
How to remember traffic controller signals: rhyme, pictures with explanations

Traffic controller gestures in pictures and with explanations

Hello dear blog visitors. We recently learned what the statute of limitations for a fine is and whether it is possible not to pay transport tax. This morning on the way to work, as always, I got into a small traffic jam. For the fact that the traffic jam is small, we must thank our valiant police.

This is in no way intended as sarcasm, but traffic controllers standing at several intersections in a row actually make a significant contribution to increasing the road’s capacity. Almost every day I see drivers who, not understanding the traffic controller’s gestures, stand still when a motion is being made and, on the contrary, drive when they are prohibited from doing so.

Today I wanted to touch on the traffic controller’s gestures in pictures with explanations.

   The urgency of the issue

During theoretical driver training classes in driving schools, traffic controller gestures are given exactly the same amount of attention as traffic light signals. In real road conditions, we find that all drivers know traffic light signals, at least with three-color light signaling (red, yellow, green), but not all drivers know the traffic controller’s gestures.

There is a fairly simple explanation for this: along the route, traffic lights are quite common, and the traffic controller organizing traffic at the intersection is extremely rare. Hence the result:

  • Having studied traffic light signals, we use them every day when driving and we simply cannot forget them;
  • Having studied the traffic controller’s gestures and not encountering them every day while driving, we begin to forget them.

Pedestrians are a different matter. If the “worst” driver knew the gestures of the traffic police officer, but forgot, then for the most part pedestrians did not even know the meaning of the gestures.

   Just 3 gestures

Someone will say that the traffic controller shows unimaginable things that only he himself can understand, and drivers will never understand them. Now I will dispel this myth. According to traffic rules, the traffic controller has only three gestures. And then we will figure out how to understand their meanings and where it is possible, and whether it is possible for the driver of certain vehicles and a pedestrian to move

   Hand raised up

This gesture is the easiest to understand. It says that the movement of all vehicles (rail and trackless), as well as pedestrians, is prohibited. Only those who are caught by this signal at the intersection can continue moving; they must immediately complete the maneuver, that is, leave the intersection. In other words, this is a prohibiting gesture.

   Arms extended to the sides or down

Arms extended to the sides and arms lowered down are the same gesture. There is a paradox on the road, namely, the traffic controller put his hands down and there are “drivers” who interpret this gesture in their own way.

For example, the traffic controller “has given up” and does not take part in organizing traffic, that is, they are guided by the traffic light, or rather by its signals and road signs in force at a given intersection.

What is the meaning of the gesture? From the left and right sides, the movement of cars, and in the broad sense of the word, then trackless vehicles, is allowed straight and to the right.

When turning right, it is mandatory to give way to pedestrians, and it does not matter whether there is a pedestrian crossing there or not.

From the chest, as well as from the back, movement is strictly prohibited.

Trams on the left and right sides can only move in the forward direction. Pedestrians cross the road accordingly, where it is safe to do so: in front of the traffic controller and behind him.

   The right arm is extended forward, the left is lowered down or extended to the side

The position of the left hand does not matter here, since it is still the same gesture.

Trackless vehicles on the left hand side can move in all directions (straight, right, left and reverse).

Naturally, when turning right or left, the driver must give way to pedestrians crossing the roadway onto which he is about to turn. Movement from the chest side is allowed only in one direction - to the right.

Movement from the back, as well as from the right side, is prohibited.

Now let's figure out how to move the tram in this case. From the left side - only to the left, from the chest - only to the right.

It will be safe for pedestrians to cross the roadway only under the cover of the traffic controller’s back, or rather behind it.

All of the above, and this is several dozen lines, can be compressed into two sentences. This interpretation of gestures was used in driving schools of the Soviet Union:

  1. Trackless vehicles can start moving only if the hand of a traffic controller is pointing at them and must move in such a way as not to cross the hands of a traffic controller;
  2. Trams move “from sleeve to sleeve” of the traffic controller.

   Funny poems

There are two more cool, but instructive rhymes that will help you quickly remember information. I’ve been eating them for many years, and they are still relevant today.

At this point we will consider the topic completely covered. If you, dear readers, have any questions, I will be happy to answer them, leave comments. See you soon on the blog pages!

Sincerely, blog author Andrey Kulpanov


Traffic controller signals: easy and simple!

For many drivers, traffic controllers are one of the biggest problems on the road, but traffic controller signals can be easily learned in five minutes. Nowadays, it is not often necessary to encounter it while driving a vehicle, but there are times when it happens suddenly, so it is necessary to know and understand sign language.

The first thing you must remember is that if there is a traffic controller at the intersection, then you should not react in any way to the traffic lights and road signs . From the moment he took his position, he became the only one worth listening to.

What signals are in your arsenal?

This person doesn’t have many signals in his arsenal, so he won’t have to remember them for a long time. As you can see in the picture below there are only three of them:

  1. right hand up;
  2. hands apart;
  3. the right arm is extended forward.

Traffic controller signals in pictures with explanations:

Let's remember the traffic controller's signals, video:

The traffic controller begins to return the situation to normal on the road with a standard signal - the right arm is extended upward.

In sign language for drivers, this means that they need to stop, traffic lights are no longer an indicating element, signs on the road have no meaning, all attention must be switched to the traffic controller. Now only he determines the order on the track.

You must immediately respond to this gesture, no matter which side the employee is facing towards you, be it the side, back or face. Not only vehicle drivers who stop near the stop line, but also pedestrians are required to stop their actions.

According to traffic rules, if the driver cannot stop driving at this moment and use emergency braking, he is allowed to complete the maneuver.

If a pedestrian was crossing the road when the signal was given, he must clear it or remain on the dividing line.

Is it possible to continue driving further if, after the signal was given, the car has already entered the intersection? Yes, the driver has the right to continue the maneuver; often the traffic police officer himself shows that such participants need to quickly vacate the intersection space.

Sometimes, at an intersection where a traffic controller is standing, you can hear him using a whistle. This way, drivers pay attention to it faster, rather than turning their heads around and referring to roadside signs.

The main task of the traffic controller is to make sure that people notice him, stop their cars and are ready to act in accordance with the signals given.

A hand raised up can be associated, according to the transmitted information, with a yellow traffic light, which shows the driver that it is worth preparing for further actions.

If your hands are apart?

The first signal from the traffic police officer is not responsible for the regulation process. Another signal is when the arms are spread apart, according to the rules it is allowed to replace them with lowered arms at the seams if the person gets tired during the control process.

Both of these signals are equivalent and must be correctly perceived by the car owner when he is on the road. If the traffic controller is standing in this position, it means that it is prohibited to move onto the employee’s back and chest. Only those to whom the person is standing sideways can continue moving to the right and straight ahead.

The order of movement on the road is determined by the person, not the signs. Even if he stands on the other side, nothing will change and the direction of movement will remain the same.

This rule also applies to pedestrians. They also cannot walk on their chest or back, only on both sides, and drivers who need to turn right will be required to follow traffic rules and let those walking along the pedestrian crossing pass.

If the hand points forward?

The third signal from the traffic police officer begins with the position of the hand at the top. Only after all participants have stopped does the traffic controller extend his hand.

In this position, the machine is allowed to fit into the corner formed by the employee’s chest and arm. Here it is facing us, so turning right is possible, but it is not necessary, so if you are in the other direction, you will have to wait until another signal is shown.

If a person turns his right side towards a vehicle, then movement is prohibited.

If we watch the back, then any action is closed to us not just at the moment, but also with any signal given by the traffic controller.

With the traffic police officer positioned below in the picture, we can move not only straight and to the right, but also to the left, and also actually make a U-turn, because the angle created by the chest and arm completely allows us to perform such maneuvers. To put it simply, this signal gives us the opportunity to move in all directions.

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If the driver is in front of the traffic controller, but he needs to turn left or turn around, then it is important that the car does not hit the oncoming traffic when performing the maneuver. The driver can turn both in front of the traffic controller and behind him; this is not prohibited by the rules.

We teach traffic rules about traffic controller signals:

If an employee raises his hand, then pedestrians who were walking along the crossing must leave the route, which means go back or go to the end. Anyone who is just about to cross the road needs to stop and wait for the signal from the traffic controller.

When an employee is positioned with his hands down, pedestrians can move in any direction except on their back or face, but they are allowed to cross along their back or chest.

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In the position shown in the picture below, the pedestrian can only cross behind his back. In this case, traffic teachers say the officer lowered the barrier. You cannot walk towards the traffic controller on your back or chest.

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How to remember traffic controller signals?

For many drivers and pedestrians, the signals cause panic, but remembering them is not that difficult if you spend some time. Some drivers came up with a reminder for themselves and put it in the car, others took a trick and learned a rhyme about traffic controller signs.

“If the stick is facing your mouth, make a right turn. If the stick points to the right, you have no right to drive. If the stick points to the left, you are the queen of the road. The driver’s chest and back are a wall.”

Traffic rules strictly regulate the position of the hands of a traffic police officer. He has the right on the road to show only the gestures described in the rules, which are understandable to all traffic participants at a problematic intersection.

Traffic lights and traffic controller signals, video instructions:

Knowing the signals is mandatory not only for drivers, but also for pedestrians, because they are also road users and can create an emergency situation on the road.


How to easier understand the traffic controller’s gestures in traffic regulations and on the road

Understanding the actions of a traffic controller is a special problem. Any car enthusiast will tell you this. Do you want to thoroughly (and without bothering too much) study the traffic controller’s signals and gestures? Then continue reading this opus! Otherwise, skip this reading, because it will not help you anyway.


Many driving school students (and a lot of drivers) believe that the topic “Traffic Controller Signals”:

  • firstly, the most unnecessary;
  • secondly, the most difficult.

Let's look at the motivation behind such opinions.

The most unnecessary topic in traffic rules?

We should partly agree with the authors and supporters of this point of view. Why unnecessary? Yes, because traffic cops themselves very (very, very!) rarely use these same signals and gestures in their work.

IMPORTANT! Let's make a remark! STANDARD SIGNALS are rarely used. Simply non-standard ones (like - “You come here! You stop! Uh, where are you going? Oh, come on, back! And where are you going?!!”) are understandable to everyone! But the standard ones - provided for in Section 7 of the Traffic Regulations - are indeed used in the work of the traffic police - oh, how! - infrequently.

Why? There are many points of view here, but they all boil down to two main ones:

Drivers believe that traffic police inspectors do not use standard signals because they themselves do not know them. But traffic police officers are convinced of the opposite: they do not use standard signals due to the fact that narrow-minded drivers (mostly those who bought a license) simply do not understand them.

It seems that the truth, as always, is somewhere in the middle: both “drivers” and regulators feel quite insecure under the conditions of standard “rod” regulation. This is how we live, nodding at each other. Outrageous! And... funny!

The most difficult topic in traffic rules?

Regarding the particular complexity of this topic (among other topics of traffic rules), we allow ourselves to fundamentally disagree with this position. The declared “complexity” of this topic is due to two points:

  • the reluctance of the driving school cadet (or already the driver) to thoroughly understand the problem of traffic controller signals;
  • the outright inability of driving school instructors to teach this topic at the required applied level.

But the reason for such reluctance and the indicated inability lies in the extremely low degree of application of traffic controller signals both in the final examination module (theoretical exam in the traffic police) and in real traffic practice.

Let's try to correct the current - blatant - state of affairs. Let’s make this topic – the traffic controller’s gestures and signals – common, normally digestible.

As you know, the road will be mastered by those who walk. Forward!

Let's figure it out: traffic controller in pictures with comments

Standard and non-standard signals

It is immediately necessary to make a reservation (even if we repeat ourselves!): everything – as possible! – traffic controller signals can be divided into two main groups: standard and non-standard.

Standard signals are those that are specifically and clearly regulated in Section 7 of the Russian Traffic Regulations. They characterize the position of the traffic controller himself, the position of his hands and, most importantly, the permitted actions of drivers.

But non-standard signals, or designated in traffic rules as “others”, are other signals that also regulate traffic, but very clearly and as clearly as possible for all participants (“you go there!”, “you go here!”, etc.). d.).

Such groups of signals cannot be confused, and this issue is very important. Let's start with standard signals, of which there are only three. Not so much, you’ll agree!

Standard signal: the traffic controller’s right hand with the baton is raised up

Such a signal can immediately be noted as the simplest. It means "EVERYONE - STOP!" and repeats the effect of a yellow traffic light turned on after the green one.

Yes, traffic is prohibited, but for those still at the intersection, traffic is allowed.

It is also permitted for those who cannot stop in front of an intersection without using emergency braking. Such drivers can also proceed in given directions. (And this point should be especially clearly defended in the face of an overbearing traffic cop who stopped you for allegedly violating the rules).

But everyone else must stop at such a signal and wait for the permission signal to move.

As a rule, such a signal from the traffic controller is translated into a sound signal given by a whistle to attract attention. And the hand following it, raised up, means the cessation of movement.

Agree, everything is extremely simple. And the driver’s method of action is also not complicated: he heard a whistle, saw a hand with a baton raised up, and stopped (or continued driving if you can’t stop).

Two more standard signals allowing movement

If the first standard signal is not so difficult, then the remaining two will require a little more attention.

The second signal is that the traffic controller’s arms are spread out in different directions parallel to the ground and along the line of the body (or lowered along the body).

The third signal is that the traffic controller’s right hand with the baton is extended forward and parallel to the ground.

What method of memorizing the principles of action of these two signals can be proposed? To be honest, there are a large number of such methods, but they all suffer from one significant drawback - a lack of consistency and unity.

So, for example, there is such a rule - “ The chest and back are a wall!” " In other words, you cannot move from the back and chest of the traffic controller.

BUT! This rule applies only to the second signal and does not apply to the third.

Or the rule “ Don’t break the corner!” " should be attributed exclusively to the third signal, but not to the second.

Yes, and as can be seen from the figure, this rule only applies to one of the directions.

Let's try to correct this state of affairs and produce the most systematized and applicable to both cases method of memorizing standard traffic controller signals.

Learning to “understand” the traffic controller’s gestures from the traffic rules - is it possible to have a single “cheat sheet” for the driver?

So, for these two signals allowing movement, a single “cheat sheet” is needed. Let’s say right away: such a technique is possible. Minimum imagination and maximum clarity! After all, the hands of the traffic controller himself will help us.

They will allow us to answer two fundamental questions:

  • where (from what directions) to go to the intersection;
  • Where (in what directions) can you go under such a signal from a traffic controller?

We're going to the "invitation"

Let’s answer the first question – “where from?” From which directions can you enter an intersection with any standard traffic controller's permission signal?

The main thing to remember is that the traffic controller has two hands, and with any of the two signals, he only allows exit from two directions. How to determine these same directions?

It’s very simple: let’s mentally “raise” the traffic controller’s hands (if they are not already raised)!

Let's imagine this phenomenon, for example, like this (funny, of course!).

No matter how funny it may seem, if you learn to quickly virtually (mentally imagine) “raise” the traffic controller’s hands, you can thereby make it easier for yourself to understand the permitted directions of movement.

A somewhat strange decision. But very effective! If you “raise” the traffic controller’s arms (make the non-raised arms parallel to the ground), then a lot will become clearer for the driver: the traffic controller’s outstretched arms will point to 2 directions from where you can enter the intersection!

It's simple: the traffic controller himself will point out the directions from WHERE you can go! And half of the problem has already, in principle, disappeared. All drivers to whom the traffic controller’s hand is pointing (raised or “raised”) have the right to move in certain directions. In what? The following points are about this.

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Arms extended to both sides (or lowered): where to go?

I remember we talked about some kind of unified methodology. Let's continue its implementation! And, first of all, let’s pay attention to the outstretched arms (or “raise” them). Yes, they indicate directions from which any driver can move. But WHERE, in what directions?

And here the outstretched or “raised” arms will help us again: with the line of his arms and body, the traffic controller seems to be saying: “Guys, you can’t cross me!”

Therefore, movement to the left and right of it (that is, from the side of the hands) is only allowed straight and to the right.

But it is important to remember to comply with the rules for the location of vehicles on traffic lanes.

Thus, driving to the right from the second lane is prohibited, according to the maneuvering rules.

If the driver wants to go left or make a U-turn, he must stop and wait for the appropriate signal from the traffic controller.

The right hand with the staff is extended in front of the traffic controller: where to go?

And the last standard signal. Let’s apply our principle again - let’s “raise” the traffic controller’s left hand (lowered along the body) along the line of the body and parallel to the roadway. As we agreed earlier, the hands will point to the permitted directions for entering the intersection. But where to go? This is a little more complicated than the previous case. But let's figure this out in no time!

1. Where to go from the right hand side?

With his two hands, the traffic controller forms a certain right angle and, as it were, says to those at whom he points with the rod: “Guys, I control you. This is the angle within which you should drive.”

Therefore, all drivers coming from the right hand side can turn right. Only to the right. And nowhere else.

And again - observing the traffic lane (after all, you can drive to the right mainly from the extreme right position!).

2. Where to go from the side of the left – “raised” – hand?

But here it’s simple – you can go in any direction. Where is the logic? And it exists: the traffic controller controls the drivers he points at with his baton, and the “left” (those to his left) are not interested in him at all. It is focused on a different direction, so the “leftists” can drive in all directions – straight, left, right, turning around.

And again - observing the row (or lane) movement.

As can be seen in the figure, you can move from the left hand of the traffic controller in any direction, but first take the correct position (or the “correct” lanes) on the roadway - in accordance with Section 8 of the Traffic Regulations.

Raised hands: another important principle

An additional bonus, or small plus, of our technique is raised (or “pre-raised”) hands - this is another pointer. The traffic controller's two hands indicate where trams can go from and where !

Only from the direction of one hand and only in the direction of the other hand! This is a well-known principle - “ the tram moves from one arm of the traffic controller to his other arm .” And more - ANYWHERE!

Priority of regulation

VERY IMPORTANT POINT! Many drivers believe that traffic controller signals override the actions of other means of traffic regulation - signs, markings and traffic lights. This is not entirely true.

Standard (precisely standard!) signals from the regulator cancel the requirements of only those means of regulation with which they conflict.

And these are traffic lights and priority signs, because they (like the traffic controller) indicate the priority of traffic or its absence.

It is with them that the traffic controller’s signals almost always conflict. And you should always follow the traffic controller's signals.

But standard signals, as a rule, do not conflict with markings and other road signs. Consequently, both markings and such signs continue to regulate traffic, correlating their requirements with the signals of the traffic controller.

Other (“non-standard”) signals

Other signals are non-standard, unformalized, and not provided for in Section 7 of the Traffic Regulations for target designation. I think there is no need to focus special attention on this issue.

Everything here is as simple as possible: what the traffic controller points out, that’s what needs to be implemented ! And such signals already cancel all other means of regulation - traffic lights, all signs and markings.

The traffic controller asks to drive under the “brick” - let’s go! If you are asked to stop under a sign prohibiting stopping, we stop!

Nothing complicated. The driver is obliged to strictly comply with all his instructions.

Poem about a traffic controller (memory) “If the stick looks ...”

Many driving school cadets note that the following poem about a traffic controller (memo) helps them navigate a lot:


Despite the length of the reasoning, the problem of traffic controller signals is not so fatal. It is important to remember that the “raised” hands technique only works in relation to standard signals given by the traffic controller.

And, if you clearly understand this principle, then the traffic controller will cease to be some serious, incomprehensible and unsolvable task. After all, “raised” hands will tell drivers:

  • from which directions can you enter the intersection?
  • in which directions to move at the intersection;
  • from where and where the tram goes.

Actions of drivers if traffic is directed by a traffic controller, video lesson:

The traffic controller signals are easy and simple to remember:

Good luck on the roads!

PS: We deliberately did not touch upon the movement of pedestrians under traffic controller signals. This was done due to the incredibly low significance of such a problem for the driver in the context of the topic. It is advisable to consider this aspect in more detail when studying section 13 of the traffic rules concerning the passage of intersections (in particular, controlled ones).

We recommend watching a useful video about the rules for driving through intersections, including following traffic controller signals (in the second half of the video):

May be of interest:


Traffic controller signals in pictures with comments

Many people remember from childhood a man - a policeman who stands on the road and waves his arms. The main task of a traffic controller is to organize traffic in a place where traffic lights do not work or a difficult situation has arisen. Both pedestrians and drivers need to understand gestures, but this is especially important for the latter.

In what cases is a traffic controller needed?

According to the current rules, traffic regulation should occur in several cases:

  • Traffic lights do not work - the most common reason;
  • a major accident has occurred and it is necessary to redirect traffic on one side and organize a detour;
  • Due to the heavy traffic on the roads, it is necessary to properly direct the flow of cars.

The traffic controller is most often a police officer or a traffic police officer. In order to normalize traffic, he gives separate signals to drivers and pedestrians with a special baton and hands.

Types of gestures

There are the following traffic controller signs that you need to know in order to avoid traffic violations:

 Place one hand on the chest side and the other on the back  may mean that all traffic participants – vehicles and pedestrians – need to stop
 Both arms are down or extended  such a gesture is adjacent and warns that cars can go to the right or straight, in addition, the tram can continue moving
 Right arm extended forward  this is a sign that the tram can move on the left side relative to the traffic controller, while all other vehicles can move in any direction
 Gesture  raising your hand means that all vehicles need to stop moving.

The traffic controller may use individual hand gestures to signal individual road users. At the same time, such gestures will be understandable to both pedestrians and drivers. It is especially important to monitor the movements of the traffic controller if he is standing with his back or directing traffic at an intersection.

In order for DD participants to see the signals better, a special disk with a reflector or a rod can be used. In general, all the signals are quite simple, you only need to understand them once, after which there will be no difficulty.

For drivers

Traffic controller signals in pictures with explanations, which are intended specifically for those who are driving:

The first signal - hand up - can be compared to a yellow traffic light. In this case, it does not matter at all which side the traffic controller is turned, you cannot continue moving.

If the policeman stands up straight and presses his hands to his sides, or stretches them out to the sides, you cannot continue driving, even if the traffic controller stands with his back to the cars.

The signal - a straight stance on one side - right or left - means that movement is allowed in a specific direction, the one in which the traffic controller is “looking” with his face.

 Another gesture allows movement to the right - the arm is extended.

 The same movement - an outstretched right hand, but the traffic controller has his back turned, means a ban on the movement of cars.

 Movement in all directions can begin at the moment when the traffic controller has taken a straight position with his side to the right and raised his right hand.

Most often, when the traffic controller’s gestures are explained to the driver, they try to describe only those that allow movement in a specific direction. An important rule that drivers must remember is that driving from behind the traffic controller is not allowed.

The driver, approaching the intersection, should already know in which direction he will continue moving. To do this, you need to take an appropriate place on the road. The new approach to signals is based on the choice of direction for further movement.

Drivers can perform such a maneuver as a U-turn on the highway, or a left turn in a permitted place, after waiting for the appropriate sign - the right hand is extended and points in the direction in which it is planned to continue driving. In other cases, making a U-turn or turning left is prohibited.

The driver can continue driving in a straight line provided that both arms of the traffic controller are extended to the sides. This gesture can be interpreted as follows: one hand points to the side from which the driver is traveling, and the other to where the movement is taking place. In this case, the traffic controller stands with his left side to the driver.

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In order to confidently understand the traffic controller’s gestures, it is necessary to observe his work for a certain period of time. Having learned a few simple gestures, a citizen will always be able to understand whether movement is allowed for him or not.

It is necessary to emphasize an important nuance - if at the approach to the intersection it becomes clear that the person with the sign allows movement, you can continue to move in the initially chosen direction. But if a gesture is shown that does not correspond to the requirements and situation, you must stay in place and wait for the signal that is needed.

It must be taken into account that if an intersection is regulated, then the main directions of movement of cars traveling from different directions can intersect only if one of the motorists needs to turn around.

For pedestrians

Knowledge and, in addition, understanding of traffic controller signals can be important not only for drivers, but also for those who walk. The most important thing to remember is that if the traffic controller raised his hand up, then you need to get past the crossing as quickly as possible, and in some cases it’s easier to go back.

In general, a certain principle applies - you need to move in such a way as to pass on the sides of the traffic controller, but in no case on your back or chest.  

For pedestrians, the main gesture that allows movement along a zebra crossing is to lower their arms or spread them to the sides.  

Another signal is also possible - the hand is straight. As in the first case, movement on the chest and back is prohibited, but in this case you should not start moving along the arm. Such a sign may mean that the “barrier” for pedestrians has been lowered.

How easy it is to remember

Many people, even adults, are very confused by the signals of the traffic controller. In order to remember them, there are several tricks.

You can learn the signals in a simplified form:

  • The stick is pointing to the right - you can’t move. If the arm is extended forward, then movement to the sides is prohibited;
  • if the gesture is directed at the driver, then it is allowed to turn right. That is, in the case when the rod is pointed straight, you can try to quickly drive through the area;
  • if the approach to the traffic controller was made face-to-face, and not from the side, you should stop or turn in the right direction in advance - for example, to the right;
  • “if the stick points to the left, ride like a queen”;

It is allowed to drive in all directions, provided that the traffic controller stands with his right arm extended and his back to the driver or passengers.

  • “The driver’s chest and back are a wall.” Such a gesture means that you need to stop and wait - you cannot continue moving without risking punishment.

In all other cases, if the inspector stands sideways, then movement straight and to the right is allowed.

Responsibility for violation

According to the norms of Russian legislation, pedestrians who cross the roadway in the wrong place, namely, at the traffic controller’s prohibiting signal, must pay a fine of 500 rubles.

A slightly different penalty and administrative penalty is applied to drivers. First of all, you will have to pay a fine of 1,000 rubles for driving through an intersection using the wrong signal. If the violation is repeated, the fine may increase to 5,000 rubles. In addition, deprivation of driver's license for up to 6 months is possible.

There is nothing complicated about the signals that the traffic controller gives. If you still need to drive, you should make sure that this action was not strictly prohibited.

The most serious violation is driving through a red light, or in a dangerous situation when all drivers have been ordered to stop.

Video on the topic:


How to easily learn a traffic controller

Recently, traffic controllers on the roadway are quite rare. Due to this fact, many drivers forget what their signals and gestures mean, so when they see law enforcement officers, motorists get scared and avoid contact with them in every possible way.

We propose to fill this knowledge gap and finally master the sign language of the traffic controller, so that the next time you meet him you will not be shaking in your guts.

After all, the road is a place of increased danger, where there is no time for thinking and a slow reaction; here you need to be confident in yourself and your car, and also clearly navigate the road signs, marking lines and traffic regulations.

Despite the fact that a traffic controller has become an outlandish phenomenon in modern traffic conditions, every motorist is obliged to know and understand all his signals.

After all, sometimes situations happen when only a living person can regulate traffic at an intersection.

Even ultra-modern technical light control devices can sometimes fail, so they can always be replaced by a road inspector who can easily resolve the situation on the roadway, thanks to the waves of a striped stick.

Controller Tools

We usually imagine a traffic controller as a man in uniform, with a rod in his hand, sometimes replaced by a disk with a red reflector.

The traffic controller uses these items for better visibility of signals; in addition, he can use a whistle to attract the attention of road users.

But, if the inspector gives signals with his hands, without using auxiliary devices, then his instructions still cannot be ignored.

A distinctive feature of the traffic controller is that it has an advantage over other road signs - traffic lights and signs, overriding their meaning. Therefore, all the work of traffic lights falls on the shoulders of the traffic controller.

The inspector’s instructions must be followed not only by vehicle drivers, but also by pedestrians. Therefore, absolutely all people should know the traffic controller’s signals and obey them in order to avoid getting into an unpleasant situation on the road.

So, let's add to our knowledge base with simple regulation rules so that this information comes to mind automatically, like traffic lights.

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Right hand raised up - yellow light

If the traffic controller raised his right hand up, this means a stop signal for all road users. That is, neither motorists nor pedestrians have the right to move in any direction. As a rule, this signal is used to clear the intersection of all passing vehicles and pedestrians, in order, for example, to clear passage for special vehicles.

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Arms extended to the sides or lowered - red light

Both arms spread to the sides and arms lowered have the same connotation.

A natural question arises: why couldn’t one signal be received? The fact is that if traffic is being regulated in a narrow alley or a convoy of large vehicles is moving, the traffic controller’s outstretched arms can impede the traffic, but mainly, himself, since this will limit his functioning.

Now let's figure out what this signal indicates to us. Imagine that the spread arms of the traffic controller are barriers, such as those that block traffic at a railway crossing.

If the traffic controller stands facing you or with his back in this position, it means that you are prohibited from further movement.

In a situation where the traffic controller is turned sideways towards you, you can follow a straight line or turn right.

Trams, unlike cars, can only move in a forward direction. They should be guided by one rule when they see a traffic controller, which can be expressed in the phrase “up the sleeve - out the sleeve.” That is, the tram must move in such a direction that it mentally, as it were, enters the traffic controller’s near arm and exits the far arm.

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Right arm extended forward

If the traffic controller, standing facing you, extended his right arm forward, then you need to turn right, since you cannot move in other directions. If you find yourself behind and to the right of the inspector, then you should stop and wait your turn.

Those drivers who are to the left of the traffic controller are allowed to drive in all directions. In this case, trams are supposed to move only to the left.

Pedestrians in this situation can cross the road behind the inspector.


In principle, these are the main characteristics of the traffic controller's gestures that you need to remember. It would also be a good idea to formulate general rules that will help you quickly and easily adapt to the situation on the road in the presence of a traffic controller. So:

  • The traffic controller allows traffic only from both sides of the intersection;
  • The inspector's spread hands always point to the directions from which movement is permitted;
  • If you see the back of the traffic controller, it is always a red brake light;

You can learn a funny but instructive rhyme:

If the stick is facing your mouth, make a right turn.

If the stick points to the right, you have no right to drive.

If the stick points to the left, you are the queen of the road.

The driver's chest and back are like a wall.

Now you have filled this knowledge gap, and on the road when you meet a traffic controller you will no longer worry and be stupid. Well, to reinforce the material, watch the training video:

Video: Traffic controller at an intersection - attention to everyone!



How to remember traffic controller signals: rhyme, pictures with explanations Link to main publication
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