
Which antifreeze is better to choose?

What antifreeze is best to put into a car? Management

Which brand of antifreeze is better? What color antifreeze, green or red, is best to use for my car? Why is my antifreeze red and my neighbor’s is green? Such questions require an answer - then you will know which antifreeze to fill in is better and you will make a conscious choice.

 Antifreeze is sold mainly in two forms - concentrate or already diluted in the required proportions

Characteristics of non-freezing liquid and its types

Before we look at the top 10 best offers on the coolant market and decide which is better, let's figure out what characteristics indicate that antifreeze is good or bad. Experts say that there are liquids on the market whose characteristics indicate that it is better not to pour them into the car.

A good antifreeze has the following properties:

  • Boiling point above 110 C;
  • No foaming;
  • The freezing temperature is well below zero;
  • Low viscosity;
  • Preventing corrosion;
  • Durability (service life more than 3 years or mileage more than 60,000 km).

Regardless of what kind of antifreeze you decide to fill, you should understand that mixing different brands of coolant is fraught with consequences 

In addition, such a liquid is required to have an expansion coefficient less than that of water in a ratio of 1.5 to 9.

This helps to avoid destruction of the container in cases where the liquid freezes.

There are four types of coolants:

  • Traditional.
  • Hybrid.
  • Lobridaceae.
  • Carboxylate.

The latter type is recognized by experts as the best, since it copes more successfully with the appearance of corrosion spots in the engine than others.

The answer to questions about the color of the liquid and its effect on quality and properties is simple - dyes are used exclusively for marketing purposes and do not affect the characteristics in any way. Special substances are sometimes used as additives that help detect leaks using ultraviolet light.

Antifreeze can often make quite serious conclusions about the condition of the engine. 

We should definitely note that there is no worldwide quality standard in this area, since each climate zone requires special properties. In addition, different parts of the world use their own additives to prevent the occurrence of corrosion processes.

Rating of offers on the coolant market

After identifying and analyzing the characteristics of engine cooling fluids, we will proceed to review the proposals for 2015-2016. It will help determine which antifreeze is better, which companies offer profitable options, which one is better in a particular case.

Liqui Moly Langzeit GTL12 Plus - recommended for those cars whose engines use aluminum parts - they require special care.

Liqui Moly Langzeit GTL12 Plus is the best antifreeze for modern cars, as it guarantees a high level of protection against rust. They do not use nitrites, silicates, amines or phosphates.

The composition crystallizes at 40C below zero, and boils at 109C above zero. That's why it tops reviews from famous car brands.

This antifreeze is very suitable for cooling systems of modern engines, providing them with reliable protection against corrosion 

Main advantages:

  • large temperature range for use;
  • organic composition;
  • combined with other similar substances;
  • complies with GOSTs and technical standards;
  • These are the best antifreezes for structures with aluminum parts.


Cool Stream Optima - this antifreeze is good in cases where you are interested in a budget price.

It can be safely added to any brand of liquid - Cool Stream Optima antifreeze does not require flushing the system.

Suitable for new generation cars, copes with corrosion, foaming, and swelling of rubber. Freezing occurs at 42C below zero, boiling at 109.6C above zero.

This is a liquid that can be added to any antifreeze without flushing the system. 

Main advantages:

  • operating temperature range;
  • acceptable anti-corrosion characteristics;
  • organic composition;
  • affordable cost;
  • combined with other substances;


  • slight excess of foam stability that appears during the operation of the cooling system;
  • short service life.

SINTEC LUX G12 - if you are wondering which antifreeze is best for an old car, this option comes first.

The composition contains exclusively organic ingredients - no nitrites, nitrates, silicates, or phosphates. On the Internet you will find many reviews about what is a good option for aluminum motors. It is also suitable for other engines operating under heavy loads. Decently copes with corrosion, boiling and freezing.

AvtoVAZ at its factories gives preference to this particular variety.

Protects the cooling system from corrosion processes, freezing and overheating 

Main advantages:

  • temperature operating range;
  • reliability;
  • affordable price;
  • recommended for “heavily loaded” motors.


Felix Carbox G12 - suitable for any cars and trucks: with a heavy load, turbocharging, forced engine.

It also copes well in difficult climates and on bad roads. It freezes at 45 C below zero and boils at 50 C above zero.

Corrosion protection here occurs according to the “targeted principle”, in which pockets of rust are blocked by a protective layer that appears.

Antifreeze allows the car’s cooling system to ideally perform its function in the range of external temperatures from -45 to +50 °C 

Main advantages:

  • wide range of applications - if you are in doubt about the choice, it is better to fill your car with Felix Carbox G12;
  • high boiling threshold;
  • multifunctional anti-corrosion additives;
  • ergonomic packaging;
  • affordable price;


  • crystallization temperature too high.

TOTACHILONGLIFEANTIFREEZE 50 G12 is a Japanese brand product that is suitable for cooling gasoline and diesel engines.

The composition contains no inorganic additives. Freezing occurs at -37 C, and boiling at +106 C, which meets existing standards.

The huge advantage of this option is its long service life, it is 5 years.

Main advantages:

  • positive effect on cooling system parts;
  • range of operating temperatures;
  • long service life;
  • reasonable price.

The liquid is suitable for cooling systems of most gasoline and diesel engines, does not contain inorganic corrosion inhibitors 


  • lack of Russian-language information on the packaging.

SINTEC EURO G11 is a simple but effective option for cars over 20 years old.

The freezing point is –48 C, and the boiling point is +111 C. This indicates that it is used in harsh climates - it is suitable for cars and trucks of imported and domestic production.

High lubricity has a positive effect on the service life of the water pump.

Main advantages:

  • impressive range of operating temperatures;
  • versatility;
  • high lubrication capabilities;
  • compliance with GOST and technical requirements;
  • low price.

This coolant has good lubricating properties, extending the life of the water pump. 


  • the actual crystallization temperature is higher than that specified in the documentation.

Felix Prolonger G11 - all liquids labeled G11 have one common drawback - a short service life. However, it was in this modification that durability was maximized. The composition also includes an enhanced complex of anti-corrosion additives.

Main advantages:

  • serious period between fluid changes;
  • operating temperature range;
  • gentle effect on the cooling mechanism of very old machines;
  • low cost.

The main advantage of this antifreeze is its compatibility with all types of coolants 


  • the actual boiling point is lower than that indicated in the documentation.

Highway G11+ is compatible with any type of coolant based on ethylene glycol - you can safely pour it in without cleaning the system. The composition contains no inorganic anti-corrosion additives. The freezing point is -40C, the boiling point is +50C.

Main advantages:

  • serious range of operating temperatures;
  • organic composition;
  • compatibility with other types of coolant;
  • low cost;


  • low boiling point;
  • the need for replacement more than once every two years.

The best coolant concentrates of 2015-2016

Let's take a separate look at the best offers for coolant concentrates on the market in 2015-2016.

Liqui Moly Kuhlerfrostschutz KFS 2001 Plus is one of the best offers on the modern auto chemical market.

It is characterized by performance over a wide temperature range - the boundaries are adjusted by changing the coolant concentration. With a solution ratio of 50/50, the freezing point was -35.5C, and the boiling point was +122C.

The composition does not include inorganic additives. It can be poured into standard red and blue coolants.

Main advantages:

  • high quality;
  • huge operating temperature range;
  • compatibility with coolant G11 and G12;
  • organic composition;
  • compliance with GOST and regulations;


CASTROL Radicool SF premix is ​​a highly effective concentrate with universal action. Well suited for gasoline and diesel engines in cars, trucks and buses. The service life is more than three years.

The composition is designed to provide maximum protection against corrosion and prevent calcium deposits on the walls of the system. At the same time, it contains no inorganic inhibitors - phosphates, nitrites, silicates, etc.

The freezing point is -37C, and the liquid boils at 175C.

A very serious coolant concentrate with decent performance indicators 

Main advantages:

  • excellent quality;
  • impressive operating temperature range;
  • long service life;
  • protection against scale on the walls;
  • compliance with GOST and regulatory requirements.



Choosing the best antifreeze

Pouring green antifreeze into the expansion tank

Engine cooling fluids are vital for the functioning of any car, so an important indicator of antifreeze is its non-freezing at low ambient temperatures. Manufacturers indicate the freezing temperature of antifreeze on the bottles - “OZH-40”, “OZH-65”, “A-40”.

Any refrigerant is based on a glycol-water mixture, which determines:

  • the ability of the coolant not to freeze in the winter season;
  • specific heat capacity of the consumable material;
  • viscosity and ability to collect on the walls of the expansion tank;
  • the likelihood of the element impacting the rubber components of the car’s cooling system.

Leaking green coolant in a car

Additives, in turn, can be:

  • anti-corrosion;
  • anti-foaming;
  • stabilizing.

In domestic production, antifreezes are standardized based on ethylene glycol:

  • color of the substance;
  • its density coefficient;
  • the temperature at which the liquid begins to turn into crystals;
  • corrosion property on metal parts;
  • ability to foam.
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But other properties, such as the amount of various additives, the miscibility of liquids, and the color of the refrigerant, are chosen by the manufacturer himself.

Red coolant leaks

The period for replacing the fluid is determined by the manufacturer. But it is also important to take into account the car manufacturer’s recommendations regarding the replacement period specified in the operating instructions. On average, the service life of the refrigerant is about two years.

What color does it come in?

Antifreeze itself is a colorless consumable, but today there are very few such antifreezes left on the market. It is the color that distinguishes the refrigerant from ordinary water, and this is necessary because:

  • firstly, the liquid is poisonous and it should be different. Coolant should not be accessible to children because it has a sweetish taste;
  • secondly, the color of the antifreeze will quickly help identify a leak, if any;
  • thirdly, color can indicate certain properties. In particular, we are talking about bright red and orange refrigerant - this is the color of coolants produced by some American, Japanese and German automakers. The bottom line is that the service life of such “consumables” is about 200-250 thousand kilometers.


Green refrigerant in a canister

In the countries of the Soviet Union, the standards of the German manufacturer Volkswagen were taken as the classification of refrigerants.

So, the green color of antifreeze determines its classification “G 11”. It is a hybrid type liquid. It is based on ethylene glycol and inorganic additive elements that completely protect all components of the cooling system from corrosion. Green refrigerants first appeared on the market about twenty years ago, and their service life on average is about three years.

This liquid can be used in any type of radiator, including aluminum. According to official data, hybrid coolants are refilled in new BMW, Mercedes, Chrysler, etc. cars.


Yellow and red refrigerants

Red coolants and its shades belong to the carboxylate type of classification "G 12". The composition of such consumables includes organic additives, the principle of which is to selectively act on metal elements of the system that have been or may be affected by corrosion.

Such coolants appeared on sale around the same time as green antifreezes, but, unlike the latter, they are more suitable for high-speed and temperature-loaded engines. The service life of such a “consumable” can reach five years. In recent years, it has become widely used in the production of foreign cars in Russia, in particular in Ford, Renault, Opel, Hyundai, Kia, and Fiat cars.

In Russia and the post-Soviet space, Volkswagen standards are used for the classification of antifreeze: G 11, G 12, G 12+ and G 13.

If you buy a Japanese-made coolant, then the classification by color is completely different. Red color means freezing temperature -30 C.

Other colors

Antifreeze in different colors

Refrigerants of the “G 13” standard are colored yellow and orange. This coolant uses propylene glycol as the basis. Unlike green and red antifreeze, this liquid is more environmentally friendly, and its cost is much higher. As a rule, such a “consumable” is used for cooling systems of sports cars and motorcycles.

However, coolant of this standard is almost impossible to find on the domestic market. Due to its high cost, it is not produced in the post-Soviet space, and it is imported to Ukraine and Russia extremely rarely.

In the Japanese coolant classification, yellow means a freezing point of -20 degrees.

As for the blue color, it is typical for the domestic “Tosol”. This is the same antifreeze, only made in Russia. But “Antifreeze” can be produced in both green and yellow colors - here there is no fundamental difference between the colors, the composition of the coolant is more important.

Which refrigerant is better?

This question is also ambiguous, since the coolant must be selected specifically for each individual car. If, when choosing a refrigerant, you are wondering: which antifreeze to choose - red or green and why, then it is better to read the operating instructions for your car.

Filling refrigerant into the expansion tank of a car

If you own a Japanese car (Nissan, Honda, Mazda, Toyota, etc.), then these manufacturers advise car owners to fill the system with green or red coolant. If you want to add a European analogue to the system, then you need to be guided not by the color, but by the class of the motor. For example, class “G 12” is suitable for Nissan and Mitsubishi.

As for American cars (Ford, Chevrolet, Jeep, etc.), manufacturers produce coolant in red and green colors. Again, it all depends on the type of engine, but in general, US manufacturers recommend using nitrite coolants. They are not sold in Europe, but they can be purchased on the domestic market - their classification is “G 12” and “G 12+”.

Remember! When choosing a refrigerant, you should never be guided by one color! For a car, additives and the composition of the substance are important, not its color.

Even the bright red “consumables”, which are manufactured in Japanese factories for luxury and sports cars, can be found on the domestic market in an ordinary canister.

And this is not because the seller wanted to pour the liquid from the branded packaging into an ordinary “bucket”, but because today a fake can be found on every corner. The difference between the coolants is only in the composition and additives.

Video “Replacing antifreeze. How to choose antifreeze?

In this video you can learn in more detail what antifreeze is. What are its features? What does it consist of and how to fill it.

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Replacing antifreeze: figuring out which antifreeze is best to fill

Replacing antifreeze is a seasonal activity. The question of which antifreeze to choose arises among motorists mainly with the arrival of cold weather or after repairs, usually replacing the radiator.

In short, replacing antifreeze is a familiar procedure to everyone; sooner or later, each of us has to face it.

Another question is which antifreeze to fill in and which antifreeze is better ; not everyone can advise on these issues; choosing a good “anti-freeze” has been quite difficult lately, due to the appearance on sale of a huge amount of contraband and various counterfeits, which are ordinary colored water that freezes at the first frost . Today I will try to figure out how to choose high-quality antifreeze and tell you which antifreeze is best to pour into your car.

At first glance, the problem is not complicated, but it requires quite a lot of attention and knowledge in order to properly understand what’s what.

Cooling system

For those who do not know, I will say a few words about what antifreeze is and why it is actually needed. Antifreeze is a coolant designed for use in an automobile cooling system.

It consists of ethylene glycol (polypropylene glycol), a set of special additives, dye and, of course, water.

Thanks to this cocktail, the freezing point of antifreeze is many degrees lower than the crystallization temperature of water, which allows drivers not to worry about the cooling system even at extremely low temperatures.

As you know, when water freezes, it expands, which negatively affects the operation of the entire cooling system; there are often cases when the system simply bursts. The coolant, that is, antifreeze, circulates using a water pump through the engine cooling jacket, which consists of many channels in the block and cylinder head.

When approaching the question of which antifreeze to choose, it doesn’t hurt to understand the classification

Coolants (coolants ) can be divided into three main classes: G11, G12 and G13.

Class G11 - as a rule. involves the use of cheap coolant, which includes a small package of additives, meaning various additives and lotions that have various anti-corrosion, lubricating, anti-foam properties.

Class G12 - provides for the presence of ethylene glycol and carboxylate compounds.

Liquids of this class have the useful property of forming an anti-corrosion film only in hot spots, which makes heat removal more efficient.

G12 class antifreeze is most often used in high-speed engines capable of reaching high temperatures. In this coolant, the additive package boasts a wider composition, which, as you understand, cannot but affect its cost.

Class G13 - contains polypropylene glycol, making the product more environmentally friendly, its composition is non-toxic and can decompose much faster. The appearance of class G13 liquid is explained by Europe’s high environmental requirements. The entire list of advantages makes antifreeze of this class not only the most attractive, but also the most expensive among its kind.

Replacing antifreeze - color influence

The color of antifreeze has no effect on performance properties; as a rule, this is more of a marketing ploy; bright colors on the shelves of car dealerships can more effectively attract the attention of potential buyers. At first, color mattered; the first antifreezes were classified by color, but now each manufacturer colors their product as they like.

And yet, which antifreeze to choose, which of the presented options is better and which is worse?

The correct replacement of antifreeze and its purchase should be based solely on the technical characteristics of the machine into which it will be poured and the specifications for approval. Each car has its own specification for approval, for example, for some Ford models it looks like this: FORD SSM-97B9102A, for Volkswagen models it looks like this: VW TL-774, for BMW it looks like this: BMW No. 600.69.0.

You can check the specification of your car in the owner's manual or from your dealer.

Antifreeze is sold mainly in two forms - concentrate or already diluted in the required proportions.

By and large, there is no difference in what form you will buy the coolant, however, according to some motorists, it is better to take a concentrate, in which case you can make the proportion yourself and add less or more water.

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In the case of a concentrate, it is necessary to understand that dilution occurs using distilled water in a 1:1 ratio, that is, a liter of water per liter of coolant.

Replacing antifreeze is an important note!

Regardless of what kind of antifreeze you decide to fill, you should understand that mixing different brands of coolant is fraught with consequences, since each coolant has its own composition and its own additives and chemicals, so it is unknown what reaction they will give when mixing them.

Do not repeat the mistakes of those who, in order to save money, added another antifreeze to one that did not correspond to the class; the result of such savings was quite serious consequences.

From the interaction of two different coolants, a harmful substance or sediment can form, which can damage the water pump, as well as clog the entire cooling system, as a result - the coolant stops circulating, the engine overheats and jams, the result is a disabled engine and the need for engine overhaul . To avoid problems, if you don’t know what kind of antifreeze you have, it’s better to completely drain the old one and fill it with new one, believe me, it will be cheaper.

What does antifreeze mean?

Based on antifreeze, it is often possible to draw quite serious conclusions regarding the condition of the engine, as well as how and where the car was operated.

If, when purchasing a car, you find that the filled coolant has become colorless or brown, or even worse, a sediment has appeared in it, you can conclude that they are trying to “cheat” you. Most likely, no one monitored the condition of the engine, and the fluid had not been changed for many years.

Most likely, the coolant has long ceased to perform its function, and the engine itself may have overheated several times. Simply put, I do not recommend buying such a car; most likely you will have problems with it.

Security measures!

And finally, in conclusion, I would like to remind you that replacing antifreeze if safety rules are not followed can be harmful to your health.

Whatever you say, antifreeze is a serious chemical, so no matter what qualities and environmental friendliness it has, it is still deadly to the human body. To kill a person, only 100 grams is enough.

propylene glycol, so always remember this and never experiment with these types of chemicals.

Also, keep it away from children, as its bright color may mislead them into mistaking it for sweet water; by the way, many antifreezes have a sweetish taste. Failure to comply with the above safety rules can lead to disastrous consequences for you and your loved ones.

I hope now you understand what antifreeze is and which antifreeze is best to fill . Take care of yourself and your car.


Antifreeze for a car engine: types and manufacturers

Scientists have proven the impossibility of creating a perpetual mobile on planet Earth, so the operation of engines installed on cars will always be associated with the release of a significant amount of heat.

This side effect allows you to operate the car in the winter without additional energy consumption for heating the interior, but in warm climates, on the contrary, you have to spend energy to prevent excessive heating of the cylinder block.

It is very difficult to figure out which antifreeze is best to choose among the coolants presented on the domestic market, but knowing how to distinguish a quality product from a fake can make your life much easier. In addition, you should have a good understanding of the types of coolant, of which there are a huge number today.

Types of antifreeze

There is no single standard by which all antifreezes are classified, but conditionally all coolants can be divided into 3 categories.

Antifreeze G11

G11 antifreeze is the most common type of coolant that motorists have been pouring into engines for decades. The G11 coolant contains the following components:

  • Ethylene glycol;
  • Water;
  • Additives;
  • Dyes.

Blue antifreeze is obtained by adding a dye, so the color of the coolant does not affect the quality of the product. The main advantages of G11 antifreeze:

  • When using this type of coolant, metal surfaces are covered with a protective film, which reliably protects the engine from corrosion;
  • Antifreeze concentrate G11 is guaranteed not to freeze to temperatures of minus 38 degrees, so it can be successfully used in the most severe climatic conditions;
  • Antifreeze uses inexpensive but effective additives, as a result of which the cost of the coolant is low with decent quality.

Failure to promptly replace the coolant can also cause serious damage to the internal cavities of the engine as a result of the circulation of abrasive solid deposits that will eventually separate from the metal surface.

Antifreeze G12

This type of car coolant is more innovative and allows you to minimize the negative impact of the various additives included in its composition on the metal parts of the engine.

Antifreeze concentrate G12 has the following advantages:

  • The service life of the liquid is increased to 5 years;
  • Increased heat transfer due to the absence of a protective film;
  • No abrasive in the engine cooling system.

The disadvantage of this type of antifreeze is the lack of permanent protection against corrosion. The additives included in G12 antifreeze begin to act only after the metal oxidation process has already begun its destructive effect.

Antifreeze G13

This type of coolant is an innovative product that not only effectively copes with its main function, but also reduces the negative impact on the environment and human health.

It was possible to obtain an environmentally friendly product by replacing toxic ethylene glycol with safe propylene glycol.

As for other characteristics, they are identical to G12 antifreeze, so it can be poured into the engine of an expensive car without any fear.

How to determine the type of coolant by color

There is no generally accepted classification for coolant color, but most major antifreeze manufacturers most often use the following coolant colors:

  • G11 - blue or blue-green antifreeze;
  • G12 - red coolant;
  • G13 - yellow, pink or purple antifreeze.

Many motorists cannot accurately determine what color coolant to pour into the car engine. There are basic rules by which it is recommended to use antifreeze, depending on the material from which the car radiator is made:

  1. If the radiator is copper or brass, then in order to extend the life of this part, it is recommended to fill in red antifreeze concentrate;
  2. When an aluminum radiator is installed in the cooling system of a car, blue or green antifreeze should be poured.

 The best brands of antifreeze

The following brands of antifreeze are the most trusted by domestic motorists:

  • TOTACHI LONG LIFE ANTIFREEZE G12 - antifreeze of this brand is produced in Japan. The quality of the coolant is excellent, and the cost of antifreeze is no more than 130 rubles/l. Antifreeze has a good additive composition, which is completely free of inorganic inhibitors that have a negative effect on car parts. Coolant boils at a temperature of at least + 106, and crystallization occurs at minus 37, so you can successfully use this brand of antifreeze in any weather conditions;
  • Felix Carbox G12 - antifreeze manufacturer, Tosol-Sintez-Invest LLC, is a Russian enterprise. The main advantage of this brand is that the product is designed for use in harsh climatic conditions. The freezing point of coolant is minus 45 degrees, so antifreeze is recommended for use in the northern regions of the country. An important positive quality of this product is its low cost, which ranges from 130 to 150 rubles per liter;
  • Liqui Moly Kuhlerfrostschutz KFS 2001 Plus is a very reliable antifreeze from a well-known brand. If you use this product according to the instructions, then boiling coolant in your car engine will be a thing of the past. Anyone who has filled Liqui Moly Kuhlerfrostschutz KFS 2001 Plus will understand that it doesn’t matter what red, blue or yellow antifreeze is purchased for pouring into the engine, the main thing is that the auto chemical manufacturer values ​​​​its name and does not use low-quality components in the coolant. You will have to pay a lot of money for high quality. The cost of antifreeze concentrate produced by this company on the Russian market will be at least 600 rubles/l.

Purchasing high-quality antifreeze for pouring into a car engine is not difficult, but you need to carefully check the coolant when purchasing. All kinds of damage to the packaging, errors in the text and an easily detachable label may indicate the presence of counterfeit products, which are not recommended for use.


Antifreeze secrets: which coolant to choose

Coolant plays an important role in the operation of a car. What it is intended for, what it consists of, how often it should be changed and which fluid to choose for a particular model - we will answer these and other questions most frequently asked by our readers in our article today.

What is coolant used for?

The main function of the coolant is to reduce the thermal load on the components and parts of the internal combustion engine installed in the car.

It circulates in a closed loop, coming into contact with the walls of the engine cylinders (in which the temperature of the burned fuel reaches several thousand degrees Celsius) through the so-called “cooling jacket” of the power plant (a special cavity), heats up and removes excess heat from the cylinder block.

engine cooling system

In the engine cooling system, the working fluid flows through two circuits - small and large, periodically heating up (at the working surfaces of the engine) and cooling (in the radiator).

A centrifugal pump is responsible for the circulation of coolant in the system, and a thermostat is responsible for redirecting it from a large circuit to a small one (when the engine warms up), depending on the operating temperature of the engine.

The expansion tank plays an important role in the engine cooling system: it contains a reserve of “coolant”, through its valve the excess pressure of the coolant is regulated, which allows the engine to operate at higher temperatures, preventing it from boiling.

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Expansion tank

What does coolant consist of?

Two types of liquids are used to cool the engine: distilled water and antifreeze.

Water is the cheapest, non-toxic, highest specific heat capacity (ability to absorb heat per unit weight) and greatest cooling liquid.

Antifreezes are chemically complex substances that have a high boiling point and are not susceptible to freezing at critically low temperatures (from -40°C to -70°C).

Water is not used in the engine cooling system of modern cars because it is impractical: it freezes already at 0°C, expanding up to 10% in volume and turning into ice crystals.

Accordingly, this “cooler” will no longer be able to perform its main function, removing heat from the engine, in winter; moreover, ice crystals formed in the engine cooling system can harm the components and parts of the power unit, leading to the so-called “defrosting” » engine - that is, the destruction of cylinder blocks and cylinder heads. Therefore, today automakers prefer antifreezes that do not have the inherent disadvantages of water.

Antifreeze contains two main elements - water and polyhydric alcohols, which have a high ability to expand when heated, one of the key characteristics of a coolant.

In addition to water and polyhydric alcohols, antifreeze contains a variety of additives that improve the performance characteristics of the coolant: suppressing the formation of rust on metal surfaces, foaming when reaching high temperatures, destruction of the surfaces of rubber parts, the formation of steam condensate, and others.

Another element of antifreeze is a dye, which plays the role of a marker - if the liquid changes color during operation, then it is time to replace it.

Based on the composition of alcohols, all antifreezes are divided into two types: ethylene glycol and propylene glycol.

Ethylene glycol coolants contain ethylene glycol - a polyhydric alcohol with a sweetish odor, yellow color, whose density at +20°C is 1.112-1.113 g/cm³, boiling point - 197°C, and freezing point -11.5°C.

Depending on the operating conditions for which the ethylene glycol-based “cooler” is intended, it is diluted with water in the following proportions: 1:1, 1:2 or 2:3.

The higher the content of ethylene glycol in such a mixture, the greater its resistance to freezing and boiling.

Propylene glycol antifreezes contain propylene glycol, a polyhydric alcohol, which is very similar in chemical properties to ethylene glycol, but has less toxicity and a higher degree of kinematic viscosity.

Its last property can be considered a disadvantage, since when the power unit is exposed to external low temperatures, the circulation speed of such a “coolant” through the engine cooling system drops, and the liquid performs its functions worse.

Antifreezes also differ in the chemical composition of their additives - they are divided into four types: traditional, carboxylate, hybrid and lobrid.

Traditional additives, used mainly in cars produced in Europe, North America and a number of Asian countries (Japan, South Korea) before 2000, contain corrosion inhibitors from inorganic elements - phosphates, nitrates, borates, and so on.

They were no longer used for cooling engines for several reasons: a relatively short service life (up to 2 years), low boiling point (up to 105°C).

During operation, traditional additives, decomposing, covered the working surfaces with a layer of substances they contained, which led to deterioration in the cooling of components and parts of the power plant, destruction of the elements of the centrifugal pump, and clogging of the line of the machine's cooling system.

Application: traditional antifreeze (Tosol) is used today in domestically produced cars (VAZ, UAZ, GAZ).

Carboxylate additives containing organic acids (carboxylates) are the most effective in slowing down corrosion.

They are able to target potential areas of corrosion and cavitation (formation of steam condensate), covering problem areas with a protective layer of no more than 1 micron, which allows for more efficient engine cooling.

The service life of such additives is from five years or more, depending on operating conditions.

Application: carboxylate antifreezes are used in cars of the brands Fiat, Ford, KIA, Hyundai, Renault and others.

Hybrid additives contain inorganic (silicates, nitrites or phosphates) and organic (carboxylates) substances.

The cumulative effect of these mixtures on the sources of corrosion and steam condensate is higher than that of traditional additives, but due to the presence of non-limiting additives, they have the same, but less pronounced, disadvantages as “pure” silicate, phosphate and nitrite inhibitors. The service life of hybrid additives is from three to five years.

Application: hybrid antifreezes are used in cars of the brands Chrysler, Mercedes-Benz, BMW.

Lobrid additives are the newest type of corrosion and steam condensate suppressors, which can be classified as a hybrid subtype. Their peculiarity is the distribution of organic (90% carboxylates) and inorganic (10% silicates) substances in a mixture, which leads to improved technical characteristics of such antifreezes compared to hybrid ones.

Application: used in cars of the brands Peugeot, Citroen, Volkswagen, Skoda, Seat.

Volkswagen antifreeze labeling

The Volkswagen concern has developed its own coolant approval marking for carboxylate, hybrid and lobrid antifreezes, which is used today by many antifreeze manufacturers.

Thus, carboxylate antifreezes are marked G12 and G12+ (corresponding to the VW TL 774-D/ VW TL 774-F specification), hybrid – G11 (corresponding to the VW TL 774-C specification), lobrid – G12++, G13 (corresponding to the VW TL 774- specification G).

Original Volkswagen antifreeze

A feature of these specifications is the ban on the use of borates, nitrites, amines, phosphates and silicates in coolants (except for G11 and G12++, where the content of this substance is allowed within the limits of up to 680 mg/l and up to 500 mg/l, respectively).

Volkswagen allowed the use of G11 antifreeze in its cars produced before 1996, G12 and G12+ in models produced from 1997 to 2008. Antifreeze liquids G12++ and G13 are used today in cooling systems of automobile engines produced by the concern since 2008.

Volkswagen carefully ensures that their tolerances are met by antifreeze manufacturers, who label their products in accordance with “G” specifications.

If the composition of a coolant marked, for example, G12+, contains at least one of the prohibited substances, then such antifreeze does not meet Volkswagen standards and can be considered a counterfeit, since such an “antifreeze” will not perform all functions, may “age” prematurely and cause damage to the engine.

What is the difference between antifreeze and antifreeze?

There cannot be any difference here, since the “Tosol” familiar to Russian car enthusiasts is the same antifreeze that belongs to traditional coolants. It contains ethylene glycol, water and inorganic additives.

There are, for example, “Tosol 40” and “Tosol 65”, the first is blue, the second is red.

“Tosol 40” is designed for operation at temperatures not lower than -40°C, and “Tosol 65” is designed for operation of non-freezing coolant at temperatures not lower than -65°C.

Is it possible to mix coolants of different compositions?

As with motor oils and transmission fluids, mixing coolants of different types and classes is not recommended due to differences in their chemical compositions.

Thus, when mixing carboxylate and traditional additives, their chemicals may precipitate, which will lead to clogging of the cooling system.

Even if this does not happen, additives with different chemical compositions may react, as a result of which their beneficial properties are significantly weakened.

Advice: if it is not possible to replenish the coolant supply immediately, it is better to add distilled water to the expansion tank of the cooling system.

What is the time frame for replacing coolant?

Replacement of the working fluid in the cooling system is carried out in three cases: planned, ahead of schedule and in an emergency.

It is planned to replace the coolant depending on the timing established by the car manufacturer. This information can be found in the instruction manuals for each specific model.

Let us repeat: antifreezes with traditional additives are changed every two years, coolants with carboxylate additives - after five to seven years, coolants with hybrid additives - after three to five years, antifreezes with lobrid additives - after five to six years.

After these periods, the performance characteristics of coolants change: they lose their ability to resist corrosion, begin to boil at relatively low temperatures, and are less able to remove heat from components and parts of power plants.

It is necessary to change the coolant ahead of schedule if a structural failure of the engine has occurred, for example, exhaust gases from a leaky cylinder block gasket began to enter the antifreeze, or if the cooling system depressurized and air entered it.

The interaction of coolant with exhaust gases or air leads to the liquid prematurely losing its basic performance properties.

You can understand that the cooling system is malfunctioning if you notice that the radiator fan starts turning on more often, jelly-like deposits have appeared on the walls of the expansion tank, or sediment has appeared in the tank (often found at an air temperature of -15°C).

Possible breakdown of the engine cooling system

Emergency situations during which the driver had to add water to the cooling system include a burst hose. The hose was changed, the missing amount of coolant was supplemented with water taken from the tap.

What happens next? Ordinary tap water does not have the properties of distilled water, so its salt content is increased.

These salts, interacting with the chemicals that make up the coolant, form a sediment that negatively affects the metal parts of the system - in other words, corrosion processes are activated.

Precipitated substances impede the circulation of antifreeze in the system, which leads to improper heat removal from engine components, which may result in engine overheating. If you still had to fill the engine cooling system with tap water, then at the first opportunity, completely replace the “coolant”, having first flushed the system with distilled water.


Which antifreeze is better to choose? Link to main publication