Everything about winter driving “automatically”
With the arrival of winter, drivers face at least two problems: slippery roads and problems in the morning when they need to start the car.
The problem of slippery roads can be partially solved by driving more carefully, and we will look at the problem of morning auto start in this article.
The basic tips on how to drive in winter with an automatic transmission and a manual transmission are approximately the same, but there are still some nuances that I would like to draw your attention to.
Warming up the car
The “first rule” of winter driving concerns warming up the car. When starting the car, you can hold the ignition key in the “starting position” for no more than 5 seconds, otherwise you can easily burn out your starter.
If the engine does not want to start, then the attempt to start it can be repeated only after 30 seconds. It is not recommended to move away immediately - you need to let the engine idle for at least 40 seconds. This is necessary for the oil to warm up.
If the outdoor thermometer shows below 15 degrees, then the idling time should be increased to 3-4 minutes.
Let's start
Experienced drivers recommend warming up the gearbox after warming up the engine. To do this, you need to press the brake with your left foot and the gas with your right foot (in the so-called “D” position). We want to warn you against this: this method is not suitable for all cars. If you want to know the details, open your instruction manual and read.
There is a smarter way out of the situation: drive the first two kilometers at a low speed, about 50 kilometers per hour. In just 10-15 minutes, not only the oil, but also the chassis will warm up.
Features of overnight parking
Related to the problem of morning autostart is the problem of overnight parking. Very often, drivers are faced with the fact that their cars cannot move due to the parking brake freezing at night.
There can be two reasons for this phenomenon: ice or snow near the rear brakes of the car - so avoid parking in snowdrifts. In this case, there is a real risk that frozen pads will bend the discs.
Experienced car enthusiasts are advised to put the gear lever in the “P” position.
However, if the car is parked on a slope, then a large load on the transmission can lead to its breakdown. Therefore, it is better to adopt another method: press the brake, move the automatic transmission to the “N” position, put the car on the handbrake, release the brake. When the car stops, move the machine to the “P” position.
The nuances of movement on the descent and ascent
Probably everyone knows how to properly drive on a flat road in winter. But when driving uphill or downhill, there may be certain difficulties. Owners of automatic transmissions can start uphill much easier than owners of cars with a traditional manual transmission.
Immediately press the brake and move the gear lever to position “D”. Release the parking brake and gently press the gas. There are certain “tricks” when lowering the car. You cannot “press on the brakes” during the descent, as this leads to their overheating. Engage in a lower gear (“2” or “L”).
Features of winter driving in a car with automatic transmission
All owners of cars with an automatic transmission (even better if there is a CVT instead of an automatic transmission) can definitely be called “lucky”. Cars with automatic transmissions, as a rule, are able to start from a stop more smoothly than the average car with a manual transmission. In practice, this means less chance of slipping on slippery roads.
Switch to winter mode – “W” (from the English word “winter” - winter). Your car will be able to start from second or third gear and shift into higher gears at lower rpm than before.
There are certain disadvantages of automatic transmission in winter
For example, it will be more difficult for a car with an automatic transmission to get out of snow captivity than a car with a manual transmission. To do this, you need to try to “rock” the car - alternately pushing it forward and then back. To do this, the car is fixed with a brake in each of the extreme positions so that the box switches from forward to reverse gear (and vice versa).
No accidents on the roads
How to drive an automatic transmission in winter, and at the same time avoid getting into accidents and be less likely to be a customer of a service station? It is enough to remember a few simple but effective rules. If the gas pedal is depressed, avoid shifting gears from the “P” position to any other mode. You cannot turn on “P” if the car is in motion at that moment. First you need to completely stop the car.
The real danger for the driver is slippery turns - the automatic transmission must be in low gear before turning. This means you should slow down early. How fast should you drive in winter? Let's say right away that an aggressive driving style and sudden movements in winter are directly contraindicated.
And the point here is not only that you can become a source of potential danger for other road users - if you drive unevenly, the car consumes more fuel.
In addition, a sharp start from a standstill can simply destroy the gearbox, and slipping for too long (over 30 seconds) can damage the clutches.
Source: https://ru-akpp.ru/ezda-na-avtomate-zimoy/
How to drive an automatic car in winter
Today, when choosing a car, future owners give preference to models with an automatic transmission. However, more and more doubts arise regarding the question of which gearbox is more reliable - manual or automatic. This article will discuss the classic automatic transmission. We will cover the issues of operating “robots” in one of our next articles.
Many people, when operating cars with an automatic transmission, do not understand the features and intricacies of operating the transmission. The main problems appear in winter. This article will provide basic rules and recommendations for the safe operation of a car with an automatic transmission.
Basic rules for safe driving
- When driving within the city, do not move the lever to the neutral position during stops.
- The opinion about the benefits of using a coaster during long descents is wrong. This manipulation can lead to expensive transmission repairs.
- It is strictly forbidden to engage reverse gear if the car has not yet completely stopped.
- Before going through a sharp turn, you need to slow down in advance so that the automatic transmission lowers the gear, and then go through the turn with slight acceleration.
- A sporty driving style and sudden maneuvers in cars with a non-sports automatic transmission are strictly not recommended. Otherwise, the gearbox may fail prematurely.
Advantages of automatic transmission
The main advantage of automatic transmission is its smooth operation and integration with a large number of electronic “assistants”. The risk of slipping during icy conditions is significantly lower compared to a manual transmission.
Disadvantages of automatic transmission
The main disadvantage is that the automatic transmission is not always able to accurately determine the desired gear that the car currently requires. This happens when the fluid coupling does not detect the discrepancy between the speed, movement resistance and engine speed in time. Drivers adapt and use a tight driving style.
Don't forget to warm up the machine
In the cold season, it is recommended to warm up the car engine before driving. This also applies to the gearbox. To do this, with the lever in the “Drive” position and the brake pedal depressed, you need to lightly press the gas pedal for 10-15 seconds. Next, you need to perform a similar action, but in the “Reverse” position.
The entire warm-up procedure takes 2-3 minutes. In order to warm up the gearbox, it is also recommended to drive at minimum speed for the first 2-3 km.
Lifting with automatic transmission
Driving uphill using an automatic transmission brings only pleasure and confidence. Compared to a manual transmission, there is no rollback of the car when starting off.
Descent to automatic transmission
Constant braking on descents is unacceptable, since there is a possibility of the automatic transmission overheating. It is better to “slow down” the car so that the automatic transmission switches to a lower gear and then moves under its own weight.
When stopping on descents, in parallel with the “Parking” mode, you must also use the parking brake.
Otherwise, the entire weight of the car will affect the gearbox, which can negatively affect its service life.
Overcoming snowdrifts
It should be remembered that it will be effective to overcome a snowdrift in 2nd gear, and not in “Drive” gear. Most modern automatic transmissions have a manual gear shift mode, which in this case is best used.
Otherwise, you need to get out into the swing. Smoothly press the gas pedal and hold the car with the brake pedal, climb forward. The reverse movement is performed in the same way. However, you should not manipulate these actions for a long time.
Otherwise, the gearbox may be damaged.
An additional nuance when dealing with snowdrifts is that you need to turn off the ESP stabilization system, which is useless in snowdrifts.
Skid control
When skidding, do not forget about two principles: the gas pedal is sharply released, the steering wheel is turned in the direction of the skid and returns to its original position.
Car parking
We recommend following the following algorithm when parking your car:
- the brake pedal is depressed after the car has come to a complete stop;
- the gearshift knob is moved to the neutral position;
- the car is put on the parking brake and the brake pedal is released;
- moving the gearshift knob to the “P” position.
In this way, we relieve stress from the automatic transmission's parking gear. This voltage occurs when, after stopping the car on a slope, the movement was blocked by the parking gear of the automatic transmission.
If you then put the car on the “handbrake”, this voltage does not disappear anywhere, but on the contrary, it is also recorded by the handbrake.
Winter car parking
During overnight parking, the brake pads may freeze and the car will not move. When making sudden movements or trying to stretch the parking brake, there may be a risk of bending the brake discs. Therefore, in winter it is better to choose flat parking spots without a slope, park using the automatic transmission parking gear and not use the handbrake.
Source: https://MotorPage.ru/infocenter/autoarticles/kak_ezdit_zimoj_na_avtomate.html
How to drive an automatic car correctly?
Modern technologies are constantly improving our world. Everything is set up to make a person feel additional comfort in his life.
Cars are also affected by this topic, and now automatic gearboxes are gaining more and more popularity. Yes, driving a car with an automatic transmission is much easier, especially when driving on a busy highway with frequent stops.
Every person should know how to drive an automatic car correctly in order not to create emergency situations and not spoil the condition of the car.
The operating features of the automatic transmission are quite simple and will be quite understandable even for beginners. In addition, this type of technology is more attractive for drivers with little experience and inexperience, because a car with an automatic transmission allows you to concentrate more on the road than on the car.
Basic tips when driving an automatic transmission
Just like any other car, driving an automatic car takes some getting used to. This is especially true for those drivers who have previously used manual transmission.
There have been frequent cases when, in confusion, while driving a car with an automatic transmission, the lever was switched. Please remember that doing this is strictly prohibited.
Before you start driving, you must set the lever in the correct position for your safety and the safety of other road users.
What is an automatic transmission?
Driving a car with an automatic transmission should imply a full understanding of the operation of this mechanism. Since you don’t need a lot of intelligence here, it’s enough for dummies to know that it independently switches the speeds to the desired mode for them. Its lever has several meanings, each of which is responsible for a specific action:
- reverse – driving in reverse;
- parking - parking;
- neutral – complete shutdown of all gears;
- drive – driving forward, with automatic speed switching;
- 2 – turning on only the second speed;
- L – switches on only the first speed.
Gear shift diagram for automatic transmission
It is imperative to know each value and how to use an automatic transmission. If by mistake you turn on the wrong speed, you may drive in the wrong direction or even overheat the engine due to heavy load. Driving a car is a very important process, in which it is simply necessary to know all the intricacies.
Let's start and drive correctly
Operating an automatic transmission is considered the easiest of all types of movement. Using an automatic transmission is simple, but still, you need to know important subtleties so as not to harm yourself and others.
Before starting your car, place your foot on the brake pedal for added safety. If you know how to start the car correctly, then place the lever in the desired position in advance.
The automatic transmission does not require special attention when starting to move, because it moves off at the signal of only one pedal.
Driving an automatic transmission is very comfortable. There is no need to change gears and constantly depress the clutch pedal. All actions occur automatically, the driver only has to watch the road.
How to drive an automatic car in winter?
Depending on the time of year, you need to drive an automatic car differently. For beginners, this information is considered practically necessary, since they are not yet very experienced. On an automatic transmission, when the engine starts, the gearbox also warms up.
The automation must normalize its processes and also heat up the oil supplied to it. This way the transmission will not be damaged. To start, you should use the automatic machine while the car is standing still.
It is necessary to turn on several modes alternately at short intervals until the lever is in the drive position.
If you know how to operate an automatic transmission, you should remember to hold the brake pedal for a few seconds before driving. This method helps to warm up the transmission efficiently and makes driving such a car less dangerous.
How to drive an automatic transmission in summer?
How to drive an automatic car in the summer? Everything is very simple. There are no restrictions on movement here, since the transmission is always in a ready state. In this case, you can operate it without warming up or other manipulations.
Driving around the city automatically
If you know how to use an automatic transmission correctly, then you understand that driving around the city is very different from traveling outside the country.
Gear shifts in city rhythms occur much more often, thereby increasing the use of the gearbox. Driving modes change depending on the speed of movement, while the driver does not notice these changes, since he himself does not participate in the process.
But, if you do not yet know how to drive a car and, moreover, have never used mechanics, it is better not to use this method.
Driving outside the city with an automatic transmission
Driving a car with an automatic transmission outside the city is in great demand. If you operate it correctly, the movement will be smooth, without jerking, with high-quality speed control. The transmission is almost specially designed for long distances, because the car itself chooses the position it needs.
Controlling an automatic transmission is not considered something very difficult and incredible. You won’t have to learn this method for a long time, because, as you know, it is much simpler than mechanics. The car practically drives itself, the gears switch automatically, and your foot sees only two pedals. Driving an automatic transmission is a simple process that is taught step by step in driving schools.
Source: https://prokpp.ru/pro-korobku-peredach/ezda-na-avtomate.html
How to drive an automatic transmission?
Every year, cars with automatic transmission are gaining more and more popularity. This is, of course, due to the ease of control, as well as its undeniable convenience in the crowds of big cities and traffic jams, when constantly switching gears in a manual transmission and squeezing the clutch can throw even the most stress-resistant car driver out of balance.
However, driving an automatic transmission is not as simple as it seems at first glance, and therefore the question of how to drive an automatic transmission is far from idle. Therefore, it is worth considering the entire list of actions when driving an automatic transmission.
In particular, you should not drive your car right away. Even at positive air temperatures, it is worth waiting a minute or two for the automatic transmission to enter operating mode with proper distribution of oil inside the transmission.
At sub-zero temperatures, the warm-up time should be increased, which will avoid the premature “death” of the automatic transmission. In this case, the engine should be started in the selector positions “P” or “N”.
In other positions the car simply will not start.
Before driving, the automatic selector on the box is moved to any of the positions to start driving. It should be remembered that the switching time takes about a second. In this case, it is necessary to hold the car by pressing the brake pedal.
Video - how to use the automatic transmission:
By the way, you only need to drive a car with an automatic transmission with one foot! The fact is that if you press the brake with your other foot, the car will begin to slow down sharply, which can lead to pressing the gas again. And this, at a minimum, is a transmission breakdown, and at a maximum – sudden acceleration instead of braking and, as a result, a traffic accident.
Recently, automatic transmissions with manual gear shifting have become increasingly popular. When wondering how to drive a tiptronic automatic transmission (that’s exactly what it’s called), you need to remember that when choosing the appropriate transmission mode, you will have to switch by rocking the lever or pressing the steering wheel paddles.
To enable this mode, simply move the selector to the “M” position or to a separate sector where there are “+” and “-” symbols. The first position is responsible for upshifting, and the second for downshifting.
It should be noted that before driving an automatic machine, you need to, so to speak, “study the hardware.” Specifically, the designations on the transmission selector, which are often incomprehensible to a person who has previously driven a manual transmission.
Mode “P” – parking. Enabling this mode blocks the shaft and drive wheels, and therefore is used when the car is stopped for a long time.
Here you need to remember that you can turn it on only after the car has completely stopped, but in no case while driving, even the lightest. In this case, to exit the mode it is necessary, as already mentioned, to press the brake.
Otherwise, the transmission simply will not allow the switch to occur.
It should also be noted that this mode can replace the handbrake when parking on level ground. However, if the surface has a slope, the use of the handbrake is mandatory. This is due to the fact that the automatic transmission elements will be subject to additional load, which can significantly reduce their service life.
Mode “R” – reverse. Here the name of the mode speaks for itself - it serves to move the car in reverse. In order to engage reverse, you must also completely stop the car and press the brake pedal.
Mode “N” – neutral gear. It is used, as a rule, for technical needs, when it is necessary to move a car with the engine running. Most often they resort to it in a car service center or during other similar actions.
Before driving an automatic transmission, you should exit this mode using the method already described above. By the way, you should not try to save fuel by coasting down a slope by turning on this mode. When reconnected, the load on the transmission units will reduce the savings to nothing.
By the way, there is no reason to use this mode in a traffic jam or at a traffic light due to the fact that it is simply more convenient to hold the car with the brake.
Mode “D” – movement. This is the main mode for driving a car, and it is better to learn the basics of how to drive an automatic transmission from this mode.
When driving in this selector position, the box itself “selects” the required gear from first to last in accordance with the driving rhythm, driver’s manner, and road conditions.
It is in it that the automatic transmission is in fully automatic mode, without requiring any action from the driver.
Mode “2″ – the first two gears are available. In it, the gearbox blocks the choice of gears, limiting itself to first and second gears.
It makes sense to use this mode when towing, as well as on mountain roads with a winding profile. The mode can also be activated while driving, but this should only be done if the vehicle speed is below 80 kilometers per hour.
Otherwise, high speeds may have a negative impact on the car engine.
Mode “L” – only first gear is available. This mode is intended for driving in particularly difficult conditions and off-road.
On crossovers and SUVs with this mode, downshift is also used. However, turning on this mode is possible only when the vehicle speed is below 15 kilometers per hour.
Before driving an automatic transmission off-road, it is better to turn on the mode in advance.
In addition to these modes, automatic transmissions also have other types of modes.
OverDrive (O/D) This mode is used on gearboxes that have more than three stages and is intended for overtaking or other situations where rapid acceleration of the vehicle is required. It is activated, as a rule, by pressing a button on the transmission lever.
Before driving an automatic transmission using this mode, you should remember that it forcibly does not allow the automatic transmission to shift higher than third gear. Thanks to this, greater vehicle dynamics are achieved compared to normal operation. You can also use this mode when driving on a long climb.
The fact is that the normal mode can “oscillate” in this case, switching first to third or fourth gear. When using overdrive, the problem disappears.
Kick-down . Very often in car reviews you can read about the use of this mode, but not all car owners know about its essence. This mode is activated by sharply pressing the gas pedal.
At the same time, the automatic transmission shifts down one or two gears, which ensures confident acceleration. In this case, upshifts occur at much higher speeds than usual.
At the same time, manufacturers do not recommend using kick-down for starting from a standstill due to the heavy load on the transmission, which leads to a decrease in its service life.
PWR/SPORT . This mode is programmatic and is intended for active driving.
When it is activated, the gears in the box switch at higher speeds, thereby achieving maximum dynamics (fuel consumption also becomes maximum).
In order to understand how to drive an automatic transmission in sports mode, you first need to master the basic skills of driving an automatic transmission due to the fact that the car subjectively becomes noticeably sharper in response to the gas pedal.
SNOW - snow. The name of this mode speaks for itself. It is designed for safe driving in the winter season.
It’s not difficult to understand how to drive an automatic car in winter - just turn on this mode. In this case, the automatic transmission will start from second gear, and shifts will occur at lower speeds.
On asphalt the car becomes less dynamic, but this is done for safety on snow.
Many also wonder how to drive an automatic transmission in icy conditions. Here, too, as a rule, no difficulties arise, and the driver’s actions in this case are not much different from driving a “mechanics”. However, the “snow” transmission mode is required in this case as well. It will significantly simplify and secure the movement of the car.
Video lessons on how to drive an automatic machine:
It should also be noted that the “winter” mode should not be used in the summer to save fuel. This is due to the fact that the car starts from second gear, which results in an increased load on the torque converter of the box. And this is a direct path to its overheating and subsequent expensive repairs.
Having considered the main driving modes “on the automatic”, it is worth paying attention to common prejudices regarding automatic transmissions.
The first and most established stereotype is the poor reliability of automatic transmissions relative to manual transmissions. Of course, the first “automatic machines” in the middle of the twentieth century did not shine with high reliability.
However, today such gearboxes are often superior in reliability to their “mechanical” counterparts. Suffice it to recall the sensational story with TaGAZ Tiger cars, where a factory defect in the manual transmission led to an early breakdown of the unit.
At the same time, the automatic versions served their owners well.
At the same time, automatic transmissions require a much more careful attitude and everything, for the most part, depends on how you drive the automatic transmission. If you do not know the basics of controlling this unit, failures and breakdowns are quite possible, which are initiated by the owner himself.
However, if there is not so much regarding the reliability of classic “automatic machines” with a torque converter, then with robotic gearboxes many more questions arise.
The same applies to CVT transmissions, where the “weak link” is the CVT belt.
However, manufacturers are trying to solve design flaws and CVTs with a plate chain instead of a V-belt are already appearing.
There are a number of other prejudices. In particular, many motorists are sure that it is impossible to perform engine braking with an automatic transmission.
This legend arose from the fact that in the standard “drive” mode the car actually does not slow down due to the power unit.
However, on a long descent, just press the “O/D” button, and the car, dropping several gears “down”, will begin to slow down smoothly.
However, this opportunity should not be used at speeds above 120 kilometers per hour, since a sharp jerk will cause increased load on the transmission elements. By the way, on a steep descent at low speed you can use mode “2”. Thanks to it, the car will not accelerate, and the movement will be smooth and safe.
Another very popular opinion among car enthusiasts is that you cannot tow a car with an automatic transmission. This statement is also incorrect.
However, towing must be done with the engine running, locking the gearbox selector in the “N” position.
In addition, the towing speed should not exceed 50 kilometers per hour, and it can be carried out no further than 50 kilometers.
Another thing is that towing is mainly resorted to if the power unit does not work. And in this case, towing is strictly prohibited, since it will lead to breakdown of the expensive transmission. Before you start driving an automatic transmission, you should definitely remember this and stock up on the phone number to call a tow truck in advance .
However, even with the engine running, towing is an extreme measure that should be resorted to only in desperate situations.
An important aspect when driving an automatic transmission is the undesirability of working as a “tug” for another car.
If such a role cannot be avoided, you can only tow a car with a weight less than or equal to your car, using the “2″ or “L” transmission modes. In this case, the speed of movement should not exceed forty kilometers per hour.
There is one more aspect, the opinion about which in the “near-automotive” environment varies greatly. It concerns starting a car using towing. In principle, those who oppose such actions are most right, since any mistake can be extremely costly.
However, there are situations in life when such an option is the only one. In this case, the automatic transmission selector must be set to the “N” position and the ignition turned on.
After this, you need to press the gas pedal once to enrich the mixture and allow the tug to accelerate your car to at least 30 kilometers per hour. After this, you need to turn on mode “2” and press the gas. After the engine has started, you need to return the selector to the neutral position.
At the same time, if the engine does not start, you need to disable mode “2” to avoid overheating of the transmission. However, it should again be remembered that this method is extremely undesirable.
Thus, before you start driving an automatic transmission, you should study and understand the operating principles of this transmission. Without this understanding, it is very easy to damage a complex device, and this must always be kept in mind. If you learn these simple principles, then the “automatic machine” will become an excellent assistant, which will only please you and not cause much trouble.
May be of interest:
Source: https://voditeliauto.ru/poleznaya-informaciya/voditelyam-novichkam/kak-ezdit-na-korobke-avtomat.html
How to drive an automatic car
Cars with automatic transmission have increased driving comfort, which is undoubtedly appreciated by most car enthusiasts. But despite the ease of operation, the system has a number of requirements for a long service life.
How to drive a car: what is an automatic transmission
First of all, let's figure out what the letters mean and what standard modes the automatic transmission has:
- “Parking” mode P - used to hold the car in place when parking, also used when starting the engine. To prevent automatic transmission damage, engage parking only when traffic is completely stopped.
- “Reverse” mode R - reverse gear, used if you need to reverse. The mode switches in the same way as parking - only when the car comes to a complete stop.
- Mode “Neutral” N - means turning off all gears and modes, but the car will be in an unstable position and may roll. The mode is an assistant when lifting a car onto a tow truck if you stall on the road or when you are being pulled on a cable.
- Drive mode D - indicates forward movement. Depending on the pressure on the gas pedal, it automatically switches speeds, which is undoubtedly the main convenience of an automatic transmission.
- Number 2 - means engaging second gear at a speed of no more than 40 km/h. Used when driving on slippery roads, unpaved slopes, or when you are driving downhill.
- L mode - used to engage first gear on steep climbs or off-road.
How to drive an automatic: start the engine
- In order to start the car, set the lever to the parking mode P or N neutral.
- Place your right foot on the brake pedal for safety.
- After this, insert the key into the ignition and turn it, the lights on the instrument panel should light up.
- We wait a few minutes for the fuel pump to turn on and create compression in the fuel frame.
- After all the above steps, start the engine and put the lever in the “Drive” position.
- Smoothly release the brake pedal, after which the car will move without even pressing the gas pedal.
- Try to drive the first kilometers at the minimum speed limit, without making a sharp increase in speed.
- The most important and basic rule is that the gear lever should never be switched to another mode when the car is moving, only when it comes to a complete stop.
- The “neutral” position is not recommended to be turned on often, except if you are stuck in a long traffic jam and in extreme heat.
- When stopping the car on a descent, in addition to “parking”, tighten the handbrake for safety.
- If you get stuck in a snowdrift, engage manual mode and second gear for a smoother start.
- In case of an unforeseen situation on the road, tow the car for a distance of no more than 40-50 km, moving at a minimum speed of 30-40 km/h.
How to drive an automatic: stopping
To stop the car, gently apply the brake pedal:
- If you stop briefly, say, at a traffic light, do not shift the gear lever from mode D, but hold the brake pedal.
- When the car stops for quite a long time, but the engine continues to work - for example, you are standing in a traffic jam, move the selector lever to “N” mode.
- If the stop is long, switch the lever to parking mode P.
How to drive an automatic: why do you need a handbrake?
The vehicle operating rules urge all drivers not to completely trust mode P and to use the handbrake when the vehicle comes to a complete stop.
But judging by the reviews of car enthusiasts, they rarely use the handbrake, because they often forget to check its condition before driving.
But still, in special situations, the use of a handbrake is extremely necessary:
- If the driver plans to leave the car without stopping the engine.
- When stopping on a steep slope, engage the handbrake and only then move the lever to P mode.
- For reliable installation of the vehicle when repairing or replacing auto parts.
Source: https://SovetClub.ru/kak-ezdit-na-avtomate
Driving a car with an automatic transmission in winter: what to do so as not to “kill” the transmission
There is an opinion that driving “automatically” in winter is not an easy process. But is this really so?
The specifics of driving a car with an automatic transmission in winter are certainly present. This concerns a number of points due to the design features of the automatic gearbox.
Let's start with the fact that with the help of the accelerator and clutch "on the mechanics" you can control with fairly high accuracy the moment when the wheels begin to rotate, but do not start slipping. Experienced drivers call this movement “pull”. It is much more difficult to catch this moment with an automatic transmission, since it depends only on the engine speed.
At the same time, the operation of the automatic transmission torque converter allows you to start moving very smoothly, which in some cases with a manual transmission requires a lot of experience and skill from the driver. Moreover, the automatic allows you to drive “tightly” at low speed for a long time without the risk of burning the clutch.
However, in some cases of winter off-road it is necessary to increase the rotation speed of slipping wheels to the maximum. This mode is extremely harmful for the machine and can lead to its failure.
At high engine and wheel speeds, the transmission will tend to upshift, and overdrive gears and other parts are not designed for the high torques that occur when slipping.
Again, the automatic transmission does not like to overcome obstacles “in swing”, which is often used by drivers of cars with manual transmission, since it is not possible to instantly open the transmission and the engine. Accordingly, during counter-movement there is a high risk of destroying the box from the inside. And finally, you need to understand that low temperatures are detrimental to automatic transmissions, especially under load. The operating temperature of automatic transmission oil is 70-80°C, and for some units it can reach above 100°C. So, draw your conclusions!
To avoid problems, we suggest remembering some simple rules for using automatic transmissions in winter:
- Always start driving in winter after a minimum warm-up of not only the engine, but also the automatic transmission. To do this, on the spot, turn on the box alternately in modes “D”, “R” and “N”. It is better to start driving when it is cold without sudden accelerations or other increased loads. It is better to drive the first kilometers at a uniform speed.
- You need to start driving with the selector position in “winter mode”, if provided. This will avoid unnecessary slipping.
- Attempts to “rock” a car like cars with a manual transmission will not lead to anything good. There is a high probability that such actions will “kill” the automatic transmission.
- If there is a high probability of slipping, it is advisable to switch to manual gear shift mode or turn on “overdrive” in advance.
For more information on automatic transmission repair, see here....
Source: https://akpp.one/blog/ezda-zimoj-na-avto-s-akpp-chto-delat-chtoby-ne-ubit-korobku/
How to drive an automatic car correctly in winter
Today, the assertion that a manual transmission is more reliable than an automatic transmission is increasingly being questioned, and for good reason. Often the main reason for automatic transmission failure is the operation of the vehicle without taking into account road conditions.
Having become the owner of a car with an automatic transmission, the driver does not bother himself with studying the intricacies and features of operating the automatic transmission, but in vain. The first problems, as a rule, arise in winter and fifteen-minute attempts to get out of a small snowdrift are just flowers.
The tips below will help you understand how to drive an automatic transmission in winter, what is the safest way to drive an automatic transmission, and what driving techniques to use with an automatic transmission in various unusual situations.
Basic rules for driving a car with automatic transmission
- If you most often move in urban areas, maneuvering among countless traffic lights or standing idle in traffic jams, do not move the lever to the “neutral” position when stopping, no matter how “experts” and “experts” advise you. Leave it to manual drivers;
- If your immediate plans do not include automatic transmission repair, forget about “rolling up” during a long descent;
- It is strictly prohibited to engage reverse until the car has stopped! Press the brake pedal until the vehicle comes to a complete stop, then switch the selector to the “reverse” position and feel a push, start moving backwards;
- Make it a rule: before switching the lever, release the gas pedal;
- If you have to enter a corner that is known to be slippery, do it in a low gear after reducing your speed;
- If you are the owner of a car with a CVT, forget about an aggressive driving style and sudden maneuvers. All you can achieve with this driving style is premature failure of the gearbox.
Advantages and disadvantages of automatic transmission
One of the advantages of a car with an automatic transmission in winter is its unsurpassed smoothness, which cannot be said about a manual transmission.
In addition, the mechanical switch to “winter” mode, which is absent, reduces the risk of slipping during icy conditions and makes driving on slippery roads easier in general.
In this mode, the car starts from the second (third) gear, and further switching to higher gears must be performed at the lowest speeds.
However, the main problem for drivers of cars with an automatic transmission is slipping in difficult road conditions.
This is explained by the principle of operation of the fluid coupling, which does not always detect the discrepancy between engine speed and driving speed in time.
To prevent this from happening, the driver needs to master the skill of driving at a stretch, operate the accelerator very carefully and be extremely attentive.
Starting to move - how to warm up the machine
Before starting to drive, it is recommended to warm up the car, not only the engine, but also the automatic transmission itself.
To do this, hold the car using the brake pedal, lightly press the accelerator pedal (the automatic transmission selector should be in the Drive position), then repeat the procedure by moving the selector to the “reverse” position.
We linger in each position for 10-15 seconds, but no more. We repeat the operations. The entire procedure should take no more than 2-3 minutes.
There is a lot of debate about the need to warm up the “automatic”. If you think this is unnecessary or you have robotic mechanics, the first 2-3 km are recommended instead of following the above procedure.
move at a minimum speed (no more than 50 km/h) without sudden jerks or lane changes.
Ten minutes of driving at this speed allows you to warm up the oil in the box and all mechanical components of the transmission to normal operating temperature.
Riding uphill and downhill
This is where the automatic transmission definitely wins, and that is in conditions when it is necessary to start on a hill. Simply press the brake pedal and move the lever to position “D”, then release the parking brake and press the accelerator pedal.
But going down on the brakes is not allowed. This leads to overheating. It is better to brake with overdrive or engage a lower gear.
Engine braking
If you have an automatic transmission, it is important to understand what speed to drive in winter, because not all automatic transmissions allow you to use such a technique as “engine braking”.
True, if we are talking about an “old” automatic transmission, which still has a limitation on engaging higher gears, then you can try to perform engine braking on ice by moving the gearbox to one of selectors 2 or 3.
In addition, if a modern box supports the possibility of manual sequential shifting, then this will also allow engine braking by moving to the lowest gear that the electronics will allow.
How to properly drive an automatic car in winter after parking overnight
A very common situation: in the morning the car cannot move due to frozen brake pads. This is especially true if snow accumulates near the rear brake discs. If such a situation has already happened, the main thing is not to make sudden movements, try to accelerate or stretch the handbrake. This will only distort the brake discs.
When parked for a long time, of course, you can limit yourself to switching the lever to “P” mode, but it is important not to overload the transmission, otherwise expensive automatic transmission repairs cannot be avoided.
It is recommended to park a car with an automatic transmission according to the following algorithm: after the car has come to a complete stop, press the brake, switch the automatic transmission to “N” mode, put the car on the handbrake and release the brake.
After a complete stop, switch the machine to “P” mode.
By following the above recommendations, you will not only learn how to drive an automatic transmission correctly in winter, but also ensure the long service life of your car’s automatic transmission.
Source: https://Avto-Life.com/kak-pravilno-ezdit-zimoj-na-avtomate.html