
How to get an international driving license

How to get an international driving license? — DRIVE2

I travel a lot by car both around the country and abroad, so there was a need to get an international driver's license. The fact is that not in all countries local law enforcement agencies accept national rights, and problems may also arise when renting a car. Therefore, in order to tempt fate once again, I decided to start international ones.

On the territory of which world countries can a Russian international driver's license be used? First of all, it is worth mentioning the document that is the legal basis of the international movement - the Vienna Convention on Road Traffic, which was signed by a number of countries in 1968.

The Convention was adopted by 68 states: Austria, Bahamas, Bahrain, Belarus, Belgium, Bulgaria, Bosnia, Brazil, Great Britain, Hungary, Venezuela, Guyana, Ghana, Germany, Herzegovina, Greece, Georgia, Denmark, Zaire, Zimbabwe, Israel, Indonesia, Iran , Spain, Italy, Kazakhstan, Costa Rica, Cote d'Ivoire, Cuba, Kuwait, Latvia, Lithuania, Luxembourg, Macedonia, Morocco, Mexico, Monaco, Niger, Norway, Pakistan, Poland, Portugal, Republic of Korea, Republic of Moldova , Russian Federation, Romania, San Marino, Seychelles, Senegal, Slovakia, Slovenia, Tajikistan, Thailand, Turkmenistan, Uzbekistan, Ukraine, Uruguay, Philippines, Finland, France, Croatia, Central African Republic, Czech Republic, Chile, Sweden, Ecuador, Estonia, South Africa, Yugoslavia.

It should be noted that driving a car on the territory of these states, unlike countries not included in the list, should pose a minimum of problems.

For the issuance of an international driver's license by the applicant to the State Traffic Inspectorate, the following documents are required:

a) application; b) passport; d) Russian national driver's license; e) photograph measuring 35 x 45 mm, made in black and white or color on matte paper.

e) paid state duty

There is no need to retake the traffic rules and present a medical certificate. By the way, the validity period of such rights is 3 years.

As for the state duty, the standard cost is 1,600 rubles, but if you register through State Services, you receive a 30% discount and pay the state duty for 1,120 rubles. This motivated me to finally register for this service, which was not without incidents and not without communication with technical support.

I filled out an electronic application and selected a local city REO. The service offered me to immediately pay the state fee, which I did. All that remains is to come the next day at the specified time with all the documents and get your license.

But late in the evening I received a call from a state traffic police officer, where they told me that they didn’t have any licenses in stock right now, so I would either have to wait (no one knows how long) or go look in one of the cities in our region.

I called Novokuibyshevsk, Chapaevsk (where they never answered the phone) and found ID cards in Togliatti, of which there were also few left. I immediately filled out a new application, paid (once again) the state fee, and the next morning I was already at the local REO to obtain my license. It took about an hour to complete the design.

On the way home, I stopped by the REO of my city and wrote an application asking for a refund of the state duty, now I have to wait for 30 days.

I advise you to apply for your license in advance, and not just before your trip, and before paying the state fee, check to see if you even have these documents.


How to obtain an international license: step-by-step 3-step registration instructions

Good day, friends!

If you prefer to travel abroad while driving a car, then you need to know how to get an international license in 2018. Today I will tell you what an international driving license is, in what cases it is required and what problems may arise when obtaining it. Let's get started!

What is an IDP and why is it needed?

Several documents have the status of an international driver's license:

  • Notarized Russian old-style car license (received before March 2011). Only old-style Russian automobile licenses can be notarized and only in the country where you will use them.
  • Russian driver's license (obtained after March 1, 2011). They are only valid in countries that are signatories to the Vienna Convention on International Road Traffic.
  • Special international driver's license Applicable in countries that are signatories to the Vienna and Geneva Conventions.

The last document from the list will be discussed in this article.

An international driver's license (IDP) is a translation of a national driver's license certified by the State Traffic Safety Inspectorate, which looks like a booklet, each page of which is translated into one of the 8 main world languages.

You will need an international driving license when traveling or working abroad:

  • In countries that have signed the Geneva Convention.
  • In states that have signed but not ratified the Vienna Convention.
  • In some cases in countries that have signed the Vienna Convention.

You will find detailed information about these nuances in the following article: International driving license - in which countries are they needed and how are global road safety requirements regulated?

What are the consequences of driving without an international license?

Depending on the legislation in force in different countries, you may encounter various difficulties if you do not have an international driver's license.

  1. In countries that have signed the Geneva Convention , as well as in states that have not ratified the Vienna Convention, you will be prohibited from driving a car into the territory of the state.
  2. In countries that have signed the Vienna Convention and, in theory, should accept Russian car licenses as international rights.

In the latter case, the following problems occur:

  • Difficulties in obtaining a rental car.
  • Imposition of a fine , since the absence of an IDP is similar to driving without a driver's license.
  • Rejection of a request for insurance payment upon the occurrence of an insured event.

It would seem that in countries that have signed and ratified the Vienna Convention, the law is on your side - the Russian VU must be accepted. However, in reality, these difficulties still arise, according to many drivers. You can try to challenge the decision of foreign officials, but in a foreign language and legal environment this is problematic.

Article on the topic: In which European countries are Russian international laws needed? Prepare for your trip in advance!

Validity period of the IDP

An international diploma in Russia is issued for a maximum of 3 years. In the Decree of the Government of the Russian Federation (hereinafter referred to as PP) dated October 24, 2014 No. 1097, paragraph 33, there is an important clarification: international driving licenses are issued for a period not exceeding the validity period of the national driving license of the Russian Federation.

Therefore, if your Russian license expires, for example, in six months, then you will be given an international license for six months. Knowing this, you can immediately decide whether to obtain an IDP based on the current national driver’s license for the remaining period of validity or first exchange your rights to receive an international driver’s license for 3 years at once.

How to get an international driver's license: step-by-step instructions

If you are not sure whether you need an IDP, but plan to travel abroad while driving a car, get yourself such a license just in case. Even if they are not useful, it is not difficult to get them. Let's figure out how to do this.

Step 1. Prepare a package of documents

PP No. 1097, paragraph 34, approved the list of documents for obtaining an IDP:

  1. Application for an international university. You can fill it out at the traffic police or MFC - they will give you a sample.
  2. Passport or other identification document (military ID for military personnel, foreign passport for citizens living abroad, or identification card for military service officers.
  3. National Russian car license.
  4. Photo size 35×45 mm on matte paper – 1 pc.
  5. Receipt for payment of state duty. You don’t have to provide it because information about payment is entered into the traffic police database, but don’t forget to pay. The amount of this state duty is regulated by the Tax Code of the Russian Federation (Article 333.33, paragraph 1, paragraph 43) and amounts to 1,600 rubles.

There is no need to pass an exam to obtain an IDP; it is issued on the basis of a valid Russian driving license. Since February 2016, a medical certificate is no longer required to obtain an international residence permit. This innovation is enshrined in clause 3 of PP No. 65 (dated 02/04/2016).

A foreign passport is not a mandatory document, but I advise you to take it with you so that the spelling of your full name in Latin letters completely coincides with the spelling in the university. Also, local authorities often require a photocopy of a foreign passport in the package of documents.

Article on the topic: Obtaining an international driver's license - what is needed for this?

How to write an application for international driving license

You can fill out an application for an IDP through the Unified Government Services Portal or manually. The statement states:

  • To which traffic police department the documents are submitted (name of department).
  • Personal data (standard set).
  • Reason for filing the application (initial receipt, loss of IDP, etc.).
  • List of attached documents.

To fill out the application yourself, download this form.

The form to fill out can be viewed at the State Traffic Safety Inspectorate or the MFC, or downloaded from this link.

Nuances regarding photographs for an IDP

The following legal requirements are established for photo formatting:

  • image must be clear.
  • The position of the face is strictly frontal.
  • The presence of a headdress is prohibited in all cases, except those when appearing in public with your head uncovered is prohibited by religion.
  • If the photo is still wearing a headdress, then the oval of the face should be clearly visible.

Persons with visual impairments who wear glasses in everyday life must also wear glasses in the photograph. Glasses must have transparent lenses. A photo with glasses with tinted lenses will be considered unsuitable. These requirements are enshrined in Appendix No. 2 to Order No. 206 of the Ministry of Internal Affairs of the Russian Federation.

Article on the topic: What photographs are needed for an international driver's license

Step 2. Provide the necessary documents to the traffic police

At this stage, you have an alternative as to how it is convenient for you to submit documents.

Personal appeal to the traffic police

Contacting the State Traffic Inspectorate is on a first-come, first-served basis. The advantage of this method is that you receive your license on the day you apply. The obvious disadvantage is the long wait for your turn.

The process of reviewing documents and issuing a car license takes up to 1 hour, depending on the length of the queue. You can obtain an IDP at any traffic police department at your discretion, regardless of your place of registration (in accordance with clause 3, PP No. 1097).

Providing documents through the Unified Government Services Portal

This method is convenient in that all documents can be submitted while sitting at the computer, and you can visit the traffic police department at the appointed time and receive a license without queuing.

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In order to transfer documents electronically, you must:

  1. Register on the Unified Government Services Portal - to register you will need a passport and SNILS.
  2. Log in to your personal account.
  3. Fill out the application online.
  4. Attach copies of the required documents.
  5. Pay the state fee.

In your application for rights you will need to indicate:

  • Your full name.
  • Passport data (date and place of birth, series and number of the identity card, when and by whom it was issued).
  • Residence address
  • Information about a medical certificate - this column does not need to be filled out.
  • Data from your national university.
  • Driver's category.
  • department where you will receive an IDP.
  • Check the box for consent to the processing of personal data.

For an example of completing an application for an IDP through the Unified Government Services Portal, see this video:

Article on the topic: How to quickly obtain an international license through State Services - instructions in 8 simple steps with photos

Providing documents through the MFC

From February 1, 2017, you can apply for an international car license at multifunctional public service centers (MFCs). This provision was approved by GD No. 755 (dated 08/03/2016). The period for obtaining an international car license through the MFC is up to 3 days.

Step 3. Obtaining an international driver's license

After checking the data you submitted, you will be given an IDP in person. They may be refused to issue you on the following grounds:

  • Lack of some required documents.
  • Fake (as well as stolen) documents.
  • Expired documents
  • Errors in document preparation: lack of necessary information, stamps, signatures, corrections not officially approved.
  • age .
  • Deprivation of the holder of a national driver's license.

So, if you have reached the age of 21 and have not made any obvious blunders when submitting documents, you will be issued an international driving license without any problems.

How to exchange an old IDP

The international driving license is exchanged using the same algorithm as when you first received it: you collect a package of documents and submit it to the traffic police in a convenient way.

I would like to warn motorists - an international car license should only be obtained from institutions specially designed for this (in our case, the traffic police). On the Internet you can come across advertisements offering to issue a transfer of a temporary document, which supposedly will be valid abroad. In reality, such a translation will not be considered official.

Article on the topic: International driving license: what is it and why is it necessary

When an international car license is considered invalid

International driving licenses are issued for a period of 3 years. But there are a number of reasons established by law on the basis of which an international VU can be canceled ahead of schedule (see paragraphs 33-35 of PP No. 1097).

An international car license is revoked:

  • If the personal information of the ID holder has changed.
  • If the national VU has expired.
  • If a new driver's license has been issued.
  • If medical contraindications to driving are identified.
  • If irregularities are detected in a previously issued certificate (for example, false data or errors).
  • If the device is damaged to the point of making the content unreadable.
  • When deprived of national rights.

You can find out additional details on the process of obtaining an IDP in 2017 from this video:

Let's sum it up

  1. A medical certificate is not required when obtaining an IDP (since February 2016).
  2. A 30% discount can be obtained when paying state fees through the Unified Government Services Portal.
  3. Pass examination tests You do not need an IDP to obtain an IDP.

  4. International driver's licenses are valid only abroad; they are not valid in Russia.
  5. Have it with you Russian DP in addition to the IDP since the latter is valid abroad only when presented together with national rights.


Traveling abroad by car certainly brings a lot of vivid impressions. To ensure only positive emotions, take care in advance to obtain an international driving license.

In Russia, this is quick and easy to do; fortunately, there is no need to pass exams or undergo additional medical examination. And the step-by-step instructions from this article will help you with this.


How to obtain international licenses and in which countries are they needed?

Author: Vasily Blinov

03 September 2016 at 20:56

Hello, dear readers of the . Vasily Blinov is in touch, today I finally got to the traffic police department and received an international driver's license (IDP). The summer of 2016 was busy, the weather was incredibly warm for the Urals, we were either rafting or hiking, time passes, and winter is coming soon, and we need to fly to warm countries.

You know how much I love to find adventures when traveling, and I am especially lucky with the police when I rent a bike or car.

Remember that story with the cops in Bali? Where they pushed me into a police car and drove me to an ATM so that I could withdraw money from my card and pay a fine of 1,000,000 Indonesian rupees (about 5,000 rubles). And the problems, as always, arose due to the fact that I did not have international rights, only ordinary national ones, and of the old type.

I decided to close this problem with the license and figure out, firstly, how to get an international license, and secondly, what is the difference between driver’s licenses and what is valid in which countries.

On the Internet, of course, this issue is also a mess and you can’t figure it out right away. I will try to explain as simply as possible and with all the necessary legal documents. First, let's figure out how they look and work.

Types of driver's licenses and what they look like

Today there are 3 types of rights for Russian citizens:

  • Old style national driver's license
  • New national driver's license
  • International driver's license

They may differ in some other minor amendments. Without a regular driver's license, new or old, you will not be able to obtain an international license. How to pass for a regular license is another story.

National ones are valid for 10 years, and international ones only for 3, and they cease to be valid if the national ones expire. My old Russian ones expire in 2.5 years, so the IDP will cease to be valid along with them.

Now let's see in detail and with photos what they look like.

Old style national rights

They were made until February 2011, this is exactly what I have now. I will change them only in 2019.

Validity period: 10 years.

New national rights

Issued from March 1, 2011. The size of a plastic card from any bank, unlike the old laminated ones.

Validity period: 10 years.

Photo from the Internet.

International driver's license

Looks like a booklet. Slightly larger than a passport. Valid in the territories of countries that have signed the Vienna Convention on Road Traffic of November 8, 1968. I'll tell you more about this a little later.

Important point! An international certificate is in addition to the national certificate and is invalid without it. It also does not apply in the country of which you are a citizen.

Validity period: 3 years.

Front side


back side

Right on it is a list of countries that have signed the Vienna Convention on Road Traffic.

68 countries:

Austria Azerbaijan Albania Armenia Bahamas Bahrain Belarus Belgium Bulgaria Bosnia and Herzegovina Brazil Vatican Great Britain Hungary Venezuela Guyana Ghana Germany Greece Georgia Denmark Zimbabwe Israel Indonesia Iran Spain Italy Kazakhstan Kenya Kyrgyzstan China Congo Korea Costa Rica Ivory Coast Cuba Kuwait Latvia Lithuania Luxembourg Macedonia Morocco Mexico Moldova Monaco Mongolia Niger Netherlands Norway UAE Pakistan Peru Poland Portugal RSFSR (Russia) Romania Seychelles Senegal Serbia Slovakia Slovenia Tajikistan Thailand Tunisia Turkmenistan Uzbekistan Ukraine Uruguay Philippines Finland France Croatia Central African Republic Montenegro Czech Republic Chile Switzerland Sweden Ecuador Estonia South Africa

Why do we need international rights?

In general, this is how things stand here. We re-read all the legal documents, reviews from people, answers from lawyers, and it turned out that according to the Vienna Convention, which was signed by the countries listed above, new and old-style ID cards are valid on their territories.

BUT! The reason for obtaining an international license is that many of these countries ignore these laws and may require not only the international license, but also the rights of their country (which is often encountered in some Asian countries).

Yes, with Asia it’s a completely different story, where the local police are simply running wild and profiting from tourists. It is the human factor that works, not laws and conventions. I’m not always sure that they will let me go with international ones.

In Europe and other countries the situation is the same; in one office where you rent a vehicle, they may require them, but in another, old-style national ones will be enough. It is not clear which countries require IDPs.

THEREFORE it’s better to go and get international rights, there will be fewer problems with them. Fines and payoffs from the police can cost more money and time.

If you are going to rent a bike or scooter abroad, be sure to buy proper insurance; it is better not to skimp on this. Riding two-wheelers is quite dangerous and people often get into accidents on them.

We also had a case where we flew off the bike. A collarbone fracture, I had to undergo surgery, insert a metal pin and spend 3 days in the hospital. For tourists, medicine is expensive, but of high quality. The insurance company paid about $7,000 for my treatment. And I bought insurance for 3 months for only 4 thousand rubles ($60).

How to get an international license?

So let's get down to business. I’ll tell you how I received an IDP in my city, what documents were required, and how the whole procedure works. In your city, the work of traffic police officers in this regard may differ slightly.

The most difficult thing here in Russia is making an appointment at a convenient time. It’s okay for me, I work remotely and can come at any time, but for those who have a regular working day and need to be present in the office, it’s more difficult.

It seems that there is an electronic queue through the State Services portal, and a telephone number where you can call (we tried, no one answered the phone), but it turned out to be easier for me to go and get an electronic queue coupon. There are many people who want to get/replace a driver’s license, so when I arrived at 8 a.m., I only managed to make an appointment for 4 p.m.

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Then I came up to this time, handed over the necessary package of documents, and after 15 - 20 minutes the license was ready.

Where to get it? Where can I find traffic police addresses?

You can find the addresses of the traffic police in your city where you can get an international driving license on the official website

At the very bottom of the site, select the “Obtaining a driver’s license” section. Here is a direct link to the page

And choose your region.

A list of all items will be displayed. Next, choose a city: Moscow, St. Petersburg, Yekaterinburg, etc.

Having selected the appropriate address, click on it and see detailed information:

  • Telephone
  • Schedule
  • Bank details

Bank details are needed to pay state fees at any bank branch or through a terminal. Copy or print them.

The next step is to get in line. There are 3 options:

  1. Try by phone.
  2. Come and get an electronic queue coupon.
  3. Try to go without an appointment on a first-come, first-served basis during business hours.

What documents are needed

Nothing unusual - a standard set of pieces of paper.

Russian driver's license

Ordinary national rights, new or old. Look at the remaining validity period; if there is less than a year left, then it is better to change them. Otherwise, the IDP will also be valid for less than a year.

Document confirming permanent or temporary registration

Passport and, if temporary registration, then a certificate.

Foreign passport

Nowhere was it written that it was needed, but the traffic police officer asked for it. So take it just in case.


One photo needed. The photo requirements are:

  1. 35×45 mm
  2. On matte paper
  3. Color or black and white

Receipt for payment of state duty

At any ATM or terminal using the details (I wrote above how to find them), you pay the state fee for issuing an international driver’s license - 1,600 rubles .

According to Article 333.33 of Part 2 of the Tax Code of the Russian Federation:

Application for a driver's license

An application form is issued to the traffic police for completion.

The application that I found on the Internet and filled out at home was not required. The traffic police officer filled it out himself. Then, when I was invited to pick up the certificate, I put my signature on it.

That's all the standard set of documents that is needed. A medical certificate is not required when obtaining an IDP. It is required only when replacing national rights after their expiration.

About issuing a certificate through

You can also apply for international rights through the website If, of course, you are registered on it and have gone through the procedure of confirming your personal data.

The only plus is that you will be given a time to bring the original documents and get your license. Essentially, you just take the electronic queue, the rest will have to be done the same.

Replacement of an international driver's license

Replacement is carried out in the same way as receiving them. During the service life of your national license, you will have to obtain them 3 times, since they are valid for only 3 years.


I have discussed the main questions about obtaining it, if you are interested in anything else regarding an international driver’s license, then write in the comments.

I wish you all good luck on the roads and unforgettable travels.

Best regards, Vasily Blinov


International driving license

Question answer
What is an International Driving Permit? This is in addition to national rights. Without a basic driver's license, an IDP is invalid, since this document is a translation of a driver's license into other languages.
What are the validity periods of an IDP? Issued for 3 years, but their validity period cannot exceed the validity period of national rights.
In which countries can you drive a vehicle with a Russian license? In countries that have signed the Vienna Convection. The list of countries can be found here.
In which countries, in addition to Russian rights, will you need an IDP? In countries that have signed the Geneva Convention. The list of countries can be found here.
What should you do if you need to drive a vehicle in a country that is not on the list of countries? To drive a car, you will have to get your license in the country where you are going.
In what cases is it allowed to drive a vehicle with a Russian license? - if you have a notarized translation of this document into the local language (the certificate was received before March 1, 2011); - if you have a national driver's license (licenses issued from March 1, 2011); - if you have an IDP. This option is suitable for those who have a valid old-style license.
What are the consequences of leaving the country without an IDP? - a ban on entry with your own car. - at the rental office where you plan to rent a car, you may hear a refusal; - if you inform the authorities about driving a car without an IDP, you can receive a fine of up to 300-400 euros or end up in prison; - if accident with an insured event, no insurance company will pay insurance without an IDP.
Do I need to take an exam? No, you do not need to retake the exam.
What documents are needed to obtain an IDP? - application for an IDP; - international passport; - Russian license; - document confirming permanent or temporary registration; - photograph; - receipt of payment of the state fee in the amount of 1600 rubles.
Do you need honey? certificate when obtaining an IDP? No, not needed.
Where to apply for an IDP? At the traffic police department at your place of residence, if they are issuing an IDP.
How long does it take to get a certificate? Creating a certificate takes 20-40 minutes.
How to obtain an IDP through State Services? We have prepared detailed instructions for you.
What are the features of using an IDP? - An IDP is issued to a citizen on the basis of his national rights, and it will not be possible to drive a vehicle abroad without national rights. - In Russia, you will not be able to use only an international certificate, you do not have a national license with you. For driving a vehicle only with an international license, you face a fine of 500 rubles and a ban on operating the vehicle.
In which traffic police departments can I obtain an IDP? The list of branches in Moscow is provided in the table at the link.

An international driver's license (IDP) is an addition to your national license. Separately (without a basic driver's license), an IDP is invalid, since this document is a translation of a driver's license into other languages. Here is an example of what a Russian international driver's license looks like

A driving license for foreign countries is an A6 booklet that describes in detail what types of cars the owner is allowed to drive.

This certificate is issued for three years, but the validity period cannot exceed the period of validity of national rights.

Just like a regular driver’s license, it will indicate the series and number of the document, expiration date, place and date of issue, and the stamp and signature of the employee who issued the document. In addition, information about the owner, including restrictions, will also be indicated.

On November 8, 1968, the Vienna Convention was signed. According to paragraph 1 of Article 41 of the International Convention on Driving Licenses, all countries that have signed this convention are required to recognize the national driving licenses of participating countries. That is, you can drive transport on the territory of these countries with a national (Russian) license. We will provide the full list below.

There are also countries that signed the Geneva Convention on September 19, 1949. You won’t be able to drive vehicles on their territory with only a national license; you will have to have an IDP with you.

Parties to the Vienna ConventionParties to the Geneva Convention
Austria Australia
Bahamas Albania
Bahrain Algeria
Belarus Andorra
Belgium Argentina
Bulgaria Bangladesh
Bosnia and Herzegovina Belize
Brazil Benin
Great Britain Botswana
Hungary Vatican
Venezuela Haiti
Guyana Gambia
Ghana Guatemala
Germany Gibraltar
Greece Hong Kong
Georgia Grenada
Denmark Dominican Republic
Zaire Egypt
Zimbabwe Western Samoa
Israel India
Indonesia Jordan
Iran Ireland
Spain Iceland
Italy Cambodia
Kazakhstan Canada
Costa Rica Cyprus
Ivory Coast Kyrgyzstan
Cuba China
Kuwait Congo
Latvia Laos
Lithuania Lesotho
Luxembourg Lebanon
Macedonia Mauritania
Morocco Madagascar
Mexico Malawi
Moldova Malaysia
Monaco Mali
Niger Malta
Norway Namibia
Pakistan Netherlands
Poland New Zealand
Portugal New Caledonia
The Republic of Korea Papua New Guinea
Russia Paraguay
Romania Peru
San Marino Rwanda
Seychelles Swaziland
Senegal Singapore
Serbia Syria
Slovakia Saint Vincent and the Grenadines
Slovenia San Lucia
Tajikistan USA
Thailand Sierra Leone
Turkmenistan Taiwan
Uzbekistan Tanzania
Ukraine Togo
Uruguay Trinidad and Tobago
Philippines Tunisia
Finland Türkiye
France Uganda
Croatia Fiji
CAR French polynesia
Montenegro Jamaica
Czech Japan
South Africa

If you are heading to another state that is not on the list, then in order to drive a car there, you will have to unlearn your license in the exact state where you are going.

There are three options related to a driver's license when a Russian driver can drive a car abroad:

  • Firstly, you can use a Russian ID if you have a notarized translation of this document into the local language. Here we are talking about a license received by a motorist before March 1, 2011. The problem is that you will need to find a notary in an unfamiliar country (this is even more problematic if you are abroad for a short period).

  • Secondly, you can drive a vehicle if you have a national driving license (a license issued from 1 March 2011). It is a pink-blue plastic card with a barcode. This certificate complies with the requirements of the convention, so you should not have any problems with it.

  • Thirdly, you can drive a car abroad if you have an IDP. This option is suitable for those who have a valid old-style license.

  • If you decide to leave without an international license, then the most harmless thing that can happen to you is a ban on entry in your own car.

  • If you did not drive your own car, then at the rental office where you plan to rent a car, you may also hear a refusal.

  • If you manage to get behind the wheel, then if you inform the authorities about this incident, you risk receiving a fine of up to 300-400 euros. And in case of a serious offense, there is a possibility of ending up in prison.

  • In the event of an accident with an insured event, no insurance company will recognize the driver as the recipient of insurance payments if he does not have an IDP.

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  • To obtain an international driver's license from the State Traffic Safety Inspectorate, you will need a package of documents, as well as a little time. To obtain a license that allows you to drive a car in many countries around the world, you do not need to take a second exam.

    Documents for an international driving license from the State Traffic Safety Inspectorate:

  • Application for obtaining an IDP;

  • International passport;

  • Russian rights;

  • A document confirming permanent or temporary registration;

  • A photograph on matte paper, color or black and white, size 35x45 mm without a white corner;

  • Receipt for payment of state duty in the amount of 1600 rubles;

  • I suggest you delve a little deeper into the documents for replacing an international driver's license to understand why they are needed. So:

    1. An application for an international driver's license is issued at the traffic police department, where you must fill it out. It consists of two pages.

    On the first page you indicate personal information about the place and date of birth, initials in full, as well as passport details.

    In addition, it is necessary to indicate that the reason for the application is the issuance of an IDP, indicate the details of the national driver's license and list the documents attached to it. There is no need to fill out anything on the second sheet; this will be done by the official.

    2. Your passport must be ready and not expired. It allows you to travel outside the territory of the Russian Federation, and accordingly, without it you will not be given an international license.

    3. Russian (national license) is also a mandatory document for obtaining a license to travel abroad, so the IDP is a translation of the driver’s license that we use in Russia.

    4. The document confirming registration is a stamp in the passport on page 5. If you have temporary registration, you must submit a document that will confirm it.

    5. The photo for an international driver's license must be 35x45 millimeters in size. The paper should be matte on which your color or black and white photograph will be printed, and there should be no white corner on the picture.

    6. A receipt for payment of the state duty will be given to you by the traffic police. The question immediately arises: how much is the state duty for an international driver’s license? Today it is 1600 rubles.

    On February 15, 2016, changes came into force regarding the rules for conducting examinations for the right to drive a vehicle and issuing a vehicle license. Now, when obtaining an international license, a medical certificate is not required.

    Clause 34 of the Government of the Russian Federation of October 24, 2014 No. 1097:


    International driving license

    An international driving license is one of the options for a driving document.

    Increasingly, citizens are complaining about the fact that the new type of driver’s license, the pink one, is not accepted by the police in many countries.

    The reason is trivial - the lack of some duplicate data in the Latin alphabet. That is why, when going on a trip abroad by car, it is best to draw up an international document.

    International Driving Permit (IDP)

    There has been debate for quite some time about whether this document needs to be drawn up. Moreover, it is important to understand that these disputes did not arise out of the blue. An International Driving Permit must be issued to the driver upon request and subject to mandatory possession of a driving licence. To do this, you only need to bring a package of documents specified by law to the traffic police. There is no need to retake the exams.

    The reason why the national driver's license ceased to be valid outside of Russia is not simple - in 2006, a number of changes to the Vienna Convention were signed. According to this document, the form of the international driver's license has become generally accepted for the participating countries.

    Now international rights must be drawn up in a single format. Having signed the document, some countries did not provide a sufficient level of legal support.

    The requirement to duplicate some lines in Latin is not justified, but you can shake the text of the convention in front of an employee’s nose, and you are unlikely to achieve your goal.


    The IDP in Russia looks like a booklet with an actual translation of the national ID into some world languages. This document only works in conjunction with existing rights.

    If a driver going abroad only has an old-style license, then he must order an IDP or, if this is a country from the list of states party to the Vienna Convention, exchange the license for a new one . Without this, problems will absolutely arise.

    International rights have special distinctive signs on the outside. The following fields are required to be completed in typewritten form:

    • Certificate number.
    • Driver details including place and date of birth.
    • Category of rights.
    • Where and when issued, as well as the validity period of the certificate.

    Most of all, the issue of obtaining an IDP worries those drivers who have already managed to obtain a new license. We will discuss this issue further.


    The validity period of an international license differs from the validity period of national rights. This causes a lot of controversy and misunderstanding in society. Today, the period is three years , with a note that it cannot exceed the validity period of the national driver's license. In essence, the IDP is an annex to Russian rights, but their validity periods vary.

    There is a certain way for private companies to make money. They advertise the issuance of an IDP for a long period.

    Many drivers have fallen for this trick, even those with extensive driving experience and experience in paperwork.

    Only the State Traffic Safety Inspectorate is responsible for issuing an IDP , while a private company can issue an indefinite paper - translation for a national driver's license. Such a document will not have legal force.

    Difference from national rights

    National driving license in Russia is the same document of international standard that is issued to citizens who have passed driving tests.

    The new national rights are a pink card that fits in the palm of your hand, with all the necessary marks. The certificate is issued in accordance with the rules of the Vienna Convention on Road Traffic.

    According to the internal affairs bodies, national rights fully comply with international requirements and must be accepted in countries that have ratified this document.

    An international driver's license is just an annex to the national license, which the driver receives at his own request and for an additional fee. An IDP is required when driving in countries that have not signed the Vienna Convention on Road Traffic, as well as in those where the document has been ratified but not accepted within the country. And there are many such states.

    How to obtain an IDP?

    Obtaining an IDP is quite simple. This does not require a lot of certificates, as when obtaining a national certificate, and you do not need to take your license again. Depending on the place of registration, this may take a couple of hours or even no more than an hour.

    Where to contact?

    You only need to apply for an international license to the internal affairs authorities, in this case, to the traffic police . Only they have the right to issue driver's licenses.

    Applications to other organizations are not permitted.

    If you don’t have free time, you can fill out an application on the government services portal, but you will still have to come in person to provide a package of documents.

    You do not need to go to the traffic police department at your place of registration to obtain an IDP. To do this, you can contact any department.

    Required documents

    The process involves the provision of a number of documents proving that a citizen receives an IDP on the basis of his driver’s license. You need to provide:

    1. Passport of a citizen of the Russian Federation.
    2. 1 Photo 35 x 45 mm on matte paper. If the production is automated (you need to find out about this directly from the traffic police), then a photo may not be needed.
    3. National rights.
    4. An application in the prescribed form to receive a document.
    5. Receipt for payment of the duty.
    6. Medical certificate for the traffic police.

    foreign passport with you so that the traffic police officer can correctly write down your last name in Latin. The fact is that even a mistake of 1 letter can become fundamental.

    Receipt cost

    The cost of producing an international license is 1,600 rubles. This amount must be paid as a fee, and the receipt is attached to the list of required documents.

    The processing time is extremely short and can range from several minutes to several hours. This depends on the workload of employees at the time of application.

    Countries that require international licenses

    As a result, the following picture emerges: there are countries where it is impossible to live without an IDP, and countries where they should not require one. Formally, they are divided into the following two categories:

    • acceding to the 1968 Vienna Convention;
    • signatories only to the 1949 Geneva Convention.

    Those countries that signed the Vienna Convention but did not ratify it also fall into the second category. The list of these states always hangs on the stand at the traffic police. Let us list the countries that have not signed or ratified the 1968 Vienna Convention. The list will not include everything, but only those that are most often visited by Russians:

    1. Australia.
    2. Albania.
    3. Vatican.
    4. Dominican Republic.
    5. Egypt.
    6. India.
    7. Ireland.
    8. Cambodia.
    9. Canada.
    10. Cyprus.
    11. China.
    12. Malaysia.
    13. Netherlands.
    14. Singapore.
    15. USA.
    16. Türkiye.

    In states that have acceded to the Vienna Convention, you can drive a car with a national driver's license. However, complaints have been received regarding fines issued for non-compliance of Russian documents in a number of these countries.

    Italy, Thailand and Greece were included in the “black list” The biggest complaints come from police officers in Italy and car rental companies.

    In almost half of the cases, difficulties arise related to car rental.

    Is it possible to travel around Russia with an IDP?

    To drive on Russian roads, you only need to have a driver's license in your pocket. An IDP is not needed for these purposes. Some drivers believe that they can drive a car with only an international license.

    An IDP is not so much a driver’s license as an application to it for driving on the roads of those countries where there are corresponding requirements. This is why you cannot drive a car in Russia without a national license of the established type.

    This can be a document of either an old or a new type.

    Whether to issue an international driver's license when traveling to a particular country by car must be decided by the driver himself, based on the lists of countries provided by the traffic police.


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