
How to replace windshield wiper blades yourself

Replacing windshield wiper blades

Car wipers, as windshield wipers are often popularly called, are an important element that ensures the comfort of driving a car, as well as the safety of the driver and passengers.

Indeed, in bad weather, precipitation and dirt fall on the glass from under the wheels of the vehicle ahead, leaving streams of rain and melting snow, as well as a frozen, dirty and cloudy film, which impairs the visibility of the road and can lead to an accident.

Being constantly exposed to adverse weather factors and friction forces against glass, the brushes wear out and require replacement.

What are windshield wipers and when do you need to replace wiper blades?

Wipers are devices consisting of a metal lever with a soft rubber brush mounted on it, as well as an electric drive that serves to give the glass wipers a reciprocating motion. Determining when your car's windshield wiper blades need replacing is fairly easy.

Every car owner knows that a windshield wiper blade is an important and indispensable part of any car.  

The main criteria for the need for replacement are:

  •  a change in the color of the indicator on the brush body, which occurs over time under the influence of ultraviolet radiation from the sun and adverse weather conditions;
  •  the appearance of dirty streaks and streaks on the windshield when the wipers are operating;
  •  formation of vertical narrow stripes on glass;
  •  the presence of uncleaned areas after operation of the windshield wipers.

Types of brushes for car wipers, choosing a replacement brush

There are two types of car windshield wiper blades:

Frame brushes have a more complex design with movable hinge joints, which, when clogged with snow or frozen ice, do not ensure a tight fit of the cleaning rubber surface to the glass. More reliable are frameless brushes, which are most often installed on new cars today.

Replacing windshield wiper blades involves removing old products and installing new ones.  

Their main advantages are that they:

  •  have a more aesthetic appearance;
  •  suitable for any windshield curvature;
  •  when folded, they do not impair the driver’s visibility;
  •  preserve the aerodynamic properties of the car;
  •  less susceptible to icing;
  •  provide a tighter fit to the surface being cleaned.

However, they have one drawback - unlike frame-type brushes, it is impossible to change only the rubber part, but the entire structure must be completely replaced.

When choosing a replacement brush, you need to consider the following nuances:

  •  the sizes of the right and left may be different;
  •  frame structure devices can be replaced with frameless ones;
  •  in order not to make a mistake with the dimensions, you must first measure the length of the old brushes or take them with you as a sample when you go shopping;
  •  when choosing a product, you should pay attention to the mechanism for attaching it to the wiper arm, and whether the kit includes replacement fastening units if the installed mechanism does not correspond to the old type of fastening;
  •  Windshield wipers with different types of blade mounting can be installed on the windshield and rear window of one car.

A very important replacement rule is to buy a product model that is ideal for your car. 

How to replace windshield wiper blades yourself

Wiper blades are consumables necessary for normal vehicle operation. Therefore, they must be periodically replaced with new ones. And for this it is not at all necessary to contact a car service. Replacing windshield wiper blades is quite simple and often does not even require the use of any tools. It all depends on the type of attachment to the wiper arm.

How to change windshield wiper blades on hook-type windshield wipers

To replace a brush with a hook mount, you must:

  1. Pull the wiper towards you all the way, without making much effort, so as not to break this most delicate part of the car.
  2. While holding the lever with one hand so that it does not fall off and break the windshield, open the plastic cap that holds the brush on the hook.
  3. Pull the brush down and remove it from the holder.
  4. Open the plug on the new brush and, having passed the lever through its hole, put the brush on its hook until it stops, and close the plug.

Replacing windshield wiper blades with hook mounting

Replacing brushes with side pin fastening

To change brushes you need:

  1. Pull the wiper away from the windshield until it stops.
  2. Turn the brush counterclockwise, disengaging it from the holder stop, and simply remove it from the pin.
  3. Installation of the windshield wiper blades is carried out in the reverse order. First you need to put the adapter that comes with the kit onto the new brush until the latch clicks.

Replacing blades on wipers with Push button mount

Used to secure the blades to the windshield wiper arm, the Push button mount is a holder in the form of a support pad with grooves and a hole for a button.

Such units are provided on Renault and Citroen, VW, Ford or Volvo cars. This mount, which is quite complex in design, can be removed very easily.

Even when encountering it for the first time, you can intuitively guess how to remove the windshield wiper blades if such a mechanism is present. 

Replacing windshield wiper blades with button fastening

In order to replace the brush, you must:

  1. Press the button, completely recessing it into the hole on the holder platform.
  2. Pull the brush forward, pulling it out of the grooves.
  3. Place the adapter on the new brush and insert it into the grooves until the button clicks.

How to change blades on windshield wipers with Pinch tab fastening - “side clamp”

To replace brushes you need:

  1. Pull the wiper away from the windshield.
  2. Press the side clamp with your fingers on both sides.
  3. Remove the brush from engagement with the sides of the holder.
  4. Insert the holder loop into the groove of the new brush adapter and fasten it until the side clip clicks.

Replacing side-clamp wiper blades

How to change a bayonet or Bayonet wiper blade

Replacement of brushes on wipers with such a mounting unit is carried out as follows:

  1. The windshield wiper must be pulled away from the windshield until it stops.
  2. Hold the wiper lever with one hand, press the latch buttons with the other and pull the blade up.
  3. To install a new brush, you need to press the latch keys, insert the tip of the holder into the hole in the longitudinal channel on the adapter, and pull the brush down until the fastening lock clicks.

Replacing wiper blades with a Side mounting lock or “side mount”

The Side mounting type windshield wiper mounting unit is rare, mainly on some Renault models and on older American cars. Changing brushes with “side mounting” is quite simple.  

Replacing Side Mount Wiper Blades 

To do this you need:

  1. Move the wiper away from the windshield as far as possible.
  2. Turn the brush counterclockwise, positioning it perpendicular to the holder arm.
  3. Open or slide (depending on the adapter design) the plug cover.
  4. By pulling the brush up, disengage it from the “side fastening” pin.
  5. Install the brush in the reverse order.

How to change rear wiper blades

Unlike front wipers, windshield wipers installed on the rear windows of station wagons and hatchbacks may have completely different mountings.

Therefore, changing the brushes on them can be done in a completely different way. Most often, this requires keys, a screwdriver or other tool.

In each individual case, you should first understand how the brushes on the rear wipers are mounted.

For example, to change the rear brushes on a Lada Kalina car, you need to:

  1. Open the metal cap, under which there is a nut.
  2. Use a 10mm wrench to unscrew the nut. In this case, you must not lose the washer installed under it.
  3. Using a screwdriver, loosen the brush clamp and remove it from the lever.
  4. Install the new brush in the reverse order.

Replacing windshield wiper blades on the rear window

Recommendations from specialists for replacing windshield wiper blades

Replacing worn-out car wiper blades is a simple matter, but it requires care, attention and compliance with certain rules:

  •  It is recommended to replace brushes at least once a year, but it is better to do it twice - for the summer and winter seasons;
  •  In order for the brushes to last longer, it is necessary to periodically clean them from blockages, especially in winter, when snow and ice freeze on them;
  •  when replacing the blade, you should hold the windshield wiper lever with your hand, and also place a rag on the windshield so that an accidental wiper does not break it;
  •  Having installed a new brush, you need to remove the plastic protective strip from its rubber surface.

When removing and installing the brushes, you should not use excessive force so as not to damage the fastening of the wiper to the electric drive mechanism.


How to remove windshield wiper blades - solving the problem without visiting a technician

There is a huge range of wipers on the domestic market. All of them lend themselves to specific classification. This is necessary so that even an inexperienced driver can choose the appropriate element for his car.

The main factor on which the type of wiper depends is the attachment of the windshield wiper blades. Until 1999, all wipers were produced with standard mounts or, as craftsmen called it, a hook.

This design is still one of the most common types of windshield wiper mountings today.

Types of fastening wipers

  • They will protect the chassis and save you money, increasing ground clearance by 3 cm.

However, in 2000, the Ford Taurus model appeared, equipped with brushes with new fasteners. Since then, more and more cars began to be equipped with all kinds of latches, fasteners and buttons of different types. After Taurus entered the world market, major windshield wiper manufacturers were divided into 2 teams.

Some stuck to creating sets of brushes with different types of mounts for specific cars. The well-known companies Valeo and Bosch followed this path. Their products are equipped with compact fasteners and make it possible to select an element taking into account the curvature of the front windows of certain car models.

The disadvantage of such windshield wiper blades is that there is too much variety on the market. This factor greatly complicates the selection of a part and increases its cost. The second half of manufacturers produce wipers with universal fasteners.

These parts come with various adapters for all types of fasteners. Champion and SWF companies became adherents of such elements. The main advantages of their products are considered to be low cost and versatility.

The disadvantages include difficulty in removal and installation, as well as poor aerodynamics.

Wipers with universal fasteners

To understand the variety of methods for attaching wipers, let's look at their main types and names:

  • a hook is the most popular way to attach brushes. In markings it is often indicated by the letter U;
  • side pin – common among Peugeot and Mercedes-Benz vehicles. The wipers of the Chevrolet Cruze and Aveo are equipped with the same parts;
  • button - a fairly reliable way to attach brushes, used to supply Renault, Citroen, Ford and Volvo cars;
  • side fastening is a very rare fastening method that is used in a number of American-made cars and some Renault models;
  • side clamp - common among cars from Audi, Fiat, Opel and Saab;
  • bayonet lock - very often used for the production of windshield wipers for trucks.
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Of course, it is very difficult for a person who is forced to change windshield wipers on their own for the first time to choose the appropriate parts. Therefore, experts advise first of all to pay attention to universal parts, and only then look for wipers specifically for your car model.

It is quite easy to understand that windshield wiper blades need to be replaced. To do this, you need to carefully inspect them for damage.

Under the influence of external factors and various mechanical damage, the rubber of the wipers very quickly loses its integrity.

If during the operation of your car you notice that the brushes do not clean the glass well, then it’s time to think about replacing the old parts.

Replacing windshield wiper blades

Removing the brush part

The windshield wiper consists of elements such as a lower arm, a metal holder and a rubber blade. It is the latter that needs to be changed for the windshield cleaning system to work effectively.

To choose the right wipers for replacement, it is worth measuring the length of the old parts with a tape measure. Some drivers remove the brushes and take them to the auto shop.

Both options are good if you want to buy the same items that were on your car before.

To remove the brush, you need to slightly move the wiper structure. To do this, you will need to move the lower arm of the part away from the windshield of the car and lift the fasteners towards the metal part of the windshield wiper.

After the lever has assumed a stable position, you need to remove the rubber brush. At the same time, pay attention to the joint where the brush is attached to the holder.

At the junction there is a plastic plug that holds the brush blade.

Plastic plug for wiper holder

To quickly remove the rubber part of the wiper, you need to press the plug, which will push the joint apart and release the worn element. Sometimes cars are equipped with wipers, in the housing of which special flags are installed.

They are also designed to remove the brush. When you change the position of the flags, the worn rubber will automatically fall off the wipers. During the process of dismantling the rubber, you need to constantly monitor the position of the wiper lever.

It is held in place by a small spring.

Removing the rubber part of the wiper

Therefore, if you do not secure it completely, the element may move and damage the windshield. To protect your car window, it is best to place a towel under your windshield wipers. After removing the old brushes, you need to install new ones.

To do this, insert the purchased part into the holder and turn it until the hook reaches its final position. At the same time, it will make a characteristic click.

After this, we move the wiper to the windshield and we can continue operating our car.


How to remove and change windshield wiper blades?

Tags:Car wipers

Due to the fact that windshield wiper blades are made of rubber, they wear out after a certain period of use.

Of course, you can take your car to a workshop and have professionals replace the wiper blades, but this is a fairly simple job, so any car enthusiast can easily do it on their own.

Plus, replacing windshield wiper tools is the same for the vast majority of cars.

Sequence of actions when replacing the brush

Consequences of poor windshield wiper performance

Some car enthusiasts believe that it is necessary to change the cleaning elements on the wipers only when they are completely falling apart. In fact, windshield wipers are an equally important and necessary part of the car. There are several reasons that indicate that the tools need to be urgently changed:

  • Stripes on the windshield. If the brushes clean dry or dirty glass, small cracks appear on them. As a result, the wipers begin to leave streaks on the windshield of the car, and you can no longer closely monitor the road. To avoid this effect, turn on the wipers only on clean glass. Of course, after several years of use, any tools have to be changed, but if you keep the glass clean, this need will come later;

Stripes on the windshield

  • Uncleared areas. As a rule, this occurs due to deformation of the rubber band of the wipers. The reason for such damage lies in contamination of the frame brushes or in temperature deformation. If the cleaning elements of the windshield wiper become dirty, the normal movement of the rubber band is disrupted. In addition, the rocker arm joints can move in a wave. In this case, it is not necessary to change the tools - just remove them and simply wash them in warm water with a regular detergent. If you must do this, lift the wiper blades so that they do not touch the glass. If you do not do this, then you will have to change tools ahead of time; Uncleaned areas of the windshield
  • Wipers jumping on the windshield. If the wiper only jumps when you are driving at high speed, then the reason for this is the use of a frame wiper without a spoiler. In this case, you need to change the tools yourself to models that have a spoiler. In addition, you can install frameless tools that have excellent aerodynamics. The reason for the brushes jumping may be a loose rocker arm mechanism or mounting unit. In this case, make sure that the wiper is secured correctly and check the play of the rocker arms. If you find any problem, then you need to remove the old components and replace them with new ones. In addition, the wiper can jump on the glass due to a bent leash. As a rule, the wiper cleans one side well and the other poorly. Check the windshield wiper arm. If it's a little screwed in, fix it. It is necessary to ensure that the cleaning edge of the wipers is at an angle of 90 degrees to the surface of the windshield;
  • Cloudy windshield. This occurs due to a longitudinal rupture of the rubber band in the area of ​​the movable joint. Because of this, the cleaning element is not able to maintain the specified working angle. Then installing new brushes is exactly what you need to do. Of course, glass can also remain cloudy due to viscous chemical contamination. In this case, it is not necessary to change the tools - just wash them. Of course, don't forget to clean your windshield thoroughly with detergent. Wiper Blade Design
  • Preparing for work

    Replacing brushes is a responsible process, so you need to carefully prepare for it:

    1. Take a close look at the wipers. It consists of three parts: a blade, a lower arm that extends from the base of the windshield, and a metal holder. You just need to replace the consumables – the brushes;
    2. Find out the size of your windshield wiper blades. To do this, measure the cleaning elements using a tape measure or ruler;
    3. Set up a workplace. This will provide you with free and convenient access to the windshield wipers, and will also allow you to easily remove and change them.

    How to install new wiper blades

    Once you've prepared for work, it's time to start replacing the brushes:

    • Lift the lower arm from the windshield. Remember that the lever must be installed perpendicular to the windshield;
    • Unhook the worn windshield wiper blade. The cleaning element is secured with a small plastic clip. Removing the tool is very simple - just gently press on the holder. After this, unhook the cleaning element from the metal handle. Remember that on some models the brushes are secured with a latch rather than a hook;
    • Secure the new windshield wiper blade. Insert a new brush into the same end of the metal frame from which you removed the worn-out tool. You need to secure the cleaning element very carefully until you hear a characteristic click. After this, place the tool back on the car windshield;
    • Replace the tool on the second windshield wiper. Don't forget that cleaning tools come in different sizes, so you need to be very careful when installing them.

    By replacing the cleaning elements, you will ensure that your wipers work well. Thanks to this, the windshield will remain clean, and the driver will have an excellent view of the road.


    If the windshield wipers no longer cope with their duties

    If you can clear the glass for sufficient visibility only with the third or fourth stroke, and the area where the brushes work on the clean glass becomes visible, it’s time to change them.

    How often should wipers be changed?

    It is difficult to give a definite answer to the question of how often to change wipers. Brushes are a consumable item that ensures the proper operation of a vehicle, just like engine and transmission oils or filters. And, like any consumable material, they have a limited resource.

    Some sources recommend replacing twice a year. Some once every two years. But most car enthusiasts prefer to change wipers only if their work is clearly unproductive.

    Car windshield wipers - commonly known as wipers

    Many factors influence the service life of windshield wipers:

    As a result of such influences, the rubber of the brushes “tans”, and its adherence to the glass decreases. The fit to the glass largely depends on the condition of the frame wiper hinges, if this particular type of windshield wiper is installed.

    Types of wipers

    Variety of car windshield wipers

    Before changing the wipers on your car, you should determine which wipers are right for you. The range of these consumables is quite rich. The market offers framed, frameless and hybrid models from different brands. There is no clear division of brushes into “bad” and “good”.

    Each type of wiper includes positive and negative qualities.

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    Frameless and combined ones are superior to their framed counterparts in terms of durability, due to the absence of an open frame, which can rust, suffer from salt deposits, etc.

    Frame wipers, in turn, have an attractive price and, thanks to the rocker arm system, better bend around the windshield.

    In any case, the applicability of the product on a particular car and the quality of its manufacture play a decisive role. When purchasing brushes, you must follow the recommendations of the car manufacturer. Most of them provide not only the parameters of the applicable wipers, but also specific brands indicating the catalog number.

    Many manufacturers of spare parts and consumables indicate on their products the models and brands of cars to which these parts are applicable.

    But how to change wipers if these options are not suitable? All that remains is to select brushes similar to those installed, provided that you are satisfied with the quality of their work.

    It is necessary to take measurements of both wipers. This is important, since the size of the brushes for most cars is individual. And on some, the driver's wiper is larger than the passenger's.

    It should immediately be noted that the questions “how to change frame wipers” and “how to change frameless wipers” are untenable. If the shape of your car windshield is not complex, you will find suitable options for both types. The question is rather in the correct choice of fastenings of the brushes to the windshield wiper arms.

    It is very important to accurately determine the type of brush attachment. This is not easy, so the best solution would be to carefully remove the blades, place a thick cloth under the wiper arms, thereby protecting the windshield from contact with metal, and go with them for new ones.

    Removing old wipers

    Most modern cars use a hook type mount. Its installation and dismantling is quite simple.

    It is very important to prevent the lever from hitting the glass under the action of the pressure spring! Therefore, the operation must be performed with caution. It is also advisable to protect the windshield with a thick blanket.

    If your car has a different type of mount, you will have to use your ingenuity. Some manufacturers have equipped cars with clever fastenings such as Side pin, Pinch tab, Top lock, Push button.

    But dealing with them is not difficult, using reasonable caution.

    Often, a set of new brushes comes with instructions for removal and installation. This will also help you figure out how to change the blades on wipers with non-standard mounting.

    Installing new wipers

    Replacing car windshield wiper blades is an easy task

    Installing new windshield wipers is the reverse process of removing them and should not be a problem. The only exception can be the use of universal adapters. These can often be found in brush sets from well-known brands. Their use allows the use of more modern brushes on cars of previous generations.

    It is very important not to overdo it. If you feel that you do not understand how to change the wipers on your car or something does not work, contact a service station. They will help you without breaking anything. And you can study all the replacement operations and return to them next time.

    If everything worked out well and you changed the front wipers, then you can easily figure out how to change the rear wiper.

    Tips for use

    Replacing the rear window wiper blade

    I would like to highlight tips for using brushes as a separate item.
    It is necessary to control what liquids and substances they come into contact with. Road chemicals, questionable washer fluids and solvents reduce the service life of rubber bands.

    Prolonged exposure to the scorching sun and severe frost accelerates their aging and destruction. Operation in such conditions can cause premature wear of the rubber bands, even on new windshield wipers. This, in turn, entails a number of concerns about how to change the rubber bands on the wipers, if they are still new and expensive.


    How to remove and replace windshield wipers (wiper blades)

    Windshield wiper blades are made of rubber, so their wear is a matter of time. Replacing the rubber bands on the wipers should be done regularly, because they remove dirt, snow and water droplets from the windshield of the car. Read on to learn how to remove the windshield wiper blades yourself and replace them.

    The Avtopub website regularly publishes articles for beginners, thanks to which they can save money by performing various procedures related to car repair and maintenance on their own. One of these procedures is also replacing the wipers. The following tips are suitable in most cases.

    General recommendations

    To determine whether your windshield wiper blades need to be replaced, you need to inspect them for damage. As rubber ages, it loses its ductility and cannot perform its intended purpose well. If the operation of the wipers on your car leads to the appearance of streaks on the windshield, we advise you to think about buying new blades and then replacing them.

    It is necessary to understand that replacing wipers means replacing only a small component of the windshield wiper. Car wipers are made of three main elements:

    • the lower arm, which starts from the base of the windshield;
    • a metal holder that is connected to the lower arm;
    • brush made of rubber.

    It is the brush that wipes the windshield. This item is a consumable item, so it is replaced quite often.

    By the way, you can replace the wiper rubber bands, but not the entire blade. Read more about this in our article for those who do not want to overpay -

    Before removing the windshield wiper blades, it is necessary to purchase suitable replacement elements in advance. This is not difficult to do - you just need to measure the dimensions of the previously installed brushes using a tape measure. Another option is to remove the wipers and take them to an auto shop.

    As a rule, the cost of windshield wiper blades ranges from 200-700 rubles. Sometimes they may cost more, but this is true for original products.

    Procedure for replacing windshield wiper blades

    1. We move the lower arm away from the windshield of the car. To do this, it must be lifted by the place where this element is attached to the wiper holder made of metal. It must be brought to a stable position. Note that a spring is used, so the lever must be raised all the way.

      Otherwise, it may return to its original position, and in some cases this may lead to damage to the windshield.

    2. We disconnect the windshield wiper blade, which has already served its purpose. Pay attention to the joint where the brush blade connects to the holder.

      In this place there is a plastic plug that holds the blade. You need to press this plug and disconnect the brush (photo below).

    3. In some cases, to replace wipers, it is necessary to change the position of special flags that hold the wiper blade in place.

    4. Be sure to ensure that during the procedure for replacing rubber bands on the wipers, the lower arm does not hit the windshield, as the consequences can be extremely sad. Sometimes it is better to use a towel to protect the glass, which will help avoid unforeseen situations.

    5. Next you need to replace the wiper blades. They need to be inserted into the holder and the new rubber element must be carefully turned so that the hook takes its place. Then the hook must be secured and the entire wiper must be returned to its base position on the windshield.
    6. We repeat similar steps with another windshield wiper.

      Don't forget to check if you have made a mistake when choosing the right and left sides.

    For clarity, we also publish a video on how to remove windshield wipers (wiper blades) and replace them easily and simply:


    How to change wipers correctly and quickly with your own hands?

    Everyone knows what “wipers” are - this is a special device in the form of a lever and a brush for cleaning the windshield and sometimes the rear window. They can be framed or frameless. In the first option, these are moving parts that hold the cleaning surface on the wind window.

    Glass cleaning mechanism

    Unfortunately, this species is quite delicate because it is vulnerable to snow and rain, which eventually turns into ice and damages the frame surface. In addition, the cleaning part does not fit tightly to the surface, and therefore does not clean well enough.

    The second option is more convenient, because instead of a “rocker arm,” frameless ones have a spring that exerts pressure and presses the part against the windshield. Since they are made of rubber, they wear out quickly.

    Therefore, time is one of the reasons why there is a need for dismantling. A sign of failure is streaks on the windshield or rear window. This means that the wipers do not perform their functions.

    Of course, dismantling the cleaning devices themselves is only a tiny part of the job. After all, windshield wipers are a large mechanism consisting of different parts. But they, of course, can be dismantled quite often, because they are consumables. You can find out how to change windshield wiper blades below.

    Photo gallery “Step-by-step replacement instructions”

    The photo below shows a step-by-step diagram of actions for replacing parts for a windshield wiper.

    1. Installation part2. Removing the plug3. The process of pulling the structure down

    Instructions for removing and replacing wipers

    It is very easy to replace used material, and you can do it yourself. The only thing that is important to do is to buy a new part that is the same size as the old one. After all, wipers often differ in length from each other and this is also important to take into account.

    Dismantling occurs in stages:

    1. The lever is placed vertically and removed from the windshield. It is important to hold it carefully so as not to injure it. If it pops out, it may damage the glass.
    2. Now you need to open the holder cap and pull the brush down, while holding the holder firmly.
    3. After this, you need to take the previously stored part, put it on the knitting needle and close the cap. Now pull it down, leveling it out. Thus, the operation is completed and you can proceed with another window cleaner. It is filmed in exactly the same way (the author of the video is TheBrandConnect).

    Features of replacing rear wipers

    There are some car models on which it would also be a good idea to install rear window wipers.

    The installation pattern on the rear windows is quite different from the installation of the glass cleaner on the front windows.

    In the case of installing rear wipers, it is impossible to say how to change the wipers, because all cars are different and the approach to them is individual. As an example, we can take the usual Lada Kalina station wagon.

    1. There is a fastening nut on the wiper, and above it there is a protective element. This metal cap must be lifted up.
    2. Then take a 10mm wrench and, carefully, so as not to drop the washer under it, unscrew the nut. Now turn the device a little and carefully pull it towards you. It will come off without any problems. After this, you can remove the mechanism to clean the windows.
    3. Now, on the dismantled device, you need to pull the part and use a screwdriver to loosen the latch that holds the part to the lever. You can replace it in the same way as replacing front windshield wipers. When buying brushes, you need to pay attention to the bend of the brush, because even this affects the quality of cleaning.

    Varieties of design


    Drawing a conclusion from all of the above, we can note the ease of replacement both on the front and rear windows. The only difference is that the rear windows are individual and require your own approach. Understanding this situation will not be difficult if you follow the above tips for removal and replacement.

    The last thing to say is that mechanisms need to be carefully looked after to ensure they have a “long life.” The hinges on wipers are very vulnerable. They need to be periodically cleaned of dust and all kinds of contaminants and lubricated so that the device removes dirt from the glass well. Then the problem of how to replace windshield wiper blades will disappear by itself.

    Window cleaning mechanism

    Video “Replacing the rear window wiper of Toyota Rav4”

    Thanks to this video from the author Aleksandr Belyaev, you can learn how to replace the rear wiper blade.

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    How to replace windshield wiper blades yourself? - AUTO NEWS


    Many experts recommend changing windshield wiper blades approximately once a year. It doesn't matter how often you use your car. As a rule, brushes need to be changed after winter, because winter has an extremely negative impact on the condition of your car.  

    There are requirements that windshield wipers must meet. These include high-quality cleaning of glass from dirt and snow for 400 thousand cycles, which is approximately equal to a year of service.  

    There are 2 types of windshield wipers - ordinary and frameless. If we talk about replacing brushes, there is nothing complicated in this process. You will learn how to do this from this article.  

    Ordinary brushes are a frame of “rocker arms,” usually iron, with hinges and brackets to which a rubber element is attached. But let's talk about more modern brushes that do not have a frame. Such “wipers” are free from frame, squeak and corrosion.

    They don't make any noise when you're driving at high speeds on the highway. Frameless brushes consist of a pressure plate, a cleaning tape made of synthetic rubber. Some expensive models have a spoiler so that the blades do not come off the windshield at speed.

    The degree of brush pressing depends on the elasticity of the pressure plates. 

    Replacing conventional wiper blades with frameless ones 

    To replace the wiper, you need to press out the “tab” located on the inside, remove the blade cover, and then rotate the wiper itself 90 degrees. Then we pull it towards ourselves and remove it from the brush guide.  

    In order to install the brush in place, you need to do the same thing, but in reverse order. This is how the windshield wiper blades are replaced with frameless ones.  

    Replacing frameless brushes with frameless ones 

    Most foreign cars are produced with frameless brushes already installed. However, the mounts are different for all car models. From simple fastening, like on Mercedes, to complex fastening, like on Peugeot, where to dismantle the windshield wiper you need to set the blade guide in a vertical position, then press the tabs and at the same time pull the windshield wiper up along the guide.  

    I would also like to remind you that it is best to buy windshield wipers a little more expensive than to suffer with cheap models later. And never forget to monitor the condition of your windshield wiper blades!



    Replacing a car's rear windshield wiper blade yourself

    Every driver of a vehicle knows that good visibility is the key to safety on the road. It is thanks to the so-called wipers that the rear and windshield are kept clean in adverse weather conditions. But everything eventually wears out and needs to be replaced.

    This happens with car windshield wipers when they stop performing their full function. An experienced car owner knows that rear window wipers wear out much faster, and accordingly, they need to be replaced more often. It's not difficult to do this yourself.

    At the same time, you need to ensure that the purchased model of the product fits your car...

    Types of rear window wipers

    The windshield wiper device is a metal arm connected to a rubber surface. The brush is fixed on the lever with a special holder with a plug.

    1. Frame brushes are equipped with movable elements called rocker arms. They fix the cleaning surface to the windshield. However, such wipers have a main drawback - hinged joints. Precipitation can cause the windshield wipers to malfunction. Also, a loose fit of the rubber element to the glass surface reduces the quality of the wipers.
    2. Frameless windshield wipers have a spring, so the rubber surface fits as tightly as possible to the windshield. This promotes better glass cleaning and increases service life. A distinctive feature of such wipers is their curved shape. You can see frameless models on many cars. They look good, do not reduce the aerodynamics of the body, are not as susceptible to icing and do not interfere with visibility. But there is one drawback - it is impossible to change only the rubber band on the brush, so you have to do a complete replacement. Also, in most cases, a frameless windshield wiper is selected for the appropriate vehicle based on parameters such as the angle of the windshield and the length of the blade itself. Attention to car owners who want to replace the rear frame wiper with a frameless one: despite the fastening in the form of a simple hook, such a replacement is almost impossible. The reason lies in the fact that the leash is located very close to the glass, which does not allow installing a frameless model, which is higher at the ends than the frame one.
    3. Plastic rear windshield wipers are essentially blades with a smooth plastic frame. A wiper of this type is installed using a special mount on a plastic leash, as if being its continuation. This type of model needs to be selected more carefully to ensure it fits exactly.

    Options for replacing rear wipers

    If your car's rear brush is worn out or malfunctioning , you can:

    1. replace it with a new original one,
    2. replace with an analogue of the original,
    3. Just replace the cleaning tape.

    To replace the rear brush with an original one , we simply purchase it at any auto store or place an order there and install it.

    As for the selection of non-original ones, many of the manufacturers can offer alternative models. In this case, most likely, the design will need to be slightly modified in order to install it properly.

    Sometimes, only the rubber part of the brush wears out. Then you can simply replace this cleaning tape with a new one.

    It is also useful to read: Features of hybrid wiper blades

    On different models of cars, rear wipers are installed differently. Therefore, there is no single installation method. But everything is identical.

    Here is one way to remove the rear wiper blade and replace the wiper. We remove the cover from the mounting axis of the windshield wiper arm, which is attached with latches. Then we lift the leash from the glass. At the same time, we turn the wiper itself perpendicular to the glass until the latch reaches the stop.

    Now carefully remove the brush from the clamp. To install a new one, we do the same thing, only exactly the opposite. The elastic band can be changed simply, without removing the structure from the leash. To do this, you just need to pull out the rubber band along with the spokes from the central part of the windshield wiper.

    A new rubber band is attached in the reverse order.

    In principle, this is the entire installation. If the wipers work effectively, then you have completed the task.


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