a car – of course, if they have the appropriate amount of money for it.

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The longest bus in the world

But the world's longest bus without articulations, i.e. without accordion, made in Russia. This is a production model “Volzhanin-15M” with a length of 15.22 meters and a capacity of 160 people.

It is used in large cities as urban public transport.
Operation of the longest multi-section bus first began in 2007 in Shanghai.

It is 25 meters long and has a capacity of 40 seated and 300 standing.

Only routes with long straight streets and a minimum of turns are suitable for this bus, since it will be very problematic for it to turn around on a narrow street.

The world's longest SUV

SUVs around the world are the most spacious and massive vehicles.

The longest off-road vehicle produced in the series is the Ford F-650, which reaches 8 meters in length and has a wheelbase of almost 5 meters.

Ground clearance of half a person's height ensures maneuverability in the most severe off-road conditions. Ford F-650 is readily purchased by various government agencies and extreme travel enthusiasts.


The longest cars in the world: names, descriptions, parameters ::

Every driver dreams of getting behind the wheel of a huge SUV that would amaze the attention of pedestrians and other drivers. Unfortunately, not every motorist is able to purchase a real “monster” of roads, causing amazement with its spaciousness.

But some extreme sports enthusiasts still have vehicles that are unique in size. The longest cars in the world are worthy of everyone's attention. They are simply huge in size and scale; brilliant designers and engineers worked on their creation.

Every collector dreams of owning such a piece.

Three smallest among the largest

The longest cars in the world can shock the average driver or passenger. They are so long that they never seem to end.

But this only creates such an impression, but in fact their sizes are not infinite, although they are amazing. So, among the longest cars on Earth, I would like to mention three “small” cars.

They are not quite as big as their “partners”, but their size can be difficult to comprehend.

Before we find out what the longest car in the world is, we should introduce the reader to its smaller “colleagues”. Thus, the Holden GTS-R reaches 5.24 meters in length.

This is a spacious and powerful Australian sports car that was created in limited quantities. The car's power exceeds four hundred horsepower, and the volume of the power unit is 5.7 liters.

These data guarantee the driver a stunning adrenaline rush.

In second place you can put the Ssang Yong Chairman W (LWB), with a length of 5.41 meters. The product is designed by the Korean auto industry. The car has an ambiguous design, and therefore is not in great demand in Russia. It has a larger wheelbase and boasts ideal driving performance.

Rolls-Royse Ghost Extended Wheelbase with a length of 5.6 meters is a true English aristocrat who knows his worth. The enlarged wheel base gives the impressiveness and severity of the design. The engine capacity reaches 6.6 liters and the power is 560 “horses”. You definitely won’t get a smooth and calm ride in such a car.

To all limousines, limousine

It is generally accepted that the longest cars in the world are limousines. But looking at the giant we are about to present, you can understand that not all limousines would correctly be considered too long.

So, &Idquo-American Dream-&Rdquo clearly stands out among the representatives of its category. If the length of an ordinary limousine reaches a maximum of ten meters, then the same indicator for this masterpiece is 30.5 meters.

Absolutely no one drives such a car around the city, because there is nowhere to park it.

&Idquo-American Dream&Rdquo is a participant in a variety of films and various auto exhibitions. The model is equipped with two cabins at different ends of the vehicle and 26 wheels. It can only move forward and backward, because it is simply impossible to turn this giant around.

What is there

The dimensions of the longest car in the world in kilometers are 0.0305. The car is controlled by two motors and the same number of drivers.

The design feature allows one driver, in the absence of the other, to walk through the limousine from one cabin to another and move the car in the opposite direction.

The American Dream features a swimming pool, a helipad, a large waterbed, satellite TV, a sunbathing area and ten comfortable beds.

A truck that has no equal

It is impossible to review the longest cars in the world without mentioning the truck. After all, no other means of transportation can compare with its length. A 73-meter-long truck was built in Jiangsu, eastern China. It was equipped with eight hundred wheels.

At one time, this miracle can move about 2.5 thousand tons of cargo. They plan to use the machine in the Middle Kingdom for mining. It’s just difficult to answer the question of how the tractor will turn around.

After all, due to its length, the driver’s cabin can “get lost” in the tail of the structure.

Six to nine meters

The length of the longest car in the world is 73 meters. But this is not a passenger car, but a truck. The Dunkel Industries Luxury 4x4 is considered the longest among passenger models. The car “stretched” by 9.7 meters. This is an American pickup truck that was assembled at Ford. The car is equipped with all-wheel drive, and therefore can drive on any road. The height of the handsome man is more than 3.6 meters.

This vehicle is slightly inferior to the Bugatti Type 41 La Royale (length - 6.7 meters). At one time, the vehicle was a true automotive monster. It was this model that became the progenitor of all the longest cars on Earth. The car's engine had a volume of 12.7 liters, and its power was equal to three hundred horsepower.

The Commercila Extreme Truck is “slightly” short of its predecessor, as it is only 6.5 meters long. The pickup truck was also made in America, and today it is the largest pickup truck on the planet. It is incredibly popular among US farmers.

A car from the middle of the last century

Among trucks, the longest car in the world in meters totals 73 units, and in the class of passenger cars, the almost ten-meter Dunkel Industries Luxury 4x4 won. Among limousines, the first one was the American Dream limousine, listed in the Guinness Book of Records. But these are all records of our time.

But in the middle of the last century, the championship was held by a wheeled train developed by the American military department - Le Tourneau TC-497. The giant was manufactured in case the USSR government decided to destroy the American railway network using atomic bombs.

400 tons was the payload of the train, and it was 173 meters long.


10 longest cars in the world

As a rule, limousines are considered the longest vehicles. However, among long cars there are other brands. Some models are presented in single hand-assembled copies.

Ferrari 360 Modena

British Limousine's 7-meter-long Ferrari 360 Modena The car is also very beautiful in appearance and is distinguished by its ability to reach enormous speeds. It seats up to 8 passengers.

Ford F-650

The Ford F-650 SUV is 8 meters long. This car is very large and somewhat aggressive in appearance. Some SUV models include two or three rows of passenger seating!

Mini Cooper

The Mini Cooper limousine was made in Las Vegas based on the popular Mini Cooper Krystal Limousines car model. The length of the car is 8.3 meters. As a rule, this luxury vehicle is rented out to newlyweds. The car has a bar, a roof with a view of the starry sky, three monitors, DVD players and many other features.

Bentley Arnage

The Bentley Arnage limousine is a luxury executive car with a length of 9 meters! The car was created in 2013. The salon amazes with its splendor, luxurious decoration and furnishings.

 Inside, the limousine is hung with luxurious carpets, and the seats are upholstered in gilded fabric and crocodile leather inserts. In addition, the ceilings of the car are stylized to resemble two starry skies, and interesting lighting completes the unusual design of the limousine.

The vehicle seats 10 passengers.

Porsche Cayenne

The Porsche Cayenne limousine is very stylish and elegant in appearance. Its length is 10 meters! The Porsche Cayenne was created in 2013 as a special order. This limousine is ideal for wedding celebrations. The car has panoramic windows, comfortable soft sofas, as well as lighting for the floor, ceiling and bar.


The LEXUS LX470 limousine is 12 meters long. This is a huge, spacious luxury car. The vehicle seats 12 people. The salon has an aquarium, fireplace, TV with karaoke, air conditioning, bar and refrigerator.


MEGAHUMMER limousine is one of the most powerful cars that was created on the basis of the Hummer H2. The car can accommodate 32 people. In the limousine you can stand up to your full height and walk around the cabin. It is very beautiful inside: interesting illustrations are painted on the glass ceiling and floor, and the sofas are made of genuine leather.

Midnight Rider

Midnight Rider is a true monster of a car. It is even listed in the Guinness Book of Records as the largest and heaviest.

The main part of the 21-meter vehicle is an equipped trailer for the tractor. Midnight Rider weighs 25 tons. It can drive on any road; the turning radius of this huge limousine is 14 meters.

Inside it is fully equipped with everything you need.

30 meter limousine

The 30-meter limousine, created by American Jay Orberg , is a Guinness Book of Records record holder. This long vehicle has 26 wheels and two driver's cabins. Inside, it is a fully equipped mobile home.

Chinese super truck

But the longest truck in the world was created in China. Its length is 73 meters!!! It is used for various heavy cargo transportation, in particular, bridge spans and parts of building structures. In addition, minerals are transported using a truck. It has one of the most powerful engines in the world.


Length of the longest car in the world

The Olympic motto works almost literally for some automakers. In addition to the fastest and tallest cars, the longest cars are also popular. However, among them there are also leaders.

Practical functionality can hardly be the main motivator when the world's longest car is created, and its length comes to the fore. Such a vehicle is more in demand as a museum exhibit or decoration for photo or video shooting.

A car

The longest car recognized by world organizations involved in registering records is a thirty-meter car Jay Orberg The car spends most of its active life filming various shows, films and Hollywood productions. It can also be seen at some exhibitions or competitions as a fun decoration.

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The longest limousine in the world

The established length of the longest car is recorded in feet, which when converted to the meter system gives 30 m. Stable movement along the road is ensured by 12 wheel axles. Two motors are used to control it. They are prudently located at both ends of the vehicle.

The car has a swimming pool

Even some hotels will envy the rich equipment. For the longest car in the world, it includes absolutely non-standard transport options:

  • pool;
  • operating helipad;
  • huge waterbed;
  • sunbathing area;
  • satellite television;
  • a dozen full-sized beds.

A helicopter lands on the helipad

The parameters of the giant passenger car are listed in the Guinness Book of Records . Anyone who wants to touch the world celebrity is happy to rent a car.

The car is used in filming

Comfortable movement is ensured by the fact that the machine can be structurally folded in the middle. Due to this feature, the vehicle negotiates some turns in big cities less painfully. In any case, the preliminary route for this limousine must be laid out in advance.

The longest road train

A road train made in China is recognized as the longest freight vehicle. Its approximate length is 73 meters . The powerful truck is based on 880 car wheels. It can transport more than two and a half thousand tons of payload.

The longest Chinese road train

It will replace almost 42 railroad cars, but does not require a separate railroad to be built. It will be enough to drive such a car along a well-rolled dirt road. Manufacturers are silent about the remaining parameters of this road train.

Longest mining machine

The vehicle, measuring 240 meters in length and almost 100 meters in height, runs on tracked traction. He is exploited in quarry work. A machine called Bugger will be able to occupy two football fields at the same time. The giant's mass is 13.5 tons. For those who control this colossus, there are kitchens and sanitary rooms inside the device.

The longest and largest car in the world

It is run by four people. In order to eat or rest, they do not even need to go down from the cabin or go anywhere. The vehicle is used for mining. The work that conventional quarry machines would take months to complete, this giant is capable of completing in a matter of days.


The longest car in the world (Top 10)

It's nice to be the owner of a big car. You sit high, you look far away - it’s a real pleasure, if you forget about the cost of gasoline. However, it is unlikely that you would want to become the owner of one of the longest cars in the world.

It will be very difficult to drive on Russian (and any other roads) in such a car; you may simply “not fit” into a turn.

However, most of these models reflect the prestige and wealth of their owner and help bring the “VIP” straight to the red carpet.

We present you a rating of super-long cars. Almost all of them belong to the “limousine” class.

10. Ford F-650 – length 8 meters

The length of this serial American SUV is almost 8 meters, and the wheelbase is almost 5 meters. This is one of the most popular models in the United States; it is purchased by government agencies, and ordinary Americans use the Ford F-650 for off-road travel.

But in Russia this car is not officially sold.

9. Mini Cooper S Limo – 8.2 m

In size, one of the largest American cars is comparable to an ordinary bus. Its length is 8.2 meters. Inside the limousine there is a television screen, DVD player, neon lights and disco balls.

8. Pink Hummer Limo – 10.5 m

What could be more attractive to women than a long 10.5-meter pink car? It can accommodate up to 20 passengers at a time.

And its interior and exterior are no less amazing than the colors. Three TVs, laser beams, an 1800-watt sound system, optical headlights, pink leather interior and 22-inch chrome alloy wheels.

You can dance in it at full height, because the height of the cabin reaches 180 cm.

It is available for rent in Russia, the cost of a three-hour trip will cost approximately 9,490 rubles.

7. Lexus LX470 – 12 m

The length of this huge machine reaches 12 meters. It can carry up to 12 people at a time, and to make the trip pleasant, the cabin is equipped with a refrigerator, air conditioning, an aquarium, a bar, a TV with karaoke and a fireplace.

6. Colossus Limo – 12 m

Built by Most Biggest Limo, which rents out extra-long limousines, the 30-seat, 12-metre Colossus Limo is touted as the world's largest and most luxurious limousine.

Inside there are TVs, karaoke, a multifunctional disc music station, and much more.

5. Boeing 727 Jet Limo - length unknown

People can make many things from the remains of an airplane, such as a house or a giant car.

Strictly speaking, this limousine is created from both parts of a Boeing 727 and parts of a Mercedes-Benz bus. It is capable of speeds of up to 200 kilometers per hour. And passengers have access to a large-screen TV, a dance floor, neon lighting and a full bar.

It currently rents for $1,000 for 3 hours or $100,000 a month. Or it can be bought from the owners for just a million dollars. The car can accommodate up to fifty people inside, making it ideal for a family reunion.

Unfortunately, the exact length of the Boeing 727 Jet Limo is unknown.

4. Mega Hummer – 13 m

The thirteen-meter car is one of the most powerful, if you take only options based on the Hummer H2. It can accommodate 32 people at the same time, and if necessary, they can stand up to their full height in the cabin.

Genuine leather sofas and beautiful illustrations on the glass ceiling and floor contribute to the interior beauty of this mighty car.

3. NTS Big Blue Limo – 13 m

Another 13-meter auto giant is available for rent in Las Vegas for those who want to book the most luxurious and unforgettable walk around the city. In the cabin there was room for 11 televisions, light music, a smoke generator and even a stripper pole. And for another 45 passengers. Big Blue Limo cost its creators $500,000.

2. Midnight Rider – 21 m

A very unusual limousine. It is included in the Guinness Book of Records as the heaviest limousine ever created. It weighs 22,933 kg and is almost 21 meters long. The car is a tractor-trailer equipped to the highest standard. It contains three rooms, each of which has a bar, TV and telephone.

The car was designed by a married couple - Pamela Bartholomew and Michael Machado, and its interior is stylized as a presidential train of the 1870s.

Midnight Rider costs $1,000 an hour to rent.

1. American Dream – 30.5 m

The American Dream is the longest car in the world. Its length is 30.5 meters.

Initially, the limousine, designed by designer Jay Orberg in the 80s of the 20th century, was intended for use in Hollywood films. Information about the longest car in the world is officially included in the Guinness Book of Records.

American Dream Equipment

The longest car in the world has twenty-six wheels on which rests a body with a wide variety of contents:

  • numerous seats that can accommodate 50 people;
  • king-size swimming pool with diving board;
  • jacuzzi;
  • solarium;
  • double bed;
  • and there is also a helipad at the American Dream.

Inside the limousine there are two driver's cabins: one in front, the other in the back. There is communication between the cabs so that drivers can warn each other about turns and any other maneuvers.

The fate of the largest car in the world

At one time, the American Dream was very popular and the owner rented it out (for special occasions and events) at a very high price.

However, after the end of the last contract, the luxury auto giant was left to rust in one of the warehouses.

It was used as a model for various photographs until 2012, after which it was auctioned off for used cars and those in need of restoration.

The limousine was purchased by the Automotive Teaching Museum. It was believed that it would be used to train students, giving them an understanding of car design and tuning.

The longest truck in the world - Mack Titan

But not only passenger cars can surprise you with their size. The largest truck in the world, the Mack Titan, was created in Australia and is capable of pulling 112 trailers, which together weigh 1,300 tons. Together with them, the length of the truck is a fantastic 1474.3 meters.

If you look at such a truck from above, it looks like a huge iron centipede. However, long trips of such a colossus are out of the question. The truck with all the trailers was able to travel only 140 meters.

The longest car in Russia is WerWolf (5.2 m)

As for the longest car in Russia, there is probably no equal in the executive class model called Werwolf (yes, the name was misspelled in the original, whether intentional or not, we don’t know). Its length was 5.

2 meters. The project was launched in 2007, but there were no people willing to purchase such a “Werewolf”. Either the price of 60 thousand dollars, or the unsuccessful design, scared me off. Be that as it may, there was no serial production of this car.

Now you know what the longest car in the world is, although the second number in the top 10 is not much smaller than it. Many would not mind sitting inside one of these luxurious cars, or even spending the night in it. And some participants in our selection are even rented out, including in Russia.


Length of the longest car in the world Link to main publication
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