
No entry road sign

Prohibiting traffic signs: traffic prohibited, entry prohibited

Good afternoon, dear reader.

This article is the fifth article in the “Traffic Signs” series, and it will talk about the third type of road signs - prohibitory traffic signs .

Among others, this article will discuss the popular signs No Entry, No Traffic, No Trucks, No Motorcycles, and others.

Let me remind you that in previous articles in the series we discussed warning road signs and priority signs:

Now is the time to move on to considering prohibitory road signs.

No entry sign (brick)

A prohibited entry sign (popularly known as a brick sign), as you might guess from its name, prohibits the entry of vehicles onto a road or section of road in a given direction:

A special feature of the brick sign is the fact that this sign does not apply to fixed-route vehicles (buses, trolleybuses, minibuses).

So, a prohibited entry sign is usually installed in the following situations:

Depending on the specific situation, the punishment for driving under a brick can be completely different:

For entering a one-way road in the opposite direction, the driver will be deprived of his license for 4-6 months or subject to a fine of 5,000 rubles. At the same time, I would like to draw your attention to the fact that it does not matter whether the driver entered this road in the usual way, or whether he did it in reverse.

When entering the lane for fixed-route vehicles under a brick, the driver will only be able to get away with a fine - 3,000 rubles in Moscow and St. Petersburg and 1,500 rubles in other regions.

As for situation 3 above (entry into the adjacent territory under an entry sign is prohibited), then if this occurs, the driver will only be subject to a warning or an administrative fine in the amount of 500 rubles.

Please note that the latest resolution of the plenum of the Supreme Court of the Russian Federation precisely describes the punishment for violating the requirements of the “entry prohibited” sign in the adjacent territory and emphasizes that deprivation of rights cannot be applied in this case.

By the way, why do you think sign 3.1 is popularly called the brick sign ? In my opinion, it looks much more like a coin acceptor. In general, I will be glad to hear your opinion on this sign on the forum.

No movement sign

The traffic prohibited sign is similar in meaning to the previous sign, but they also have several differences:

Sign 3.2 prohibits the movement of vehicles in both directions, i.e. it cannot be installed at the entrance to a one-way road.

The traffic prohibited sign does not apply to fixed-route vehicles, as well as to vehicles driven by disabled people of groups 1 and 2 or transporting such disabled people (the identification sign “Disabled” must be installed on the vehicle). Please note that the vehicles listed in this paragraph can move freely on streets marked with sign 3.2.

In addition, sign 3.2 has additional exceptions.

For example, its requirements may be violated by vehicles of federal postal service organizations that have a white diagonal stripe on the side surface on a blue background, and vehicles that serve enterprises located in the designated area, and also serve citizens or belong to citizens living or working in the designated area. zone. However, vehicles listed in this paragraph must enter and exit the designated area only at the intersection closest to their destination.

I would like to draw your attention to the fact that the concept of the nearest intersection is not defined in the traffic rules, but in practice a controversial situation may arise:

Let's take a closer look at this picture. The left intersection is much closer to the intended destination, however, when entering from the right intersection, the driver will have to cover a much shorter distance to the entrance to the yard. It is not clear what to do in this situation.

I would like to note that if you are going to enter sign 3.2, then it would be better to have some documents confirming your relationship with your destination. For example, a passport with registration at the destination.

The maximum fine for violating the requirements of sign 3.2 is 500 rubles . A list of the most common traffic police fines can be found on the table of fines for traffic violations page.

Movement of motor vehicles is prohibited

The sign for the movement of motor vehicles is prohibited applies exclusively to motor vehicles:

Let me remind you of the definition of a motor vehicle from paragraph 1.2 of the traffic rules:

However, the sign does not apply to vehicles that are not covered by the previous sign 3.2, namely, cars for disabled people, public transport, postal vehicles, as well as vehicles serving citizens and enterprises located in the designated area. In general, all requirements are similar to the previous paragraph.

Truck traffic prohibited sign

The sign for the movement of trucks is prohibited applies to trucks and combinations of vehicles whose permissible maximum weight exceeds 3.5 tons, if the weight is not indicated on the sign, or the weight indicated on the sign (in this example - 8 tons):

This sign also prohibits the movement of tractors and self-propelled vehicles, but does not prohibit the movement of trucks designed to transport people.

This sign does not apply to postal vehicles, as well as trucks without a trailer with a permissible maximum weight of not more than 26 tons, serving enterprises located in the designated area. Let me remind you that these trucks can only enter from the intersection closest to their destination.

Motorcycles prohibited sign

The road sign prohibiting the movement of motorcycles applies exclusively to motorcycles and prohibits their movement on the road in both directions:

This sign does not apply to postal motorcycles that have a white diagonal stripe on a blue background, as well as to motorcycles serving enterprises and citizens located in the designated area.

Please note that if you have this sign, you can drive your personal motorcycle to your home. Also, for example, a pizza delivery man will be able to come to you. As for postal motorcycles that have blue sides with a diagonal white stripe, I have not seen such vehicles.

Let me remind you that entry under the motorcycle prohibited sign is also only possible from the intersection closest to your destination. The penalty for violating the requirements of this sign is a warning or a fine of 500 rubles.

In the next series of “Traffic Signs”, the article will look at the next prohibitory road signs.

Good luck on the roads!


In what cases can you drive through a “no entry” sign?

The “Entry prohibited” sign is one of the most recognizable signs; it belongs to the prohibitory group . Every driver should know the meaning of the “No Entry” sign and the exceptions that allow passage.

This road sign is referred to as a “brick”; it prohibits the entry of vehicles onto a certain section of the road. Its coverage area extends not only to the adjacent road, but also to traffic on the oncoming lane of a one-way road.

In addition, you should pay attention to the signs; if there is a dedicated lane for public transport on the road, ordinary vehicles are also prohibited from driving along it.

Sign 3.1 prohibits the movement of all vehicles in a certain direction.

This sign clearly conveys the shape of a red circle with a white rectangle in the middle. If you encounter such a sign on your route, you should look for other ways to avoid it.

Feasibility of installation

The traffic rules indicate the necessity and advisability of installing this sign.

Sign 3.1 - “Entry prohibited” is placed in the following places:

  1. On sections of a road or carriageway with one-way traffic in order to prohibit the movement of cars in the opposite direction. On roads that have several carriageways that are separated from each other by a boulevard or a lane. The sign is placed on every one-way roadway.
  2. On roads where a lane for public transport is designated to prevent it from entering against the general flow.
  3. To separate entry and exit points in parking lots, rest areas, and gas stations.
  4. To prohibit entry into a particular lane or area. A sign prohibiting entry into a separate lane is installed together with plate 8.14.

On single-lane exit ramps, intersections at different levels, with one-way traffic, are allowed to be located on the left.

In the case when the main sign is installed on sections of the road between intersections, a preliminary sign 3.1 with a sign is placed at the beginning of the section.

It indicates the distance from the sign to the beginning of the dangerous section, the place where the corresponding restriction is introduced, or a certain object located ahead in the direction of travel.

An exception

It is worth considering that the “No Entry” sign also has exceptions . Not all drivers understand in what cases it is possible to drive under a prohibitory “No Entry” sign.

An exception to the rules are not drivers for whom accommodation and parking are associated with the need to enter under a prohibiting sign.

In this case, everything depends on the inspector, whether he will fine the driver or not, he makes the decision about the responsibility of the car owner.

In addition, one should take into account the fact that no traffic situations, requirements of the human body, diseases, etc., are criteria for deciding whether to pass the sign. If there is a “brick” hanging, you can’t go .

But, as mentioned above, they still single out those who are not affected by the “Entry prohibited” sign. It does not apply to the following categories of transport:

  • buses;
  • trolleybuses;
  • minibuses;
  • trams.

If the driver has instructions to move along a certain route, then you can drive under the “brick”. But for this you need to have documents confirming this route. Otherwise, you can't go.

With a private taxi, things are more complicated . This prohibition sign also applies to private companies engaged in transportation.

A rare exception may be a clarifying sign under the sign. For example, “except for clients,” which is quite common and can protect you from punishment.

It should be clearly understood that driving under sign 3.1, whatever the traffic situation, is strictly prohibited. Therefore, you need to look for another way, except in cases where you can pass under the “No Entry” sign.

Sometimes it happens that a prohibitory sign is posted on the road along which the driver drives home. The owner of the car immediately has a lot of negative emotions, since he does not understand how to act in this situation.

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There are only two options:

  1. Look for detours.
  2. Contact a traffic inspector at the traffic police and consult on the problem that has arisen. They must explain. Is travel possible in this situation and what to do with the sign.

The “No Entry” sign has an exception and follows a specific coverage area. In some cases, it is better not to drive through questionable areas so as not to receive an unexpected fine.

The main point to consider is the traffic on the road. In most cases, according to traffic rules, the “No Entry” sign is installed in one-way areas. For example, at the entrance.

The presence of a dedicated lane means that route vehicles have the right and must move along it.

The meaning of sign 3.1 is easy to understand . There are few cases when you can drive through a prohibitory sign. When they do not apply to the driver, it is better to avoid this road.

If video recorders or security cameras record a violation, you will have to pay for it. Various penalties are provided.

Penalty for violating the sign

For violation of any restriction, in accordance with the law, a fine is provided. Sanctions against the violator may vary depending on the effect of the “No Entry” sign.

To avoid this, you should analyze in detail the situations that await the violator:

  1. Adjacent territory . Each driver enters a parking lot or gas station, despite the fact that this is not the main road, but traffic there is also regulated by signs and markings. In this case, the fine for driving under a “brick” will be 500 rubles. This violation can easily be committed by any driver, especially if he has not been there before, for example, he came from another city.
  2. Driving in the oncoming lane on a one-way road . One-way traffic, marked with a prohibitory sign on the side from which you cannot move. If one of the motorists ignores this rule, then he will face a much more serious punishment than in the first case. The fine is 5,000 rubles or a deprivation of the ability to drive a car for 4 to 6 months. If a repeated violation is recorded, a fine of 5,000 rubles or deprivation of rights for 12 months is possible.
  3. The amount of penalties for driving under a “brick” on a dedicated lane in 2018 depends on the region of residence . In federal cities, the driver will be fined 3,000 rubles. In other situations the penalty is slightly less. If the city is not of federal significance, it is 1,500 rubles.

There are categories of transport to which it does not apply . There are not very many exceptions in this case, but, nevertheless, they exist.

In any other case, it should be clearly understood that driving under sign 3.1 is a gross violation of traffic rules, whatever the situation, such an action must be avoided.

Constant violation of the rules will result in the driver being deprived of his license or fined a considerable amount.

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“Entry prohibited” sign, fine for violating it

Round road signs with a red border belong to the category of prohibition signs in the traffic rules. One of the most famous prohibitory signs is sign number 3.

1, commonly known as “brick”, and in the traffic rules “Entry prohibited”.

This sign prohibits the movement of all vehicles in its coverage area, with the exception of public transport (buses, trolleybuses, minibuses), the routes of which run through this territory.

Road sign "NO ENTRY"

Purposes and features of installing a “No Entry” sign

“Brick” is used to ensure traffic safety and is installed on the roadway for the following purposes:

  • to prevent reverse traffic on one-way streets;
  • to prevent entry into a traffic lane that is intended only for public transport traveling along a city route;
  • to separate the routes and directions of entry and exit to parking and technical areas of gas stations, service stations, shopping centers, train stations, etc.;
  • to prevent traffic on certain sections of the road, courtyards or squares;

The “No Entry” sign is usually mounted on poles to the right of the roadway or at the top of the lane of the highway where the restriction is introduced. The sign may be located to the left of the roadway on one-way streets and on median strips.

If it is necessary to mark out a period of the roadway where vehicles should not move or be located, located between two intersections at some distance from them, then an additional sign with information plate 8.1.1 is installed in front of the main sign.

Information plate 8.1.1, which complements the “No Entry” road sign

Thus, the locations for installing the “No entry” sign are:

  • roads where one-way traffic is established;
  • roads where there is a separate lane intended for urban route transport;
  • territories adjacent to and connected to the roadway;
  • separate lanes of multi-lane highways;
  • road junctions and forks.

Typically, the area behind this sign is a favorite place for an ambush for the highway patrol, so you need to carefully monitor the absence of a “brick” when performing various maneuvers while driving on the roads.

A special feature of this sign is that the penalty for non-compliance with its requirement may have varying degrees, depending on the circumstances of the violation, due to the fact that different articles of the Code of Administrative Responsibility are applied. For example:

  • when entering under a prohibitory sign onto a road where one-way traffic is established, according to the provisions of Article 12.16 Part 3 of the Code of Administrative Offenses, the violator faces paying a fine of 5 thousand rubles or being suspended from driving for up to 6 months. In this case, the punishment is inevitable and regardless of how the driver entered the road, nose or back. Repeated such violation can lead to suspension from driving for a year or a fine of 5 thousand rubles if it was recorded by automatic road recorders;
  • ignoring the ban on entering the lane intended for public transport, in accordance with Article 12.17, Part 1.1-2 of the Code of Administrative Offences, is fraught with fines of 3 thousand rubles in St. Petersburg and Moscow, and in regional cities - 1,500 rubles;
  • in the event that an entry occurs under a prohibitory sign and enters the oncoming lane in order to overtake or go around an obstacle, liability arises under Article 12.15, Part 4 and 5 of the Code of Administrative Offences. It provides for a penalty identical to that established for illegal entry onto a road with one direction of travel;
  • Most often, entry under a “No Entry” sign is associated with entry into a site or territory adjacent to the road (parking, gas station, etc.). Such a violation of traffic rules is punishable under Part 1 of Article 12.16 of the Code of Administrative Offenses in the form of fines of 500 rubles There is a separate interpretation for this type of violation in the Supreme Court ruling, which indicates the unlawfulness of deprivation of a driver’s license in such situations.

Article 12.16 part 3 of the Code of Administrative Offenses of the Russian Federation:

Article 12.16 part 1 of the Code of Administrative Offenses of the Russian Federation:

Legality of installing the “No Entry” sign and its coverage area

A road sign can only be installed with the consent of the traffic police in compliance with the requirements established by GOST R 52289 - 2004.

Today, many organizations and private firms often install it on their own without coordination with the road inspection authorities to protect the roadway or area adjacent to the enterprise from unauthorized vehicles.

Moreover, their installation is often carried out in gross violations of the requirements of regulatory documents.

The sign must be installed so that it is visible from a distance of at least 100 m, has a reflective coating, and is not obscured by roadside tree branches or advertising boards.

When installed on the side of the road, the distance from the edge of the roadway to the edge of the sign should be maintained no closer than 50 cm, and the installation height should be from 2 to 4 m in the city and from 1.5 to 3 m outside the city.

When installed on traffic islands or portable supports, the height of the sign should be from 60 to 150 cm.

The size of the “No Entry” sign is determined by the current GOST 52290-2004 and depends on the standard size. Standard size is the geometric parameters of road signs. In 2018, according to GOST, there are 3 standard sizes of signs.

  1. Size 1 (diameter 600 mm) is used on roads with one lane.
  2. Size 2 (700 mm) on roads up to 3 lanes wide,
  3. Size 3 (900 mm) on roads with four or more lanes.

The sign size 2 is most often used on public roads.

Tables 8.3 “Direction of action”

There should not be a combination of the “Entry prohibited” sign with additional signs 8.3.1-3 “Direction of action” and 8.4.1-8 “Type of vehicle”. If the “brick” is installed in violation of these requirements, then this may serve as a basis for challenging the imposed fine.

By proving that you are right, you can avoid punishment for the violation. The coverage area of ​​this sign extends to the first intersection. If there are no intersections, then it is valid until the end of the settlement.

At each intersection, if necessary, the sign is reinstalled.

Plates 8.4 “Type of vehicle”


What is the difference between a “brick” sign and a “no movement” sign?

Not all novice drivers can easily distinguish between two prohibitory signs, which at first glance are similar to each other, but in fact are quite different in meaning.

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Traffic signs, which are called traffic prohibited and entry prohibited or brick, as drivers call it in everyday life, can be found quite often both in a populated area and outside it.

What do these signs have in common and how do they differ?

Entry prohibited ( sign 3.1 ) is a sign that controls the entry of vehicles onto a specific road in a specific direction. This is a round sign, red, with a white rectangle on it. It was thanks to this image that this sign began to be called “brick”.

The traffic prohibited sign ( sign 3.2 ) restricts the movement of vehicles in any direction. That is, if there is a one-way road in front of the driver, this sign cannot be installed. This sign looks like a white circle with a red rim.

What is the difference?

The only thing these two signs have in common is that they prohibit movement in one direction or another and that their effect does not apply to fixed-route transport, that is, taxis, buses, trolleybuses, etc. In turn, each of the signs has a number of its features.

If a brick sign prohibits the movement of all vehicles except route vehicles, then traffic prohibited allows certain categories of the population to move in the territory defined by this sign. Disabled drivers or those transporting disabled people may not pay attention to sign 3.2 if the disabled sign is installed on the car.

In addition, if the owner of the vehicle lives or works at an enterprise that is located on the territory in front of which this sign is installed, then he can also drive on a restricted road.

True, in this case, he is obliged to enter or leave the prohibited zone only from the intersection closest to his destination.

In the event that a driver needs to cross an area with a traffic prohibited sign, he must have with him documents indicating that he is actually registered or works here. Otherwise, controversial issues may arise.

Where can signs be installed?

The traffic rules clearly define the list of places where entry and traffic prohibited signs are installed. The brick sign can most often be seen where it is necessary to adjust the direction of movement. It is installed:

  1. On one-way roads, but in the opposite direction from the permitted direction.
  2. In front of the lane that defines traffic exclusively for route transport.
  3. In case of entry into a territory into which entry from this side is prohibited.
  4. In parking lots, gas stations, and rest areas in order to organize one-way traffic for vehicles in order to ensure safer and more convenient movement.

In turn, a traffic prohibited sign is installed if it is necessary to restrict the driving of cars on a certain section of the road. It is installed if:

  • The road is in disrepair and requires repair.
  • Before the start of the pedestrian zone.
  • If the road is intended exclusively for the movement of route vehicles.

Each of the signs can be installed independently, but most often accompanying signs are located next to them. In particular, near the traffic prohibited sign you can find signs that inform about the prohibition of movement in one direction.

In turn, if the driver sees a brick sign in front of him, then in most cases there is a sign on the other side of the road that indicates one-way traffic.

This sign is also found on roads after the distance to the object sign, which indicates how many meters the prohibited section begins.

And also with a traffic lane sign that controls the direction of movement.


“No Entry” sign: fine, photo, what are the exceptions, what is the difference from the “No Traffic” sign?

In the photo it is a white parallelepiped on a red background - who doesn’t know the famous “brick”, also known as sign 3.1 - “No Entry” ? Everyone knows it, even children, but what will happen for violating the ban?

Will they penalize driving under a brick or, as always, if it’s not possible? but I really want to, is it possible? Well, guess what, they’ll warn you...

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What does the "brick" sign mean?

What road sign prohibits entry? Is it possible to allow entry under a no entry sign? He literally says “you can’t go there . The “brick” regulates cases :

  • in front of the driver there is a one-way section , which is in the opposite direction and does not allow a sign to leave;
  • parking, but entry to it specifically in this direction is not provided ;
  • a road where only fixed-route transport can travel in a dedicated lane.

What is the difference between a no entry road sign and a no traffic sign?

At first glance, there are no differences. Both of them do not allow driving further.

However, the “circle” ( sign 3.2. Entry prohibited ) cannot be installed in front of one-way traffic zones - after all, it prohibits movement in both directions .

It also matters who is covered and who can qualify for exceptions to the rules.

The entry prohibited sign will be an exception for:

  • disabled people of the first and second groups and persons transporting them (the car must have an appropriate identification sign);
  • postal employees;
  • route vehicles.

What is the fine for driving (entering/driving) under a brick? (in what case can it be considered justified?)

What is the fine for driving under a brick? Let's return to the question - what will happen if..? Nothing good, the state will not turn a blind eye to ignoring such a sign one way or another. At best, a verbal warning. More often, the monetary penalty and the amount of the “tribute” depend on each specific case.

The worst option is deprivation of rights . Moreover, it does not matter at all whether the car owner crossed the forbidden border in the usual manner or driving in reverse. The essence remains the same - breaking the rules.

If you drive under a brick, how long will you be deprived of your license and what is the size of the fine? The severity of the violation depends on the specific case - where exactly it was forbidden to drive: into a parking lot, into a minibus lane, or towards one-way traffic, which is the most serious. What will the punishment depend on?

  • It’s easiest when the “brick” was protecting the adjacent territory (for example, a parking lot); accordingly, the fine for a brick without oncoming traffic will be 500 rubles . Or even completely - they will let you go without a fine, wagging a finger ( Article 12.16 of the Code of Administrative Offenses of the Russian Federation );
  • It is somewhat worse if an inattentive motorist entered an area with route transport traffic along a dedicated lane. ( Article 12.17, Part 1.1 of the Administrative Code ). For a brick sign the fine is already 1,500 rubles ;
  • Is there a fine or imprisonment for driving (arriving/exiting) under a brick in oncoming traffic? The worst situation is when the driver decides to try his luck on one-way traffic in the oncoming direction . This is already part 3 of 12.16 of the Code of Administrative Offenses , which provides, if you’re lucky, 5,000 rubles , but if you’re unlucky, an annual deprivation of rights .

Here you will find information about other fines for traffic violations.

But don't rush to panic. If you are caught by a vigilant road guard, he must issue an offense order if he warns you or fines . If he is going to deprive him of his rights , let him draw up a protocol .

It may turn out that the situation does not allow you to be punished at all. Therefore, if you do not agree, your objections must be reflected in the protocol .

What will help you escape responsibility? You are guilty if you answer yes to the following questions:

  • Was there even a sign? It may turn out that you drove towards one-way traffic without even knowing it, because there were no identifying signs;
  • If there was, was it possible to see it? According to the rules, it must be on the right hand side of the roadway or on top. The “brick” must be visible from at least 100 meters ( GOST R 52289-2004 ). If something blocked it, you cannot be punished;
  • Were there signs warning you that you were approaching a one-way zone? ( 5.5. and 5.6. in the case of adjacent territories these are 5.7.1 and 5.7.2 ).

And finally, remember that there is no one-way traffic - no deprivation of rights .

So what to do? Nothing special. just don’t break the rules of driving on the roads. You won't have any problems with the "brick" if you don't tempt fate.

It should be remembered that in the case of one-way oncoming traffic, you are putting at risk not only your reputation as a driver, but also your life. And if there is arbitrariness of the “road guard,” contact a lawyer as soon as possible.


Sign 3.1 Entry prohibited

“Brick,” as it is often called by people for its similar shape and red color of the sign, is the most categorical in the rules of the road.

The sign prohibits the entry of any vehicles into a certain territory or section of the road in a certain direction.

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An exception to this rule is the passage of fixed-route vehicles, namely, minibuses, trams, trolleybuses, and buses.

Sign 3.1 is installed:

  • on roads that have a specially designated lane for public transport (to prevent entry towards the general traffic flow);
  • in order to delimit entry and exit in parking lots, public recreation areas, gas stations and other areas, in order to eliminate traffic obstruction and avoid emergency situations;
  • to restrict the entry of vehicles into a separate traffic lane or a separate road section.

The location of this sign also has certain nuances. Thus, a sign prohibiting entry into the lane for traffic in the opposite direction is installed with a sign in this direction above this lane or directly next to it.

If a sign is installed on a section of road with one-way traffic between intersections, then “Brick” is placed at the beginning of the section of opposite traffic, usually on the right. Prohibition signs are also often installed in areas adjacent to separate entry and exit points.

Fines for entering under a prohibiting sign

This type of offense is regulated by the norms of the Code of Administrative Offenses of the Russian Federation, and provides for different amounts of sanctions imposed, up to deprivation of control of the vehicle.

In particular, if you violated traffic rules regarding entry into an adjacent territory, for example a gas station, then you can get away with a fine of 500 rubles, or for the beautiful eyes of a woman, if you are a woman, and the kindness of the traffic inspector, you may receive just a warning.

Moving towards the general flow is punished much more severely; in this case, you will be required to pay 5,000 rubles to the state.

If you commit this offense again, you may be deprived of driving a vehicle for a period of one year.

It should be noted that if the offense was recorded by technical means of recording, then in this case you will receive a “chain letter” in the amount of 5,000 rubles.

As a result, the amount of the fine determined by the court will take into account the specific circumstances of the violation.

The legislation provides for a certain case of driving under a brick in the opposite direction to traffic, but only in reverse.

For example, you are driving along a one-way road and accidentally overshot a turn by literally ten meters. In this situation, you can carefully turn on the emergency signal, without interfering with the general flow, and begin to move back into your ill-fated turn.

This maneuver will be considered safe, since it is directly stated in clause 8.11 of the Russian Traffic Regulations; you can even resort to the help of other road users if the need arises.

In conclusion, I would like to say that the “brick” is the most respected prohibitory sign among motorists, since in many cases it has an important function of traffic safety and security.

And accordingly, if you ignore it, you can have not very pleasant consequences for your wallet and comfortable movement.


What does the “brick” sign mean, where is it installed and what is the fine for driving under it?

Road signs are a kind of alphabet for drivers and pedestrians. The ability to read and follow them, along with practical driving skills, is the main component of road safety.

The white “brick” on the red circle from the Traffic Rules has been known since childhood. However, let's figure out what it means, where it is installed and what sanctions are provided for ignoring it.

What does the "brick" sign mean?

The rules distinguish 8 types of road signs:

  • Warning, the purpose of which is to inform about the danger;
  • Priority signs – necessary to establish the order of travel;
  • Prohibiting – created for the purpose of introducing or lifting restrictions;
  • Information – carry information about the location of objects (pedestrian crossing, populated area) and modes of movement of vehicles;
  • Prescriptive – recommend performing certain actions;
  • Signs of special regulations introducing or canceling established modes of movement of vehicles;
  • Service signs informing about various institutions (motel, hospital), places (beach, radio communication zone), objects (telephone, fire extinguisher);
  • Signs – serve for additional restrictions and clarification of actions.

“Brick” in the traffic rules of the Russian Federation is called “Entry prohibited” and belongs to category 3 and has the number 3.1. Based on the name, you can guess that it prohibits the entry and further passage of vehicles in the corresponding direction. The action does not apply to minibuses, trolleybuses, buses, that is, to vehicles that are required to travel only along a specific route.

“Brick” is very similar to sign 3.2, which is called “No movement”. The only difference is that the exception for it will be not only public transport, but also the transport of residents of surrounding houses, employees of organizations located in the area of ​​​​its operation, disabled people, and postal cars.

Where is “passage prohibited” set and why?

“Brick” is most often installed:

  1. In order to regulate traffic flows - above the lane where only public transport is allowed, both in the oncoming and in the same direction. In this case, together with sign 3.1, plate 8.14 called “Traffic Lane” is installed.
  2. For the purpose of regulating a one-way road - when entering it from the opposite direction.
  3. For the purpose of regulating a one-way road - at the entrance to the adjacent territory (gas station, residential buildings).
  4. For the purpose of temporary (on weekends and holidays, at night, on certain days of the week) restriction of entry into a certain territory - together with signs 8.5.1-8.5.7: “Validity time”, “Working days”, “Weekends and holidays”, "Days of the week". Most often it is installed on the territory of factories, warehouses, etc. The exception is company cars and employee cars.

What is the fine for driving under the sign?

For any violation of the Rules, a priori a fine is provided. In accordance with the Code of Administrative Offenses (COAP), there is no single sanction for driving under a “brick”. The amount of the fine depends directly on the location of the violation:

  • In case of entering a lane that is intended exclusively for public transport (situation 1), the driver faces a fine of 3,000 rubles if the violation occurred in the city of St. Petersburg and the city of Moscow (Article 12.17, paragraph 1.2 of the Code), and 1,500 rubles in the regions (Article 12.17, paragraph 1.1);
  • When driving in the oncoming lane (situation 2), the violator is subject to a fine (Part 3 of Article 12.16 of the Code) in the amount of 5,000 rubles or is deprived of the right to drive a car for a period of 4 to six months;
  • When entering a gas station, the courtyard of a residential building, or the territory of warehouses (situations 3 and 4 are similar), according to Part 1 of Article 12.16 of the Code, the driver will get off with a warning or a fine of 500 rubles.

As you can see, the range of administrative liability for ignoring actions prescribed by the “No Entry” sign is quite wide - from a warning to temporary deprivation of a driver’s license. Therefore, it is worth clearly determining the severity of a seemingly harmless violation - driving under a “brick”.


Prohibition signs. "No entry"

In the Rules of the Road, the section “Prohibition signs” begins with the signs “Entry prohibited” - 3.1 and “Traffic prohibited” - 3.2. And the question immediately arises, what is the difference between these signs?

Both the first and second signs prohibit further movement, so why are there two signs? Despite the fact that both signs are identical at first glance, their differences are quite significant, namely in the scope of application and their actions depending on the situations described in the traffic rules.

It is not uncommon for the traffic police to neglect the differences between these prohibitory signs and install “Prohibited Traffic” instead of “Brick” and vice versa.

In this article we will look at the rules of application and requirements of sign 3.1 “No Entry”. The use of road signs is regulated by GOST R 52289-2004. Technical means of organizing traffic. Rules for the use of road signs, markings, traffic lights, road barriers and guide devices.

Rules for using the “No Entry” sign

That is, the sign “Entry prohibited can only be installed:

  • On one way roads
  • On roads with a lane for route vehicles
  • On roads with multiple carriageways
  • In the surrounding areas
  • On roads above the strip

Requirements of the "No Entry" sign

We have decided on the scope of application of the “No Entry” sign, now let’s look at the requirements of the Road Traffic Rules.

Everything is very simple if you follow the requirements of this sign. The main concern is the liability for violating these requirements.

It is worth noting that the “No entry” sign does not inform the driver about the presence of a one-way road, or a road with a lane for route vehicles, and does not indicate the adjacent territory. Thus, if you violate the requirements of this sign, various articles of the Code of Administrative Offenses may be applied.

  • Under Part 3 of Article 12.16 - When entering a one-way road,
  • According to parts 1.1, 1.2 of Article 12.17 - When entering the lane for route vehicles,
  • According to Part 4 of Article 12.15 - When entering the lane intended for oncoming traffic,
  • Under Part 1 of Article 12.16 - When driving in the adjacent territory.

As you can see, for violating the requirements of the “No entry” sign, almost the entire range of administrative liability for traffic violations is provided - from warning to deprivation of rights.

In one of the following articles we will talk about a road sign with similar requirements “No movement”.

Dear you without obstacles!


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