
How to find out the owner by car number

How to find out who a car is registered to by license plate number?

How to find out the owner by car number

License plates are not only a special combination of numbers printed on a white metal plate, they are an information parameter that contains important information about a modern vehicle, the conditions for its official registration, as well as about the owner himself.

It is for this reason that the question often arises of how to find out the owner by car number.

With the right approach, this can be done easily and quickly.

Modern car signs have their own structure, as well as a special order of digital indicators.

The numbers are established and registered strictly at the official level and carry a certain information load.

Assigning an individual number for each car is a mandatory condition, without which it is impossible to operate the vehicle.

Often, license plates are used to find out the name of the owner of the car . This is necessary in case of any unforeseen situation, as well as in the process of purchasing a car.

Using a license plate, you can quickly find out all the necessary information data, that is, find out the owner of the car by the license plate as quickly as possible.

If you have questions about how to find out the owner of a car by car number, or where to go for this purpose, it is worth studying the information in this article.

Information is presented on how to find out the name and coordinates of the owner of a car through the traffic police department, and how to do this online on special portals of authorized bodies.

It is possible to find out which methods of obtaining information are legal and which are not.

The need to check numbers

First of all, it is worth familiarizing yourself with the main legal situations, in the event of which one or another information regarding the motorist may be required, obtained from the state license plates of his vehicle.

In some cases, it can be obtained through databases, that is, at the official level, the issue of how to find out who the car is registered by state number can be resolved.

This is an ideal opportunity to obtain information relevant to 2018, such as:

  • owner's name;
  • contacts and place of residence;
  • passport details.

To obtain such permission, valid reasons and situations will be required:

  1. An offense on the part of the owner of the vehicle, not necessarily related to traffic rules.
  2. An accident where one of the participants disappeared, but his vehicle remained or the victim remembered it as normal. In this case, information about the participant can be obtained directly from the traffic police inspector.

If the grounds for contacting the competent authorities are insignificant, the applicant will be rejected. Then it will be possible to use other methods of obtaining the necessary information.

You can recognize the owner by the license plates of his car through the traffic police database only after an official application and a personal visit to the nearest branch.

In this case, the following sequence of actions is carried out:

  1. It is required to find out all the information about the driver and his car known at the time of the request. It is very important to try to remember the license plate number or part of it.
  2. The specific reason on the basis of which the search for a person is carried out is stated.

If such a reason is legitimate, traffic police officers will immediately provide the necessary material, that is, the required information regarding the owner of the car. The data is obtained through a special database.

This takes varying amounts of time – from a few minutes to two to three hours. After this time, the person receives personal information - contacts, place of residence and passport details of the person sought.

The reliability and effectiveness of such a search are undeniable . The reason is that every car owner is obliged to register his car, carry out a technical inspection at a certain time, and every driver also undergoes a medical examination.

All this is documented and constantly updated. Therefore, problems with identifying an individual do not arise if there are compelling reasons.

Actions in case of accident

If a traffic accident occurs on the road, the owner of the car does not have the right to leave the scene . In this case, you need to immediately call the inspector and tell him in detail how everything happened, name the license plates or a certain part of them.

It is imperative to describe the vehicle involved in the accident in as much detail as possible.

If the incident occurred in an area where communications are relatively poor, all data about the vehicles that took part in the accident must be recorded independently.

It is advisable to attract as many witnesses as possible by taking their contact information. then you can send all the data to the nearest traffic police authorities.

Cooperation and searching for information through the traffic police database is the most reliable method of obtaining driver data . The most important thing is that there is a serious reason for receiving such information.

Other options for obtaining data

Many people from time to time need to quickly find out the necessary information regarding a particular owner of a vehicle.

There are several methods for solving the issue of how to quickly find out the owner of a car by car number, and with minimal time expenditure.

Among the most popular methods of obtaining information, without the traffic police database, the following can be noted:

  1. Specialized servers on the network.
  2. The usual word of mouth.
  3. Services of private detectives.

In this case, you can use the help of special services by accessing the Internet . This will allow you to obtain all the necessary data with minimal time wasted. Each of the methods is worth considering in more detail.

Obtaining information through services

The modern Internet provides truly enormous opportunities in the process of obtaining information . You just need to have a PC or smartphone with Internet access on hand.

Along with ordinary everyday information, on the global network you can find numerous free databases that, for one reason or another, have become publicly available.

It is enough just to ask the search engines an appropriate request, and a large number of sites with databases and servers will be presented to your attention, where you can obtain certain information data about a person.

The majority of such portals offer the user similar opportunities on a paid or free basis.

There is a certain algorithm of actions, using which you can quickly obtain the necessary information, and the most reliable one.

Step-by-step instructions for obtaining information consist of performing the following activities:

  1. You need to find a reliable and serious Internet resource with paid or free access. If a site requires you to send an SMS for payment or asks you to perform other strange actions, you should avoid it.
  2. The necessary information is entered into a special field - license plates of a specific vehicle or several remembered signs.
  3. If the selected resource is indeed serious, the user will be given the appropriate information.

Quite often, in the absence of this information, it is not possible to obtain correct data . In this case, you will have to contact the relevant authorities, since if you urgently need information about the owner of the car, such services will not be useful.

In addition, searching for the owner of a car through such sites is quite risky, since they are often created by ordinary scammers, and cooperation with such organizations is illegal.

Even if the information is provided, it is likely that it is no longer relevant.

Cooperation with detectives

If there is a serious and very compelling reason to search for the driver, you can use the services of a car detective.

This is a special specialist who investigates exactly this direction.

Such people usually have certain connections in the traffic police, so you can count on getting a reliable result, albeit for a relatively large sum.

Disposal of received information

As many years of practice have shown, quite often the traffic police inspectorate is contacted to obtain personal information regarding a motorist by providing license plates.

If the owner is a legal entity, the process of obtaining information will be even simpler . It is enough just to find out the coordinates and name of the company and find all the data on the person of interest.

When using methods of obtaining information such as word of mouth, the services of private detectives or Internet portals, you need to be vigilant.

The information received must be used correctly. It is strictly forbidden to transfer it to third parties .

Summing up

Based on everything said above, we can conclude that the answer to the question of whether it is possible to find out the owner by the car number is positive. Finding the owner of a car by the license plate of his car is a rather costly and time-consuming process.

Despite the likelihood of significant time and material expenditure, such a search is an urgent need to solve various rather important issues.

If you use modern online resources that provide search capabilities, then preference should be given to those that use several sources of data at once.

Serious portals receive information from the traffic police and insurance companies . This is a certain guarantee of the seriousness and relevance of the data provided.

In order not to make a mistake when choosing an information portal that provides information online, you should first study special thematic forums and read reviews of people who have already searched for car owners by car number plates.

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How to find out the owner by car number

Today, in the age of information technology, it is quite easy to find a specific person.

If you know the credit card number, you can look up the person’s name in your personal account, and then go to the police to file a statement, or search on social networks.

But what to do if only the car number is known? Finding a person in this case is also possible. You will learn how to do this from the article.

Find owner by car number

Finding a specific person by license plate number is not an easy task, but it is possible. It’s worth noting that this may take about a month. If you have connections with the police or traffic police, then perhaps a couple of weeks will be enough.

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The first method is to contact a traffic police officer. An employee has the opportunity to “check” any car through the database and provide complete information about the owner on the day of the call. Of course, disclosure of confidential data is possible only in cases of extreme necessity.

The citizen must fully describe the problem that has arisen with all the nuances and fill out the appropriate paperwork, if necessary. Such a system can be compared to a banking system: in order to find out the owner of the card, you need to act exclusively through the police to make a request.

The exception is some private companies that can instantly provide data about a person for a fee.

Traffic police officers will easily give out information about the owner of a particular car if an accident occurs and the second participant escapes. Then the traffic police itself will be interested in finding the attacker.

The second method is quite non-standard. If a criminal case has been initiated regarding any incident, and you are a participant, then the case materials will contain all the detailed information.

According to the law, participants have the right to study all data. An important point is that the vehicle must be recorded in the court case.

Then you can request information from the traffic police, referring to Article 25.1 of the Administrative Code.

Please note that not every traffic police officer has the opportunity to “punch” a car by license plate number. Do not try to force pity or beg for information - the employee will not provide it anyway, since disclosure of confidential information is punishable by law.

There are special services on the Internet for searching for a person by license plate number. They are quite easy to use - enter the number in the appropriate field, and in a second you will receive information about the owner of the car. This method is quite convenient and easy, but everything is not as happy as it might seem at first glance.

The database of online services is replenished from unofficial sources, so its accuracy cannot be guaranteed. In addition, the database is very scarce and is updated extremely rarely - the likelihood of finding the person you are interested in is extremely low. It is impossible to use traffic police data for such Internet resources. Today, the most popular site for searching for a car owner is

While searching for the required resource, you may “stumble upon” the supposed databases of the traffic police itself. Of course, these are all fakes. Usually, after downloading such a file, the folder contains advertising videos, various clips, or even viruses.

How to find out the owner by car number from a detective

If there is a really compelling reason to search for a particular driver, we recommend hiring a car detective - a person who investigates not crimes, but cars based on their license plate number.

It is not known exactly how such an operation occurs. Most likely, the automobile detective has certain connections in the police and traffic police, but it is impossible to say for sure.

The average cost of work is quite high - about ten thousand for large cities, and about five thousand in small towns and villages.

Determine the owner by car number from neighbors

Perhaps you need to recognize the driver of a certain car parked in your yard, for example, if he constantly blocks your exit. In this case, you don’t need to go far - use the “local radio wave”. Find out from your neighbors who owns the car. Some grandmother probably saw him, and maybe even talked to him.

Find out the owner of a car by license plate number

Above we discussed the main ways to find out the owner of a car by state license. number. Now it's time to consider something more unconventional - buying a disk with a database. This method has its own nuances.

Since the traffic police database cannot be freely distributed on the Internet, it will not be possible to officially purchase it. You can only find a person who works or worked for the state traffic safety inspectorate.

On the Internet you can also come across scammers who are supposedly ready to sell a disk with a database for a small fee, or vice versa - for decent money. But later it turns out that completely wrong information is recorded on the media.

Another point is that the purchased database may not contain the required car number. This is due to outdated data that was relevant several years ago.

Thus, searching for the owner of a car using just one license plate number is labor-intensive, time-consuming and, sometimes, costly. In addition, in the event of any emergency, you are given a certain time to search for a particular driver, which further complicates the matter.


How to find out the owner by car number, identify a car by car number

You can list a number of circumstances in which it becomes necessary to find out the owner by car number. For example, damage caused by a given motorist or his vehicle, as well as other situations. In some cases, law enforcement agencies help determine the owner. But there are ways to get information yourself.

What does a car license plate mean?

The number assigned to each car is not a simple combination of numbers . It contains basic information about the conditions for registering vehicles and regarding their owners. Made on a metal plate in the form of numbers on a white background, license plates have a specific order of characters.

So the state license plates of cars are contained in a single database with all the data inherent to them. Each car has an individual sign. Without this, it simply cannot be operated. In emergency situations or when transferring ownership, the traffic police database allows you to find car owners in the shortest possible time .

In addition to this legitimate source of reliable data, there are a number of others that should be treated with caution. Traffic police departments contain information about who the car is registered to : the name of the owner and where he can be found. And also provides them to legally interested parties.

You can find out who owns the vehicle officially through online services.

In what cases is it necessary to obtain information?

Information about car owners by state number is legally provided in a number of specific cases. It's easy to get:

  • first name, last name;
  • phone number for contact;
  • passport details.

Is it possible to obtain the release of information under any circumstances? This is confidential information that is not subject to disclosure unless permitted by law. Valid reasons are required to verify information.

Another case is when the culprit fled during a traffic accident . Then you don’t need to worry about the information, because the traffic police inspector will determine it. If a citizen applies to the authorized body to search for the driver, his motive will be considered insignificant and he will be refused. However, there are other ways.

How to find out the owner of a car by license plate number for free

The legal way to establish the name of the car owner is to contact the State Road Safety Inspectorate (STSI). But there must be good reasons for this. Namely: the owner of the car committed an offense described in the articles of the administrative (Administrative Code) or criminal (Criminal Code) codes of the Russian Federation. Eg:

  • he fled the scene of an accident (traffic accident);
  • his car is left on the lawn or other place where he should not park;
  • in other cases where there are clear violations of law or public order.

The traffic police officer must provide the applicant with a form for writing an application - a request to determine the owner of the car by number. The person on whose initiative the information is issued provides the following information about himself.

  • Your passport details.
  • The reason why he is looking for the owner of the vehicle.
  • Make, model and number of the car, as well as other details of its description.

Other free ways to find out the owner of a car

It is possible to find the information you are looking for for free in another way. You need to use databases published via the Internet. There are many sites of this kind on the Internet. There is a negative side - a significant risk of becoming a victim of scammers


Autocode - official website. Checking a car according to state standards. NUMBER or VIN code

Find out the history of the car before buying quickly and easily with Autocode! In this case, you do not need to look for the VIN - just indicate the license plate number of the car. A search database based on data from the traffic police will provide reliable information and allow you to avoid difficulties in the future use of the car.

What does checking by car number reveal?

A full report is generated within 5 minutes! From it you will learn:

  • Brief description of the car
  • PTS data
  • History of registration actions
  • Real mileage
  • Data on participation in road accidents
  • Real car vin
  • Traffic police restrictions
  • Information about the theft
  • Being in collateral
  • Work in a taxi
  • Disposal data
  • Information about those inspection and fines

You can check your car using its license plate number without leaving your home. In addition to the online information, you will receive an exact copy of the detailed report by email.

Why is it important to have your car checked according to the state? number

— Victim, did you recognize the person who stole your car?

- Your Honor, after his lawyer’s speech, I doubt that I even had a car.

Evgeniy Loginov, auto expert, head of the “My Expert – Yekaterinburg” project

“A car is a technically complex product (as I like to tell my clients: “It’s not like going to the store to buy bread”), which is why even a new car with a mileage of 10,000 km and only one owner needs to be checked carefully.

In our work, we often come across the fact that sellers do not finish the negotiations and sell cars after an accident, with adjusted mileage, problem engines and gearboxes.

It can be worse - you can run into intermediaries in the sale, or, more simply, outbids.

These comrades alter steering wheels, reupholster the interior, restore vehicles after serious accidents, when the cars have broken geometry or airbags deployed.

By buying such a car, with, to put it mildly, “not a clean history,” you not only risk expensive repairs to the engine, gearbox, and other elements, but you also simply risk your life! In case of a repeated accident on such a car, the airbags are unlikely to deploy...

Another important aspect of buying a used car is the legal component.

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No matter how good the car is, if it has problems with documents, there are registration restrictions or it is stolen, you will not register such a car! The most harmless thing is simply a restriction in registration due to a fine that the former owner did not pay. It’s much more serious - if the car’s VIN number is broken, the frame number is unreadable or erased, the engine number is missing.”

Check your auto history right now!

What happens if you don’t get your car checked before purchasing?

- Honey, my car broke down.

- Strongly?

- In half.

Real stories of victims:


“A year ago, my wife and I bought a used car. No errors were found upon purchase. In addition, on the recommendation of the seller, we went to the nearest service center, where we were assured that the car was in complete order. We haven’t thought about how to check the car in other ways.

In general, they took his word for it and made a serious mistake. Because when registering with the traffic police, it turned out that the car was restored after a major accident. For the machine to function properly, many expensive parts were missing. What can I say? I could only sell it for spare parts.



“Several years ago I bought a car from a private person, together we deregistered it and registered it in my name. A few months later, the police came to me and took away the title for examination of the signatures, and then the car itself.

It turned out that the first owner turned to scammers to sell the car, after which he never saw them again. All this time the car was wanted, and I was neither awake nor in spirit. The seller was never found. I had neither a receipt for the transfer of money nor real data from the seller.

In short, I was left without everything. Now I’m three times more attentive.”

How to get a car registered according to the state license. number

On the Autocode portal you can check any car using its license plate number. To get a full report you need to pay 349 rubles. Information on more than 45 million cars is contained in our database and is available to you 24 hours a day, 7 days a week.

The algorithm for checking on the Autocode website is simple. Follow the steps:

  • Enter the vehicle registration number in the search bar
  • Having accepted the brief description of the vehicle, pay for the full service (the “Buy” button)
  • After a few minutes, a report with detailed information will be sent to your email inbox.

To get a car by license plate number, you don’t need to go anywhere, look for VIN and other data. The verification is carried out in 3 steps!

How we create reports

Especially for you, we collect information from all sources available to us. They include both government (the traffic police base) and commercial structures, including insurance companies.

From a huge amount of data, we create a single, most informative report for each car.

You will receive vehicle details online and a copy of the report will be sent to your email.

Why is it better to check your car through Autocode?

With Autocode, you can check your car by license plate online quickly and efficiently. The check allows you to track the car through the database literally from the assembly line to the point of sale. Not only individuals, but also specialized salons request the necessary information from Autocode.

Why choose the Autocode website:

After checking the car according to the state. number you will know exactly what the car is. Using these facts, you can fairly reduce the purchase price.

Autocode is a website for checking a car by license plate number, which allows you to find out real data about the car right at the time of purchase and protect yourself from an unwanted transaction.

Puncture the car according to the state. number right now!


How to find out the owner of a car by state license. number or VIN code

Anyone may be faced with a situation where it is necessary to find out who owns a car only by its license plate number. For example, when the car owner blocked your passage to your home or fled the scene of an accident.

Is it possible to identify the owner of a car by number, in which cases do you have every right to receive such information from the traffic police database, and is there a chance to recognize the car owner by VIN code? You will learn from this article.

The only official way to find the owner by car number is to check the traffic police database, but State Traffic Inspectorate employees have access to this database directly.

Since traffic police officers do not have the right to disclose the last name or other personal data of the car owner to third parties in accordance with Federal Law N 152-FZ “On Personal Data” , the answer to the question is whether it is possible to find out the owner of a car by state registration. car number depends on whether you have good reasons for this.

“Operators and other persons who have access to personal data are obliged not to disclose to third parties or distribute personal data without the consent of the subject of personal data, unless otherwise provided by federal law.” (Article 7, Federal Law No. 152)

By law, you have the right to access the personal information of the car owner if both of you are involved in a case of an administrative offense (for example, if an accident occurs). In the case when you act as an accused in a case, you can familiarize yourself with all the materials of the case, including the required personal information, in accordance with Part 1 of Art. 25.1 Code of Administrative Offenses of the Russian Federation :

“A person against whom proceedings are being conducted for an administrative offense has the right to familiarize himself with all the materials of the case, give explanations, present evidence, file petitions and challenges, use the legal assistance of a defense attorney, as well as other procedural rights in accordance with this Code.”

The victim has the same rights under Part 1 of Art. 25.2 Code of Administrative Offenses of the Russian Federation :

“The victim has the right to familiarize himself with all the materials of the case regarding an administrative offense, give explanations, present evidence, file petitions and challenges, use legal assistance from a representative, appeal the decision in this case, and use other procedural rights in accordance with this Code.”

Thus, in order to find out personal information about the car owner by car number in the event of an accident, you can contact a traffic police officer, referring to Article 25.1 or 25.2 of the Code of Administrative Offenses of the Russian Federation.

As for how to find the owner of a car by state registration. car number on the Internet, it is impossible to obtain reliable and up-to-date information online. Official websites do not provide such services, as they contradict the above-mentioned law on personal data.

However, there are several unofficial ways on the Internet to get a car’s license plate number and find out the owner of the car:

  • Purchase a disk with the traffic police database;

One of the unofficial options for finding out the owner of a car by state number is to purchase a traffic police database. This is one of the most unreliable methods, since the buyer has no guarantee that the database contains up-to-date data.

  • Use one of the sites that provides the service of searching for the owner by car number.

There are several unofficial sites on the Internet that provide the opportunity to identify the owner by car number. However, there are also no guarantees that you will find the necessary information and you will not simply be scammed.

There are no official ways to find out the owner of a car online by the car’s VIN code. This service is not available on government portals for the same reasons as searching for the owner of a car by state number.

You can check the owner of a car by VIN code using one of the unofficial resources. There are several sites on the Internet that provide such services for free or for money.

However, just like by license plate number, checking the owner of a car by VIN using unofficial sources does not guarantee that you will receive up-to-date and reliable information, or that you will receive it at all.

On government websites you have the opportunity to check the number of car owners by VIN. This service is provided, for example, by the official website of the traffic police.

To use an online car check by VIN code, on the main page of the State Traffic Inspectorate website, select “Services” and go to the “Car Check” subsection.

Enter the vehicle VIN and click on “request verification”.

After entering the code from the picture, you will see a window with basic information about the car, and below - the history of all its owners with vehicle registration periods:

Please note: When checking the number of vehicle registrations, personal information of owners still remains closed to public viewing.

You can obtain personal information about the owner of the car using the vehicle registration number from traffic police officers, with good reason. For example, in cases where the driver fled the scene of an accident, and you remembered the license plate number of his car. Unfortunately, there are no other reliable options for finding the owner of a car for free by state registration. car number, no.

Unfortunately, there is no answer to the question of how to find out the owner of a car for free by VIN code. State portals do not provide such a service; instead, using the VIN, you can register the car at:

  • Number of owners (without personal data);
  • Search;
  • Participation in an accident;
  • Availability of restrictions, etc.

Such a check can be carried out for free on the official website of the State Traffic Safety Inspectorate, as well as on the state portal Autocode (to check the car by VIN on Autocode, you will also need data from the STS).

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Unofficial resources provide the service of checking a car by VIN code, and usually you need to pay a certain amount to get complete information. It is impossible to find the owner of a car by VIN code for free, but even for money there is no guarantee that you will receive reliable information about the person you are looking for.

Date added: May 4, 2017


How to find out who the car is registered to? How to find out the owner by car number? Registering a car with the traffic police:

When buying a car secondhand, it is important to find out how to find out who the car is registered to. The answer to this question will help you avoid invalid transactions, as well as unnecessary fines, taxes and encounters with scammers. Next, we will consider all possible scenarios.

Is there any way to clarify information about vehicle registration? How to do it? How are cars registered with the State Traffic Inspectorate? Every car owner needs to understand all this. Then there will be no problems in the future after purchasing the vehicle.

Everything can be avoided by approaching the task correctly.

Registration information: is it possible to find out?

Is it possible to somehow find out the owner by the car number or in any other way?

In fact yes. Information about the owner of a car can be obtained in different ways. When making transactions regarding a vehicle, it is this information that should concern the buyer-client.

The main thing is to know how to act. Next, we will find out how to find out who the car is registered to. All the proposed techniques are effective and proven. They do not involve fraud or charging for information.

Data Search Methods

How to find out who the car is registered to? This can be done using different methods. The main thing is to approach the solution of the relevant problems correctly.

So, today you can find out information about the owners of the car:

  • using PTS;
  • by contacting the traffic police;
  • through the official website of the State Traffic Safety Inspectorate of the Russian Federation;
  • through third-party Internet services.

We will talk about all these options further. Finally, we’ll look at ways to register a car. It's not as difficult as it seems.

What might be useful?

Some people are interested in how to find out who the car is registered to. What data can be useful to accomplish the task? This is an extremely important point. After all, without certain information, a person will not be able to obtain data from the traffic police.

In general, the applicant will benefit from:

  • license plates;
  • information about the owner’s registration / city of registration;
  • VIN of the car or body.

It would be enough. It is really possible to find out the owner by the car number. And quite quickly. Only information about the person will be presented to a minimum. With the help of VIN, a person can easily cope with the corresponding task.

We ask during the transaction

Who is better to register a car for? For an adult who will use the vehicle. How can you find out who registered the car?

If we are talking about concluding a purchase and sale transaction, you can simply ask the seller who is the owner of the goods. However, this arrangement is not the most reliable. And the buyer needs to require documentary evidence of information about the owners of the vehicle.

Pts and data

Who can I register a car for? For any citizen (preferably an adult). The main thing is to remember that the owner of the car will be the one to whom the vehicle is registered. He will be able to make any transactions with the relevant property.

You can check the details of the car’s owners using the PTS. This is the technical passport of the car. The document contains information about the car, as well as its owners.

It is this component that should be required from the seller when buying a car. The absence of the original PTS should alert you. After all, it may turn out that the vehicle being sold is stolen.

What can you find out from the numbers?

What information can be obtained by checking vehicle license plates in 2018? We have already said that the data is offered in minimal quantities.

Today, the applicant will be able to receive:

  • Full name of the vehicle owner;
  • Contact details;
  • registration information;
  • passport information.

As practice shows, such information is disclosed mainly by government agencies and under certain circumstances. It is almost impossible for third parties to recognize the owner by the car number. The maximum that they will be told is the person’s full name and registration. You shouldn't count on such a situation.

Reasons for permission

When can a person easily obtain permission to check a car using license plates? There are a number of circumstances that help to cope with this kind of task.

For example, these include:

  1. An offense was committed using a vehicle. It does not have to be related to traffic rules.
  2. The car was involved in an accident, and its owner fled the scene.

That's basically it. There are no longer any real reasons for an ordinary person to obtain permission to check vehicle license plates.

Let's go to the traffic police

How to find out who the car is registered to? To do this, you will need to contact the traffic police with the appropriate permission. Once the applicant has the document, he will have to:

  1. Take your passport with you.
  2. Contact your local traffic police office with a request.
  3. Provide the license plate number of the car you are looking for.
  4. Wait a while.

Traffic police officers must check the owner of the vehicle and provide information about him to the applicant. The main thing is to have permission to check with you. Otherwise you will have to use other methods.

Check on the traffic police website

How to find out who the car is registered to? You can use direct access to the official website of the State Traffic Safety Inspectorate of the Russian Federation. This service offers absolutely free vehicle data.

If the car has been registered with the traffic police, a person will be able to find information about this event on the State Traffic Inspectorate page. Everything is extremely fast, clear and free.

The following type of guidance will help you cope with this task:

  1. Go to the traffic police website through any browser.
  2. Go to the “Services” section.
  3. Click on the line “Check car”.
  4. Click on “Check registration history”.
  5. Indicate the vehicle VIN or vehicle body number.
  6. Click the “Order verification” button.

A few minutes of waiting - and a person can easily obtain the car’s registration information. You can use this technique for free an infinite number of times. No special permissions are required. The service is available to absolutely everyone with access to the Internet.

Third-party services: to be or not to be?

How to find out who the car is registered to? We have already said that citizens can resort to the help of third-party services. Is it worth using them?

Yes, but only very carefully. After all, in the process of searching for such Internet resources, a person may encounter fraudulent sites.

It is best to use the “AutoCode” resource. With its help, it is proposed to carry out a complete check of the vehicle using the VIN.

The algorithm of actions will be as follows:

  1. Go to the AutoCode website.
  2. Indicate the VIN or body number of the vehicle.
  3. Click on the “Check” button.

After the scanning is completed, the person will be able to see the most complete information about the vehicle on the screen. “AutoCode” offers not only information about car owners, but also car characteristics with photographs.

Checking de-registration

To whom can I register a car upon purchase? You need to register the vehicle to someone who will constantly drive the car.

Citizens who sold cars can at some point check the fact that the vehicle has been deregistered. And clarify whether the new owner of the car has registered the property in his name.

It's not as difficult as it seems. Just follow these instructions:

  1. Take documents with you: passport, purchase and sale agreement.
  2. Fill out the application in the prescribed form.
  3. Submit a request to deregister the vehicle and check the relevant vehicle data.
  4. Get your hands on information that is relevant today.

In order to use the reception, you will have to wait 10 days after purchasing the car. If the buyer does not deliver the vehicle on time, the seller can report the car as stolen or deregister the car himself.

Vehicle registration in person

Registering a car with the traffic police does not take much time. Typically, a request must be submitted to the traffic police within 10 days after the transaction for the purchase of property is completed.

Let's consider the procedure for registering a car through a personal application. You can do this by following these instructions:

  1. Collect documents: passport, application, purchase and sale agreement, certificates for the car.
  2. Contact the traffic police for registration.
  3. Submit a request for vehicle registration.
  4. Pass the inspection and pay the fee.
  5. Pick up STS, PTS with new data.

That's all. The cost of registering a car with the traffic police varies. The price depends on several factors. More precisely, from the documents that are required to be received after registration.

The fee for registering a vehicle with the issuance of new license plates is 2,850 rubles. Of them:

  • STS – 500 rubles;
  • PTS adjustment – ​​350 rubles;
  • license plate – 2000 rubles.

Accordingly, sometimes you have to pay less. If a citizen pays the fee through Gosuslugi, you can make the payment with a 30% discount.

Online registration

The traffic police do not always tell you who the car is registered to. But the traffic police can register the vehicle without any problems. For example, via the Internet.

Instructions for registering a car through “State Services” look like this:

  1. Authorization on the “Public Services” portal.
  2. Go to the section “Catalogue” - “State Traffic Police”.
  3. Click on the line “Vehicle registration”.
  4. Selecting the appropriate item.
  5. Filling out the application.
  6. Submitting a request to the traffic police.
  7. Choosing a convenient place to receive documentation.
  8. Payment of state duty.

After the application is reviewed, the citizen will be sent an invitation to the traffic police. All that remains is to take the documents prepared in advance and appear at the registration authority. Registration of the car with the traffic police will be carried out according to the established rules. Now everyone can cope with the task.


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