Replacing the engine air filter: 8 useful tips on how often to change
To form the combustible mixture necessary to operate an engine, a combination of fuel and air is needed. On average, a car absorbs about 15 liters of fuel from the atmosphere per 1 liter of fuel. It enters the system through the air intake, the air filter pipe, usually installed next to the radiator grille.
Its quality leaves much to be desired. Street dust and dirt rush along with the air to the engine through the manifold, threatening serious clogging, failure of the power unit and subsequent expensive repairs.
The average amount of dust that can penetrate the engine during the period between two maintenance services (15 thousand km) has been calculated to be 100-150 g. This will certainly lead to breakdown of the power unit.
A reliable protection against these troubles is an air filter that cuts off the flow of such debris. The air filter corrugation installed after it passes a purified atmospheric flow suitable for work.
This device also eliminates the noise of air supply through the channels and regulates the temperature of the combustible mixture in gasoline internal combustion engines. The last factor is especially necessary in cold weather to heat the fuel. This achieves the optimal effect of fuel combustion and improves the environment: significantly fewer harmful substances are released through the exhaust system.
Location of the air filter in the car
The question of where the engine air filter is located will not confuse even a novice car enthusiast. It is located in a prominent place under the hood in the upper part. This installation option protects it from moisture from the road surface during inclement weather. Getting the filter element wet can lead to destruction of the product.
If the engine is a carburetor type, then the device is placed in a metal or hard plastic case directly next to the air intake duct on top of the carburetor.
For injection engines, the filter element is also located next to the power unit in a plastic casing.
The part is fixed inside the housing, which can be easily opened using fasteners.
All devices are divided by design, filter materials, cleaning method and classes.
- I class. It includes high-quality products that provide 100% filtration. They are used on sports cars, improved models after tuning.
- II class. These filters retain debris larger than 1 micron on their surface.
- III class. They have a coarser filtering ability. The size of the filtered dust particles exceeds 10 microns.
The next type of gradation is by type. Products are produced in round, rectangular, square or other shapes, based on the design features of placement under the hood.
Air filters for cars are also divided by type of cleaning.
- Inertia-oil. A product that is gradually losing its relevance due to the complexity of maintenance. In it, the air flow passes through a filter and a container with oil. As a result, debris stuck to the oil remains on the filter element.
- Cyclone type. It works on the basis of centrifugal force and inertial movement, after which the pollution is collected in the garbage receptacle.
- Straight-through option. The most effective. It is characterized by lower air suction resistance, which has a beneficial effect on the dynamic characteristics of the engine.
The design of products can be single- or multi-stage.
Also, the air purification filter could be frameless, cylindrical or panel. Car manufacturers determine the choice of a model for their brand after numerous tests of different options, determining the best model for their engine. This once again proves how much attention is paid to this component.
Air filter materials
Modern industry has significantly expanded the range of materials used to filter air in a car. Let's list the main options.
- Paper. The most popular budget option. It is distinguished by its affordable price and ease of use. Dirt particles are held on its porous surface, made in the form of corrugation. The material undergoes additional processing, which significantly increases its service life. Among the disadvantages, it can be noted that it does not tolerate interaction with moisture and is distinguished by a one-time operating principle: a clogged part cannot be restored.
- Cotton fabric or foam rubber . The material is pre-impregnated in a special solution, folded like an accordion to form a larger surface area and installed on the frame. The latter's stiffening ribs prevent the element from losing its shape. This method allows you to better clean the air from pollution: debris settles not only on top, but also in the thickness of the product. If the filter is thoroughly washed, it can be reused.
- Synthetic fibers. Due to its durability and repeated use, this type is gaining credibility among consumers, displacing cardboard into the background.
- Five-layer gauze material impregnated with oil and placed on a frame structure. Used in conjunction with high-power engines in sports cars.
The most effective result is obtained by completely replacing the part with a new one.
Replacing the air filter is carried out based on the operating characteristics of a particular vehicle. Manufacturers do not always declare deadlines. It is recommended to change air filters at the intervals of engine oil changes, i.e. after 15 thousand km.
Owners of cars with diesel and turbocharging will have to do this more often. The design features of such a motor unit require paying more attention to this detail.
Before changing the air filter, you should take the time to visually inspect it. Moreover, there is no particular difficulty in carrying out this operation. Even a beginner can distinguish the normal condition of a product from a contaminated one. There should be no oil stains on its surface. In this case, replacing the filter is mandatory.
Inspection is recommended to be carried out more often in the summer season, especially for motorists driving along country roads: residents of rural areas, summer residents, fishermen and travel enthusiasts.
It is under these conditions that dust formation is most intense. All this dirt rushes through the air intake into the inlet channel to the engine, threatening serious complications for its operation.
Therefore, it is necessary to strictly maintain the cleanliness of the filter under these conditions.
Symptoms of a clogged air filter
In addition to inspection, the owner can understand that not everything is in order with the filter based on the condition of the car. Let's talk about these signs.
- The engine does not start well and sometimes stalls while driving.
- Fuel consumption increases.
- The release of toxic gases increases.
- The engine is losing power.
- Information about the incorrect operation of the power unit appears on the instrument panel.
In these cases, it is necessary to immediately replace the filter element.
Consequences of untimely replacement of the engine air filter
Let's consider all the negative consequences of using a clogged or damaged filter.
If the element is damaged, dust enters the engine and combustion chamber. The wear life of parts increases, which leads to premature repairs.
When the air filter is clogged, air enters the chamber in limited quantities. As a result, the enriched mixture does not burn completely; harmful exhaust gases rush through the muffler into the atmosphere, causing damage to human health and the environment.
The engine runs unstably and fuel consumption increases.
Air filter selection
It is necessary to remember the following: a high-quality product will provide reliable protection to the motor.
Its cost, even in the original version, will be many times less than what will be required to repair the engine. Cheap counterfeits with bargain prices will not be able to reliably protect the power unit. You should choose products from companies recommended by the manufacturer.
The filter element is selected based on the structural dimensions of the site where it is to be installed. A product of smaller dimensions will allow unfiltered air flow to enter the combustion chambers and will not provide the required volume of air flow.
Of two parts of the same size, you should choose a product with a long service life and made of high-quality material. This will be more reliable and profitable for the owner himself.
Replacing the filter yourself
You can replace it yourself; this does not require any special skills. If you lack confidence or tools, it is better to contact a car service center, where qualified technicians will quickly provide this service.
Before removing the air filter, you need to prepare tools and dry rags. During operation, it needs to close the inlet manifold to the engine to prevent dirt and fastening elements from getting inside.
We'll tell you how to replace the air filter on one of the popular modern cars among our compatriots - Renault Logan.
The principle of operation is identical to replacing this part on other brands of cars. The filter element is located in a plastic housing located in the center of the engine compartment.
- Open the four latches located in the part of the cover closest to the windshield.
- Using a screwdriver, unscrew the five screws located on its opposite side, closer to the radiator.
- We remove the filter, inspect it, and remove dust from the housing.
- We install the new product and close the lid.
- We screw in the fasteners and close the latches.
Don’t forget to remove the rags, the work is completed.
Using the example of an air filter, we saw how important even the most inconspicuous details are in a car. The stable operation of the engine, the confident and accident-free driving of the car, and the good mood of road users depend on their quality and the attitude of drivers towards them.
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Replacing the air filter with your own hands (with video instructions)
The air filter is an important consumable element of a modern car. Its task is to filter the flow of air drawn in from outside into the combustion chamber of the engine. The filter element requires regular replacement.
If you look at the vehicle’s service book, it is recommended to replace the air filter every 20–30 thousand kilometers. Motor mechanics say to change more often, every 8-10 thousand.
Their recommendations are based on practical knowledge, and the car enthusiast knows what kind of roads we have. Russian highways are 5 times more dusty than in Europe.
Such vehicle operating conditions are called extreme.
Irregular replacement of the filter element leads to clogging of the engine combustion chamber and subsequent breakdown of the power unit . If the owner forgot to change the air filter during the next maintenance, the car will soon remind you of this.
Signs that the filter needs to be replaced are as follows:
- increased gasoline consumption;
- the appearance of dips during sudden acceleration;
- frequent clogging of the throttle valve;
- increase in toxicity level in exhaust gases.
There are three types of filters used in cars. The main criterion is the operating conditions of the vehicle. For trucks, a dry type inertial filter is used. The second type is an oil-inertia filter. They are only found on older cars. Today, passenger vehicles are equipped with an air filter made of porous paper.
Car air filters come in different shapes and sizes.
Externally, the paper filter resembles an “accordion”. The paper is impregnated with resin. It protects the filter from moisture. The interweaving of porous paper fibers traps dust as small as 1 micron.
There are three types based on shape: cylindrical, panel, frameless . Some air filters are equipped with a pre-cleaner. It protects the filter from large dust and fumes. The pre-cleaner increases the service life of the filter element by 30–40%.
There is a misconception among craftsmen that the air filter can be blown out, washed and put back. Water or a strong stream of air will not clean out the pores of the paper filter. Such dubious savings lead to disruption of the normal operation of the engine. If the filter is clogged, it needs to be changed .
Do not saturate the filter element with additional oil - this will not improve filtration. Oil will clog the pores of the paper web and increase resistance to air suction. The mixture in the engine combustion chamber will become richer, fuel consumption will increase.
When purchasing an air filter for your car, examine the packaging. On the box, the manufacturer of a quality filter must indicate the barcode, make and model of the car . An original consumable is preferable, but a licensed auto part will do just as well. When choosing, be guided by the “price-quality” criterion.
Replacing the filter using the example of Ford Focus 2
Each car has design features. The filter element in the engine compartment is located in the housing. The replacement procedure itself is simple. Doing it yourself won't be difficult. As proof, below are step-by-step instructions for replacing the air filter in a second-generation Ford Focus.
- Open the hood.
- Unscrew the air filter housing cover with a TORX 25 star. It is secured with 4 bolts.
4 bolts hold the air filter housing cover
- Take out the old filter.
Replace the old air filter with a new one
- Clean the housing from dust and dirt.
- Install a new filter.
When installing a new air filter, be careful not to bend it.
- Screw on the lid.
To familiarize yourself with the detailed procedure for replacing the air filter on a Ford Focus car, watch the video.
Video instruction “How to replace the air filter”
After replacing the filter element on your car, the engine will run smoother. A clean air filter will save fuel and increase the life of your car's power unit, so don't neglect the regular replacement procedure.
How to change the air filter in a car - professional advice for car enthusiasts
The operation of an automobile internal combustion engine, be it a diesel or a gasoline engine, occurs due to the ignition of the fuel-air mixture, which in a certain amount enters a special chamber. For the normal functioning of the power unit, this component must be as clean as possible, without unwanted impurities and various mechanical particles and elements.
- They will protect the chassis and save you money, increasing ground clearance by 3 cm.
The air that is sucked into the engine from the environment passes through a special filter that retains all dust, dirt, insect parts, etc. The absence, malfunction or excessive contamination of this part in the power plant system leads to clogging of valves and cylinders, which over time leads to interruptions in engine operation. This most often manifests itself in the form of:
- increased fuel consumption for no apparent reason;
- drop in speed or lack of traction at idle or while driving;
- incorrect or uneven operation of the cylinders;
- dips in the accelerator pedal, the car stalls at idle, etc.
All these problems can ultimately cause more serious problems, therefore, despite the simplicity of the design, the air filter performs an important function, and it is necessary to change it several times during the operation of the car. The replacement interval depends on the specific type of car, the climatic characteristics of the region, the type of filter element and the degree of contamination, but usually it is replaced every 10-15 thousand kilometers or during scheduled maintenance.
Filters, which are used for various gasoline or diesel engines, can vary in shape and type of cleaning element and come in several types.
Paper. The most common version of the air filter, which is installed on 80% of all modern foreign and domestic cars.
Air from the atmosphere passes through a porous paper material that is impregnated with a special liquid or carbon and folded in several layers for greater efficiency.
Paper fibers are capable of trapping even the most microscopic particles of dust both around the entire perimeter and at the edges. There are several types of paper air filters based on their shape.
Ring. They have the form of a plastic ring or circle, on which a layer of foam rubber or other suitable fabric is applied, and between them there is a paper membrane folded in several layers in the form of an “accordion”. Most often, such models are found on cars with carburetor types of engines or direct injection.
Panel. The most common and simplest, “classic” type of paper filter. The body is made in the shape of a rectangle, with a mesh frame on the bottom, a seal on top, and impregnated paper folded in several layers between them. About 90% of all injection cars are equipped with these types of air purifiers.
Cylindrical. Their features are similar to ring ones, but due to their special shape they have a larger filtering surface, so they are often installed on trucks, buses or models with diesel engines.
All models with a paper layer as a filter element are maintenance-free, and as soon as they become dirty, deteriorate or fail for any reason, they are replaced with a new part.
Theoretically, they can be cleaned and blown, for example, using a vacuum cleaner. Such cleaning will allow you to briefly delay the replacement, but, as practice shows, the procedure will not give any significant effect.
On some types of agricultural machinery and on older cars with a carburetor system, you can find inertial or inertial-oil types of filters, which are popularly called simply “pan” or dust collector.
They purify the air in two stages, in the first, a special design sharply changes the direction of the air flow, due to which heavier particles of dust and dirt settle at the bottom (in the second version, oil is poured there), and the remaining air passes through a pillow woven from dense nylon threads .
Such filters can be washed and cleaned, but their operating efficiency is much lower, which is why many car and motorcycle manufacturers at the present stage have almost completely abandoned the use of such filter models.
Zero resistance filters. “Nulevik” can be made in various forms, and instead of paper material, it uses cotton or other fabric (foam rubber, polypropylene) with a special multi-layer and oily impregnation, which is located between two meshes of aluminum or copper wire.
It is because of these features that such models are often installed on sports or racing cars.
Unlike conventional filters, the “nulevik” design allows them to be serviced, that is, cleaned or washed as they become dirty, usually once every 3-4 months or every 7-10 thousand kilometers with average intensity of use.
To do this, remove them from the car, place them in a soap solution and carefully remove all dirt with a soft bristle brush.
Then they are impregnated on both sides with a special oil composition, which can be purchased at any auto store in the form of a spray.
After impregnation, rinse the filter in warm, clean water, let it drain a little and, without waiting for the surface to dry completely, install it in place. The service life of such a part in normal urban conditions is 1-2 years from the moment of first installation.
Changing the air filter on a car is easy. It all depends on the specific car model and the type of part that is installed on it. The cleaning element is always located under the hood in close proximity to the power unit and radiator. A corrugated hose – an air duct – is required to be connected to the filter, through which the required amount of air for cleaning enters the housing.
For safety reasons, it is recommended to remove the negative terminal from the battery before starting replacement work. The filter itself is placed in a square, rectangular or round plastic case, which is mounted on clamps, clips or bolts, depending on the car model.
The mounting method can be clarified in the operating instructions or experimentally by looking under the hood. But just in case, you should have a set of keys and screwdrivers of standard sizes with you. On many car models, including the VAZ 2110, Priora and some foreign cars, to remove the main body it is necessary to dismantle the air flow meter, which is attached to the pipe with a special clamp.
After removing the fasteners, remove the plastic housing from the pipe and remove the clogged air filter by pulling the rubber rim, which on most cars is made in the form of an insulating layer between the filter housing and the plastic itself.
Before installing a new element, clean the air duct outlet and the filter joining area from visible dirt, dust and other deposits. You can use a car vacuum cleaner and a cloth soaked in detergent.
Install a new part in the reverse order of removal.
You should be careful and purchase only a filter that is suitable in size and characteristics, checking the technical instructions or markings on the old version of the part.
How to change the air filter
How to change the air filter?! All filters have a certain service life. And as they become contaminated, they begin to impede the flow of air into the engine.
And if you change your car's air filter at the right intervals, it will help you keep your engine in good working order, save fuel and reduce wear. You should check in the car's instructions what time intervals are needed to replace the filter.
If you do not have this information, consider the following as a preventive measure that should be performed annually.
Skill Level Required: Intermediate **Replacement Time Required: 20 minutes
Find where the filter is located in the engine compartment. 1. Check the vehicle's instruction manual to ensure you have correctly identified the filter. Follow the instructions on how to replace it. 2.
Does your engine have a carburetor? If so, the air filters are usually installed directly above the carburetor.
There are two main types of air filters: open element (where you can see the pleated filter paper) and closed element (where everything is covered with a metal or plastic cover). 3.
Is your engine equipped with a fuel injection system? On most engines with a fuel injection system, the air filter is installed in a different location - away from the engine and intake port. Such filters are almost always closed with a housing (metal or plastic).
Tools you will need
Often no additional tools are needed. In some cases, you may need a Phillips or straight-head screwdriver, pliers, or sometimes a wrench.
Materials New air filter to be installed, plus cleaning agent and paper towel. A new air filter can be purchased from an auto parts store or your car dealer.
In a store that sells spare parts, check the information about the air filter in the reference book that the store employees must provide.
Find the section for your vehicle, vehicle model and year in the manual, and check the part number listed for your air filter. Air filters for some late model vehicles can only be found at your dealer.
1. Park the car (in the garage or outside) so that you have enough free space to work.2. As usual, start by reading the Instructions again and inspecting the area where you intend to work. All air filters are connected to a pipe through which air is supplied to the engine. Regardless of whether the engine is carburetor or has a fuel injection system, you need to find the box in which the air filter is installed... Or (in the case of an open filter) the filter itself. For air filters located in a tin box 3. For air filters located in a tin box, start by removing the box. The cover is usually secured with clamps, thumbscrews, or wing nuts. Sometimes it can be quite difficult to unscrew them by hand. You may also need to remove one or two air hoses or rubber tubes that are connected to the box. The air tubes are connected using clamps or screwed on. For clamps, use pliers or unscrew by hand if there are no clamps. But in any case, you must be careful not to accidentally damage the clamp or fastener. Moreover, you should carefully inspect the box and make sure that you really need to remove the clamps. (In other words, don't unnecessarily remove tubes and hoses. You will need extra time to reinstall them later.) When it's not too late to stop! If you are unable to locate the filter, or cannot release the clamps, then it is better to stop. Go to a service workshop and let the professionals handle it.
Next steps
4. After the box has been removed, take out the air filter.
In some cases it is secured with a nut or screw or other means. But usually you can just take it out of the box by hand. When you remove the old filter, try to remember how it was located - in some cases there is a special arrangement of the upper and lower parts of the filter, or even a special orientation to the right / left.5. If you notice this, it will make it easier for you to install a new air filter. 6. When you have removed the air filter, look for any remaining dust or dirt inside. Usually small pebbles and leaves end up there. They must be carefully removed by hand and ensure that none of them gets into the pipe through which air is supplied to the engine. And after you are sure that there is no visible dirt inside the box, take a piece of paper napkin and wipe the surface from the inside. If necessary, you can spray the inside with a household cleaner. If there is an oil film or soot inside, draw the attention of the service technician to this fact. It will help determine the cause.7. Install the new filter in the same place as the old one. Make sure the new air filter is fully seated and properly seated. Secure with clamps and install all the fasteners that are available. Reinstall all the tubes and hoses that you removed before removing the filter. For engines with a fuel injection system, it is important that the filter box cover and mountings are installed correctly. If you install them incorrectly, the computer will detect a breakdown and the engine will not start. For air filters with an open filter element, replacement is usually much easier than with other types of filters.1. Start by removing the cover from the element. Or, in some cases, the entire element is removed as a single unit. These elements are usually secured with thumbscrews or wing nuts. In some cases, they are secured with bolts or nuts. And then to remove the filter you will need a screwdriver or wrench. When it's not too late to stop! If you are unable to determine how to remove the air filter or if it cannot be secured, then it is better to stop. Seek help from professionals!2. Remove the filter from the base. You should keep in mind that sometimes the base is loosely mounted on the carburetor and can be easily removed.3. As with filters installed in a box, you will need to clean the lid and base using a cloth for this purpose. If necessary, use a small amount of cleaning agent.4. Install the new filter and cover and secure them in reverse order. If the filter is a single unit, then install it on the carburetor and secure it. For all filter types 1. Check the filter bases or box to ensure that the clamps have not accidentally become loose. If necessary, reinstall them. 2. Start the engine and make sure it runs smoothly as it warms up. Cleaning 1. Discard old air filters2. Clean the tool and put it back in the tool box. That's all! Your new air filter will now last at least a year.
Frequency and procedure for replacing the air filter
Regular and timely replacement of the air filter is necessary because the air passing through it contains various debris: dust, dirt, insects and pollen.
If all this gets into the engine, then in a fairly short time the valve will fail first.
Subsequently, when mixed with oil, it will turn it into an abrasive paste, which has a detrimental effect on the rubbing parts of the engine.
Air filter system
How often should I replace it?
If you don’t know when to change the air filter, or how often to check it, then read the instructions. Typically, for almost all cars, replacement is recommended approximately every 10,000-15,000 kilometers. For cars operated in highly dusty conditions, the replacement frequency is slightly higher. Indicators of air barrier contamination can be:
- increased gasoline consumption;
- reduction in engine power;
- difficult start.
Item unsuitable for further use
If you want to check it yourself, illuminate it from below and see if the light passes through it well. If you clearly see the light, this means that it can be put back in place and used further; if not, then the air filter needs to be replaced.
Instructions for replacing the air filter
Installing an air filter in a car is not a difficult process at all, but small difficulties often arise. However, any driver can do this independently, with his own hands.
We collect the necessary tools
- key;
- screwdriver;
- filter element;
- rags.
Removing the old filter
The filter element in different brands and models can be installed in different places. But they are often very similar. Usually inside the air intake on top of the carburetor.
Filtration system location
To remove the old barrier you need to follow simple steps:
- We turn off the engine.
- Unscrew the air intake bolts securing the cover.
- Next you need to remove the air intake cover.
- We remove the old barrier.
Installation procedure for a new part
Installing an air filter is a simple task and requires the following steps:
- We clean the air intake from dust.
- We're putting up a new barrier.
- We install the air intake cover.
- We tighten the bolts.
When changing the air filter of a car, be sure to ensure that the cover fits as tightly as possible to the body. A loose cover will cause gaps to appear through which untreated air can enter the engine.
All this will take you no more than 5 minutes, both on a car with an injection engine and on a car with a carburetor. But the service life of your car’s engine will increase several times. Not to mention how much time and money you can save without a trip to the service station.
Video “Replacing engine filter material”
If after reading the article you have not yet figured out how to replace the air filter, then watch this video, which describes the procedure for replacing the filter step by step.
Have you encountered such a procedure? Perhaps you have your own secrets? Share them in your reviews!
How to change the air filter
How to replace the air filter
In our publication today, we will find out how to change the air filter with your own hands, how often this operation should be performed, and the consequences of untimely replacement of the air filter.
The air filter is a barrier that prevents dust, dirt and moisture from getting inside the engine. Air, or rather the oxygen contained in the air, is a natural catalyst for fuel combustion. If there is no air entering the combustion chamber, then there will be no combustion process either.
If there is a lack of oxygen, combustion will be so ineffective that the engine will simply stop working.
But if you supply air to the engine without first cleaning it, then dust, which consists of tiny particles, will begin to get inside the engine along with the air. And these particles are nothing more than abrasive materials.
And all this abrasive mass will end up between the rubbing parts, and then the abrasion of the surfaces will occur an order of magnitude faster. Hence the premature wear of all parts.
In addition, the smallest particles of the same sand do not burn during engine operation, but gradually accumulate on the walls, mix with oil, and clog all kinds of engine lines. And one conclusion suggests itself - dust is an absolute evil. And to stop this dust, which tends to the depths of the car engine, an air filter is installed.
In addition, the air filter stops condensate from entering the engine, which inevitably accumulates in the engine compartment due to temperature changes. Moisture that gets into the engine is no less dangerous than dust. And the air filter stops it.
Another function of the air filter is to suppress noise that occurs when the engine is running. The perforated surface of the air filter dampens sound waves, preventing them from spreading.
Frequency of air filter replacement
The air filter must be replaced at regular intervals. There are some average numbers indicated on the filter itself or in the car's instructions, which indicate after how many kilometers the air filter needs to be changed. And usually these figures are within 10-15 thousand km.
But there is one nuance that no manufacturer can take into account. This is the amount of dust in the area through which the car will move. And one thing is urban conditions, where there is not so much dust. And a completely different matter is the countryside and traveling on dirt roads.
But here, too, much depends on the condition of the soil and weather conditions. Where the amount of rain is limited, there will inevitably be more dust in the air. And hence the reduction in the service life of the air filter.
In such cases, when the car often travels on dusty roads, the indicated service life of the air filter is reduced by half.
Signs that the air filter is clogged
If the air filter is clogged, the amount of fuel consumed increases sharply.
The engine does not have enough air to ensure proper combustion of the fuel, so in order to maintain the required power, the engine must burn more fuel.
But at the same time, it is far from guaranteed that the engine’s nominal power will be maintained. Usually power drops along with increased fuel consumption.
The content of carbon monoxide in the exhaust gases increases sharply. This is due to the fact that without the required amount of oxygen, the combustion process is far from optimal.
Not all of the fuel burns and some of it exits through the exhaust system.
And the presence of an increased amount of carbon monoxide indicates that the chemical processes occurring during fuel combustion are not proceeding correctly due to a lack of oxygen in the air-fuel mixture.
Engine power also drops for the reason that the internal combustion engine has to draw in air with great effort, since the perforations in the air filter are clogged with dust and dirt. Part of the engine power is spent on overcoming this resistance.
Can the air filter be washed?
This idea periodically arises among technically illiterate car owners. But it must be said right away that this idea is completely unpromising.
The miniature holes in the air filter become so clogged that it is impossible to clean them with a stream of water.
Moreover, as a result of the action of water, the holes will probably become deformed or simply close. And then air will definitely not flow into the engine.
How to replace the air filter with your own hands?
Different brands of cars use completely different air filter designs. But the principle of replacement does not change much because of this. It is not the filter itself that is changed, but the inner filter insert. And this insert (cassette) can have a very different shape.
Before any actions in the engine compartment, you must disconnect the battery.
First you need to open the outer air filter cover. Fastening can be very different, and the number of fastening elements can be very different.
The fasteners are unscrewed either with a screwdriver or with a wrench. In some car models, in order to change the air filter, you need to disconnect the air supply pipe and the air outlet pipe from the air filter.
You may have to remove other components to get to the air filter cover mount. But such operations are not carried out on all cars. In some car models, the air filter cover is installed in such a way that it is easily accessible.
After the outer cover is removed, you need to remove the insert from the air filter housing, which is directly responsible for filtration. The insert must be recycled. There is usually quite a bit of debris that accumulates inside the filter housing. All this debris must be removed, otherwise it will inevitably end up in the new filter element.
The easiest way is to collect it with a vacuum cleaner or blow it out with a stream of air. Only in this case you need to wear a respirator, because the dust will flow out.
After cleaning the housing, a new filter element is inserted and the outer cover of the air filter housing is screwed on. All engine components that were removed, all pipes that were disconnected, all wires - everything is mounted in place. This completes the air filter replacement. The battery terminal is connected and the car can be started.
When and how to change a car engine air filter
The air filter is an important element of the internal combustion engine system. Although some car owners do not attach much importance to it, it can significantly affect the performance of the engine and its service life.
The fact is that the main task of the air filter is to retain small particles of dirt and dust in the air that get inside the engine, acting as a small but hard abrasive material. Which will lead to premature wear of all rubbing parts. Respectively.
If there were no filters in the design of the car, its life would be reduced to several thousand kilometers.
Also, a clogged air filter is not able to pass a sufficient volume of air. This leads to a decrease in power, increased fuel consumption and increased emissions of harmful substances in exhaust gases. Now it becomes clear that the condition of the air filter is an important point in the operation of the car, and requires constant monitoring. There are several nuances here; each automaker, in the instructions for its car model, indicates the recommended filter replacement period, based on the number of kilometers traveled. But when calculating recommendations for replacement, it is customary to take into account the average operating conditions of the machine. Therefore, it would be more correct to independently monitor the condition of this element and replace it more often than recommended. Moreover, the cost of the air filter is very low compared to other spare parts, and any car owner can replace it. First of all, the air filter is an element of air purification before mixing it in the combustion chamber. Allowing you to eliminate all solid particles present in the street air.
Externally, the filter can have different shapes. It can be made in the form of a rectangle, a circle, or resemble a tin can. But the special filter material resembles a folded accordion, this is done to increase the filter surface and increase productivity.
Naturally, over time, a lot of dirt accumulates on the surface of the filter material, reducing the filter’s throughput. And given the fact that for normal combustion of gasoline in an engine, a ratio of 1 to 15 is required. Or in other words, for 1 liter of gasoline, 15 liters of air are spent. And the decrease in the amount of oxygen supplied is compensated by an increase in fuel, which leads to an increase in consumption, a decrease in power and, accordingly, to a greater amount of harmful substances in the exhaust.
Also, due to long-term use of the filter, the rubber seal located on it may dry out, preventing air from leaking past the filter. In this case, all functionality of the filter is lost, and the engine begins to wear out quickly, bringing the time closer to a major overhaul.
This is the most important question in this article, but no one will give an exact answer. The fact is that the time to replace the air filter completely depends on the operating conditions of the engine. If the car is used in a dry and dusty area, then it should be replaced 2-3 times more often than recommended; in other conditions, you can install a new filter element less often. Therefore, you should independently monitor the degree of contamination and make your own decision about replacement. But if we take the average figures, then we can focus on the figure of 10,000 kilometers. Or rely on indirect signs of pollution, which were described above. More precisely, you should pay attention to the reduced power and dynamics of the car and increased fuel consumption. Despite the fact that each car has its own individual configuration, the principle of positioning and replacing the air filter has not changed for many years. And almost all car manufacturers are trying to facilitate access and the replacement process itself.
Therefore, to replace the filter, you should first of all purchase a new one from an authorized dealer or a specialized store. Then you need to look into the engine compartment of your car.
Having found the air filter housing there (it must match the shape and have dimensions that allow it to accommodate the filter, and most often have a cover with fastenings in the form of latches for quick replacement), dismantle the old one that has expired, and install the newly purchased one.
Then we return the filter cover and hood to their places. The final step is to wipe the car headlights with a cloth, because all the work of replacing the filter has already been done.
The entire replacement procedure takes no more than five minutes of independent work, which makes replacing the air filter the simplest type of car repair. In narrow circles of car owners interested in tuning and boosting the car’s power unit. There is an opinion about the ability of a zero resistance filter to significantly increase engine power. In their reasoning, they are right and wrong at the same time. The fact is that such filters have been successfully used on sports cars for a long time. And over a long period of use, they have already proven their effectiveness, even in dusty desert conditions.
But there are several factors to consider. These filters are used in the engine boost complex, and in the case when the fuel supply system has been reconfigured in such a way that the standard filter is not able to pass the required amount of air. It is then that it makes sense to install a zero-resistance air filter.
Also, few people are initially interested in the service life of such filters. After all, due to high efficiency and throughput, you have to sacrifice service life and price. On racing cars, the filter is changed after one or two races, which can correspond to one or two thousand kilometers in quiet mode. And the cost can be several times higher than a standard filter. Therefore, using the “nulevik” on cars without additional engine tuning, and especially on a car intended for everyday trips, is an irrational waste of money without visible results. It’s also worth discussing a few mistakes made by novice drivers. Some car owners who want to save money try to clean the air filter themselves. We can immediately say that this idea does not lead to visible results for the better, but can lead to complete damage to the part.
The fact is that the filter element captures even the smallest particles of dust and dirt, which are not visible to the naked eye, but effectively clog the micro channels in the filter. Therefore, tapping the filter or using a vacuum cleaner will remove only the visible upper part of the plaque. But it will not lead to any visible results.
Also, some people try to “wash” the air filter. In this case, not only clean water can be used, but also chemicals. This method is not only useless, but will also damage the filter itself. After washing with water, the filter element loses its ability to pass air, which will lead to the urgent purchase of a new filter. Considering the cost of air filters and ease of replacement, it would be better to play it safe and purchase new ones more often.
But in the case when there is not enough money at all, you need to continue to operate the car with what you have. Until you buy a new filter, trying to clean the old one can lead to a worsening situation.